The Death Knell

Chapter 1294? Expulsion from football

"Okay, where are the manufacturing materials?"

Su Ming turned around and walked towards the door. Carol stood at the door with a look on her face as if she had seen a ghost.

"How do you pack those things into such a small bag?"

"Don't worry about these details, just treat it like a magic trick." Su Ming waved his hand in front of her, telling her to come back to her senses: "Now take away the process information for making crystals, and then we can evacuate."

Carol glanced at the corridor behind her. The black shadow swallowed up the light like a monster.

"Wait a minute, there's a monster inside the base that we haven't solved yet!"

"So? What does that monster have to do with us?" Su Ming's tone was even more puzzling than hers, and he spread his hands: "Of course I remember that there are experimental subjects running out of this base, but it's not us who released them."

Carol's little head shook, with an expression of disapproval: "No matter what escapes, it is a threat to the United States, so it is best to deal with it."

There was a sound of inhaling from behind Deathstroke's mask, and his single red eye stared at Carol steadily. It wasn't until she lowered her head that she heard Deathstroke's hoarse voice that had been processed by the voice changer.

"How much was your monthly salary before?"

"Ah? Why are you asking this?" Carol scratched her head. She didn't quite understand, but she still recalled it and said, "Because I work two jobs, plus some subsidies, it's about $2,000 a week, right?"

"That's less than 100,000 US dollars a year." Su Ming turned around to check the computers in several surrounding houses, asked Strangler to power them, and checked the files in the hard drive after starting them: "This base is worth almost 2 billion It’s about US$1,000, and those in the military and Congress make hundreds of times your salary every year, and they haven’t thought about re-opening it, tell me why?”

"Uh, because they are incompetent? A meal of corpses?" Carol propped her chin up with her fist and guessed.

She felt like that. When drinking with colleagues and soldiers from Earth, she would always criticize the president and politicians in Congress. This is the folk custom of Earth.

Su Ming shook his head and unplugged the hard drive of a computer: "You may not know it after being away for a few years, but now the U.S. military is very powerful. Not only did they create an army based on SSS serum, but they also created killing robots and carried out various Inhumane research, if they want to take back this base, they must have a way."

At this point, Carol understood that the correct answer was that the military did not want to revive the Pegasus Project, or that there were high-ranking people in the military who did not.

Yes, the person in charge of the Pegasus Project is dead, and without the supporting scientists, how can a project that has not produced any big results for many years be worthy of the military continuing to spend money on restarting it?

The monsters that exist here may be very strong or contagious, but as long as they are locked up in this expensive cage, nothing will happen, right?

Anyway, the base is here. It has been there for a hundred years and it is still there. The assets have not been lost and it is still under the military. So it is up to them to decide how to deal with it.


Carol lamented. She really still didn't like politics.

"So everything here, except that your memory of it belongs to you, everything else belongs to the military." Su Ming took out a piece of crystal, showed it to her, and put it back: "The things I took belong to the military. ,It's not yours."

"But I'm a soldier! It's my duty to protect military property."

Carol stretched out her hand to grab the crystal, but she was not as fast as Deathstroke, so she missed it and she stamped her feet anxiously.

Because she discovered that Deathstroke took these crystals away, and it sounded like he didn't intend to return them to the military.

Su Ming just glanced at her and continued to operate other computers: "You are a Kree soldier. When I saw you, you were wearing a Kree military uniform and destroyed a video rental store and an electronic communications store on the earth. He also threatened a human security guard. Seriously, if the masked vigilante found you first, he would definitely have a fight with you and send you to SHIELD for dissection."

"I'm not! I'm from Earth."

Carol wanted to go up and search Su Ming's pocket, but he pushed her head aside.

Deathstroke laughed, his tone full of narrow-mindedness, and he lowered his head and tapped on the keyboard: "The Supreme Wisdom said otherwise. Has it expelled you from the Kree Army?"


Carol was a little speechless. The broken AI in the mental space kept saying that she wanted to talk, but she didn't know what to talk about. She didn't listen at all.

Although she behaved as a deserter and a traitor, the supreme wisdom really did not expel her from the military. So in this way, she is really a Kree soldier.

On the U.S. Air Force side, 80% of them have already marked themselves as MIA, which means 'missing in action', and they become martyrs by default.

"So, let alone the U.S. military, you are not even considered a human being on Earth. What position do you have to take care of the property of the U.S. military?" Su Ming pulled out another hard drive, put it into his pocket, and turned to Carol. you.

"I have been expelled from the country... no, have I been admitted to the football club?" Carol was in a daze, she couldn't accept this fact.

After being an earthling for more than twenty years, I went to an alien planet and found that I was no longer an earthling when I came back?

"Can you join the Soviet army and the American army at the same time? For one reason, when you join the Kree army, you are no longer a human on Earth."

Deathstroke continued to work, while Cloak held the small piece of crystal given to it and gnawed on it happily.

I don’t know how it absorbs energy. Anyway, it has no mouth. It just wraps around the crystal like a python. After a while, the glowing crystal turns into dust.

"Is that so? Yes, the supreme intelligence has always wanted to annex the earth. Kree is the enemy of the earth."

Carol actually took it seriously. She felt that what Deathstroke said was reasonable. Thinking about it carefully, she went to Kerry to join the army and lurk, but in the eyes of outsiders, it was like surrendering to the enemy.

"Do you know the idioms of the Celestial Dynasty? Ma-Vell's surrender to the earth is called abandoning the dark and turning to the light, and you joining the Kree army? That's called aiding the tyrants." Su Ming did not explain it carefully, but it was just to fool people: "In short, you should behave well now and strive to regain your power as soon as possible. Human identity.”

"Uh...then destroying the escaping creatures in the base is considered a contribution to mankind?"

Carol scratched her head, her long blond hair being messed up.

Su Ming shrugged, closed the computer, and prepared to move to another room: "It doesn't matter if no one sees it. Why don't you wait for it to escape to the city and kill tens of thousands of people before taking action. Everyone will praise you then." You are a hero. But fighting an unknown creature here? Then you are just another alien destroying US military property."

"...I thought you were a superhero, why do you speak and think darkly?"

Carol looked hopeless. Didn't Deathstroke mean to put on a show for others?

Deathstroke glanced sideways at her, and the red goggles drifted away in the darkness: "Who told you I was a hero? Listen, we are all putting on a show, just to show it to different people, haha... ..."

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