The Death Knell

Chapter 1293? Cavor Crystal

Carol lowered her head and walked silently. When she heard Deathstroke asking Cavor about the crystal, her first reaction was that she couldn't let him take it away.

So she stuffed her mouth with burgers like a squirrel and pretended that she couldn't answer. Whatever Deathstroke asked, she would always answer 'woo woo'.

But when Deathstroke asked her mother if she still baked blueberry pie at home, Carol gave in.

Not only did he know his mother's name and home address, he even knew his behavior and hobbies. It was as if he had lived with their family for decades, which made Carol's hair stand on end.

The intelligence level of human beings can reach this level, which is no different from superpowers.

Her mother and brother Xiao Qiao are ordinary people, so she can't take risks.

"The Cavor crystal and related information are on the seventeenth floor underground, Area B." She choked up, feeling ashamed of her betrayal of the country, but she was not as good as Deathstroke in the power she was most proud of, so she could only give in: " Please don’t hurt my family.”

"How can you say it's hurt? Xiaodoudou, your mother and I have known each other for a long time. I even sponsored part of the money she spent to buy the farm."

When Su Ming knew the location of the crystal, his tone suddenly became much gentler, and the terrifying chill that had spread in the armor seemed to dissipate instantly.

Carol shuddered as she heard her nickname coming from Deathstroke's mouth. This was even more horrifying than hearing this title from the mouth of the Supreme Intelligence.

The Supreme Intelligence knows this because it reads its own thinking, but where does Deathstroke know it?

Incomprehensible and impossible to explain with common sense, this is the scariest thing.

It's just that Carol's brain is not very good, which is mainly reflected in the fact that her ideas are often different from ordinary people. She was silent for a long time, followed Deathstroke silently to the inside of the base, and suddenly asked:

"Are you my father?"

She saw Deathstroke's head turning around, and a strange sound came from under the mask:


Carol held a hamburger and mineral water while dancing and gesticulating: "Actually, you are my mother's old lover, right? It's just that we can't be together because of our status as masked people. The three of us, brother and sister, are all your children. I used to I thought my father was just a poor guy who took over, but he was a soldier and noticed the clues, so he often beat us up to vent our anger... This all makes sense!"

Her eyes became sharp, as if she had seen through everything.

"So...huh?" Deathstroke tilted his head. He really didn't know what was going on with Carol's brain circuit.

"My mother knew that you were not an ordinary person, so she knew that him hitting us would not cause any real harm. On the other hand, because of guilt, she did not stop him from doing it." Carol spoke more smoothly, and she seemed to have everything straightened out. Joint: "This is why our brothers and sisters have stronger physical fitness and better learning ability than others since childhood! It's all because of your inheritance!"

She held the burger and stretched out a finger, pointing directly at the death knell, like a famous detective who said, "There is only one truth."

If it weren't for 1991 and Carol didn't have the ability to travel through time, Su Ming would have doubted whether she had watched "The Bridge of Lost Dreams". She was clearly talking about business, so why did she suddenly jump to the story of an extramarital affair? ?

He turned and moved on, leaving Carol behind him in the darkness, and did not answer until she caught up again.

"Maybe I should answer 'I am your father', which is dramatic and dark enough, but in fact I am not. The man you hate and hate is your father."

"But..." Carol looked suspicious. The more Deathstroke denied, the more suspicious she became.

"There's nothing wrong with it. Your father may not be very good, and he may be completely different from the perfect father in your mind, but blood relations are only about facts."

Deathstroke opened the door of the elevator shaft with force, and looked down. The elevator stopped at about seven floors underground, and the power supply had long been lost.

"Sometimes I wonder if I am a human being, because since childhood, the children in our family have been different from others." Carol sighed and continued to eat the burger: "In elementary school, we competed in the long jump, and other children They can only jump fifty centimeters, but I can jump more than two meters. Obviously I won, but they called me a monster... I still remember that I came home crying, and my mother told me to behave You can make friends just like other kids..."

"Mary was wrong."

Su Ming took his head back from the elevator shaft, took out the God Killer and cut off the cables hanging from the car. The thick steel cables made a harsh sound as they constantly rubbed against the walls of the shaft, creating sparks. Falling at extreme speed.

With a roar a few seconds later, a large amount of dust was squeezed out of the elevator shaft by the air flow, and the red eyepiece of the death knell was still shining in the smoke.

"Only children will be exclusive, while adults will only pursue profit. Believe me, you may be as different as the others around you, but there are definitely people who want to be friends with you."

Carol rolled her eyes and patted the dust on her burger: "Thank you for reminding me what kind of values ​​are popular on Earth as soon as I come back. I don't want to be friends with people who want to take advantage of my abilities. .”

"You're welcome, you just know how many people will plan to take advantage of your abilities in the future when you return to Earth."

Su Ming waved to her, jumped into the elevator shaft, landed straight on the car, and smashed the broken steel box until it bloomed like a flower.

Carol also followed, but because she was holding food and water, she floated down slowly.

"Then my parents are ordinary people, but we three brothers and sisters are different from ordinary people. There is always something wrong here." She watched the death knell tear open the elevator door at the bottom, walked into the dark corridor, and then Question: "Is it possible for an ordinary couple to give birth to a mutant child?"

"Theoretically, it is possible, because the X gene is hidden in every human genome. The difference lies in whether it is dominant or not." Su Ming carried the God Killer, and the golden light flashed past the road sign next to the corridor: "But ordinary people It is impossible for parents to give birth to three children in a row with the X gene activated, it is purely a matter of probability."

Carol munched her burger slowly. It was a very old Wilson beef patty burger. It was cheap, but she ate it very well.

She tilted her head, maybe because talking about things at home made her feel closer to Deathstroke, and she asked again.

"My dad must be an ordinary person. He was ordinary when he beat people. He got tuberculosis that ordinary people would get, and he died like ordinary people." She looked at the darkness behind her, as if that could help her. The memory is the same: "So, the problem is still with my mother. I know that she doesn't seem to be aging at all."

"First of all, mutants are also a type of human. Secondly, your identity is your family matter. You can ask Mary yourself, I won't tell you."

"Stingy!" Carol wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and threw away the wrapping paper.

"If you want information, give it in exchange. What I can say is that it's based on the fact that you provided the location of the crystal."

Su Ming found the signpost marked Area B and turned to the branch corridor.

The walls, floors and ceilings here are all made of metal, not steel, but lead. This gray metal has a unique heavy touch and is often used by humans to isolate radiation.

After breaking through the security measures that had long since failed, Deathstroke, wielding a machete, successfully arrived at an inconspicuous door.

The cloak rubbed the back of his head. It sensed a special energy frequency, and the source was behind the door.

Su Ming raised the machete. Taking this thing away would be equivalent to taking away the target of the Blue Zerg. It is not known how they locked on this thing, but with the bait, there is no fear that the fish will not follow.

"No, wait." Carol held his hand and asked him to wait a little anxiously. Then she took out a chemical protective suit from another room outside the door and came back: "The Cavor crystal has Extremely strong radiation, direct exposure to that level of radiation, can turn a human being into a pool of glowing green water in a short period of time, if you put this on.”

It is a chemical protective suit, or an individual tank, just like a diving suit for deep sea use, except that this suit is made of lead and is equipped with an exoskeleton power system.

Thanks to her strength, it would be difficult for most people to put it on and move around, let alone carry it around.

Su Ming took the protective clothing, threw it aside, and opened the door with a knife.

"You're not afraid of cosmic radiation, do you think I would be? I have good intentions, but it's no use."

Carol curled her lips and glanced down at the chemical protective suit that was thrown in the corner. It didn't look like she was caring at all. It was obviously disgusting, right?

But when she saw Deathstroke breaking through layers of protective walls, and finally tearing open the crystal storage tank with brute force, she still kept her mouth shut.

Although she was not afraid of radiation, she did not want to speak. She always felt as if she would eat it. This was purely a subconscious reaction as a human being.

For example, I don’t want to breathe in the sewer, or I don’t want to talk in a dusty place. I know it’s useless, but I still do it.

At this time, Su Ming was illuminated by the crystal and turned into a blue person. The crystal in his hand was about the size of a football. It had an irregular crystal shape and was now emitting light like the sun.

It's just that this is the standard Kerry blue, the kind of deep blue that is refreshing at first glance.

The radiation energy level was indeed very high, and Strangler said that the new elements Howard was researching were as non-threatening as lollipops compared to this.

"The metaphor is wrong. The lollipop is not a living thing. You should say it is as harmless as a white rabbit."

Su Ming corrected himself in his mind. The distinction between food was always blurry, but this kind of thing was not of much use to him.

There is a lot of inventory here. I will give some to the adjutant for research, some to the cloak as a food reserve, and most of the rest will be used for fishing.

So he put the cans one by one into his pocket, and the ore, 20 yuan in a group, did not occupy a few spaces.

So in Carol's surprised eyes, in just ten seconds, the room that was filled with blue light like a glowing swimming pool suddenly became empty.

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