The Death Knell

Chapter 1292? Distribution of Zerg

There are many kinds of Zerg in the Marvel universe. Su Ming can't say exactly how many kinds there are. Some of them are highly intelligent, and some are just simple crazy beasts.

The three more famous ones are the Blue Zerg, the Annihilation Zerg, and the Annihilation Zerg. The latter two live in the negative space, another dimension on the scientific side. Although occasionally some will get into the main dimension, there is currently no threat.

Although the Annihilation Zerg are called Zerg, their favorite tactics are a sea of ​​troops combined with high technology. When attacking, they use overwhelming biochemical beasts without intelligence as the vanguard, followed by a regular Zerg army, manipulating starships and various high-tech weapons.

The Vanguard Army alone usually has billions of bugs, and ordinary planets simply cannot handle it, let alone they also have biological and chemical weapons, annihilation insect waves, Star Destroyer battleships and other technological equipment.

There is also the Annihilation Insect King who leads them. He is a powerful man at the cosmic level, with a strength of about 1.5 'swallowing'.

‘Swallow’ is Marvel’s unit of measurement for combat power. If a creature has a ‘swallow’, it means that it has the strength of a ‘planet devourer’.

The annihilation of the Zerg is more traditional. The queen is the one who rules the swarm, following the path of biological evolution. All offspring are controlled by the hive mind of the queen.

The queen prefers evolution to eating. As long as she can eat good food, the bee colony can continue to evolve and multiply, whether they have food or not.

Anyway, worker bees are born to work, and soldier bees are born to fight. Even if they starve to death, their bodies will be recycled by other worker bees and decomposed into biomass for the queen to eat and create a new bee colony.

This is a Zerg that loves construction. They will develop their own territory, mainly building hexagonal biomass collection towers and nursery towers. They can build planets like thorny balls.

Sounds okay, right? Doesn't it seem dangerous?

However, after they finish building the planets on hand, they will want to build more planets and further expand the size of the swarm, so they will invade and expand.

When it comes to fighting, they are even crazier than the Annihilation Zerg.

Annihilation Zerg sometimes performs operations such as retreat or detour for tactical reasons. Annihilation bugs are different. They have no individual thoughts and only know how to rush forward and destroy all enemies in front of them.

Once an attack is launched, all strategies and tactics come out in full force. Occupying more than 4,000 planets, they can erupt into a swarm of insects in the trillions or more.

What kind of tactics can you use with this kind of troops? The insect queen only needs F2A.

Negative space specializes in various monsters. In addition to bugs, there are also groups led by strong men such as the Exploding Lion King, the Parasitic Corpse King, etc. No one is worse than these two Zerg groups, and they can even have the upper hand in some aspects.

Relatively speaking, the Bru Zerg living in the main dimension...the Zerg with the longest history in the Marvel Universe are the most mysterious.

Su Ming didn't know much about them. He only knew that they were like cosmic locusts, eating wherever they went. They could also corrupt the planet with their unique biomass, turning the soil into bioenergy and eating it.

They exist in the main universe, but they have no fixed residence. No one knows where they are, no one knows what their next target is, and no one knows how an unusually large population of races roams secretly in the universe.

The Blue Bugs are all biological individuals with individual consciousness. Each bug has its own name, but they have a completely different social structure from other groups. They usually attack other planets in the form of small groups.

No matter what, once the target planet is selected, let the small tribe fight a wave of about two to three billion bugs first.

If you can't defeat it, just leave. If you can defeat it, ask everyone to come and eat. It's more or less like the raiding tactics of nomads, which is very efficient.

Different small tribes will attack dozens of different planets in different locations in the universe, almost at the same time.

Their body fluids and even their breath are radiotoxic. Ordinary humans exposed to their blood will be infected with very serious alien diseases. They will die many times faster than those infected with the Ebola virus, and there is no cure.

The Bru Zerg do not have any high technology, but each of them has a good brain, and their individual strength is much stronger than that of humans. The most common Bru Zerg has a physical fitness that is almost five times that of an adult male human.

They are about four meters tall, have four-fingered hands, grasshopper-like legs, and a long bony tail for balance. Most of them have broad crests like Triceratops, and their bodies are covered with patterns. Chitinous carapace.

They look more or less like something out of "Alien", except they are smarter than the aliens.

They can use all kinds of weapons they robbed, from cold weapons to laser weapons and even spaceships. They can use whatever they robbed.

I fiddled with the new equipment I had never seen before and fiddled with it for a while, and then I learned how to use it.

Therefore, the army of the Bru swarm is like a hodgepodge of all-nations brands. A bug may hold a sword made by the Shi'ar Empire in its left hand, a laser gun made by the Creed Empire in its right hand, and its waist is covered with Sovereign gods. Various explosives in the country...

Of course, there are also bugs that have just debuted and have not yet grabbed the trophies. Like other bugs, they will pounce on the enemy with their fangs and claws, and the fighting style is almost life-for-life.

They never consider what force the plunder target belongs to, they always steal everything that can be used, and then eat a planet and leave. Even several major empires have nothing to do with them.

Just like the Kree Empire, there are almost 3,500 administrative stars. You can't deploy a large army to defend each planet, right? Supreme wisdom cannot conjure human power out of thin air.

A planet has been destroyed and the culprit cannot be caught. The Blue Zerg also has an army of hundreds of billions, but they don't give you a chance to confront them. What else can you do? Just bear with it.

For civilizations like Earth or Sparta, which have only one home star and have just entered the cosmic era, this has both advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is that the defense force is more concentrated. After all, you only need to defend the home star. The disadvantage is that once the home planet falls, one's own race will perish.

Not to mention turning into bug excrement, they don't even have this chance. The Blue Zerg are all gluttons, they only eat but don't poop, just like the symbionts...


Just when Su Ming thought of this, strangulation came up with the idea of ​​protest. It didn't only know how to eat, hum!

It has seen from the brain of the host that feces is food residue excreted by living things that cannot be digested and utilized. It can only be said that the human digestive system is not as good as other people's. It is called a high energy conversion rate!

"Go, go, go, high, high, high."

Su Ming rolled his eyes under the mask and coaxed it silently in his heart.

I use the earth in the 40K universe as a base for future plans, and the risks of the Marvel universe are naturally taken into consideration. The plan has always been about how to obtain greater benefits in the future of diverse integration, but before that There are still a few thresholds that need to be crossed.

He looked at Carol, and the woman looked up at him. She was either uncooperative, or extremely cooperative, and was now obediently waiting to be questioned.

"Someone told me that the Kree's pursuers have also arrived on Earth, landed from Antarctica, and are now heading towards America. Do you know who they are?"

Carol frowned. As expected, the Supreme Intelligence sent people to hunt her down. According to its usual style, the people sent to hunt down deserters were often close friends of the deserters.

On the one hand, the better you understand the target, the easier it is to succeed. On the other hand, you can also test whether they are loyal to the empire by letting them kill their friends.

Kill two birds with one stone.

Carol thought of her friends in Hala and sighed sadly: "I don't know, if it's not the trial team to which 'Pursuer' Klass belongs, then it should be the 'Executioner' where I once lurked" Team."

She seemed a little confused. After returning to the earth, she suddenly found that she seemed to have nothing to do and was in a lot of trouble.

Su Ming clapped her hands to bring her back to her senses, and took out a hamburger from his belt and gave it to her.

"Okay, you have something to eat and rest, and eat while walking. Now tell me, where are the stocks of Cavor crystals and their manufacturing methods stored?"

Carol took the burger, deftly peeled off the wrapping paper, lowered her head and took a bite. It had been many years since she had tasted the taste of earthly food.

In Hara it is impossible to sit at a table and eat a meal with a knife and fork.

Because this is regarded as an unnecessary waste of time. It takes less than three seconds to take out a tube of nutritional cream and squeeze it into your mouth to meet the energy consumption required by the body for a day. So why should you spend time cooking and eating?

Waste of time is luxury, luxury is mistake, and mistakes will be punished.

There are only two levels of punishment for the Supreme Wisdom. One is disciplinary treatment with confinement and electrotherapy, and the other is death.

In fact, during the era when the Cree Queen was in power, the life of the Cree nobles was very extravagant, even the golden high priest of Sovereign could not compare with them.

But the era of nobles enjoying fine wine and delicious food has passed. Now the supreme wisdom has the final say, because it calculated that if a Cree shortens the original meal time to less than three seconds, he can probably do more for the empire in his life. Contributes about seven percent to productivity.

So in order to evolve, everyone should stop eating. This is the supreme law.

Carol felt a little emotional. Sure enough, the earth was better. She now understood why Marvel liked the earth so much. It’s too hard to live in a place where computers monitor your time for meals.

"I don't know, I've been away for years."

She said vaguely while biting her hamburger, followed Deathstroke step by step, and secretly looked at his back.

"I don't know how Mary has been doing these years. Maybe I should go see her... What do you think?"

Deathstroke didn't look back and said in a hoarse voice as if talking to himself.

If Carol was just a pilot, she could answer "I don't know." But she is both a test pilot for the Pegasus project and the security director of the base, which is equivalent to Nick Fury's position in S.H.I.E.L.D. today.

He would be lying if he said he didn't know where the crystals were stored.

Will those things change places after being away for a few years? Who has nothing better to do than carry something that explodes easily? The warehouses where they are stored and where the experiments are conducted must be specially reinforced.

Do they have the money to build many facilities worth hundreds or even tens of millions of dollars?

It was obvious that something happened suddenly when this place was closed, and those crystals must still be in their original places.

The little girl is too naive. If she wants to deceive Deathstroke, she is still far away...

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