The Death Knell

Chapter 1302? Don’t listen to the old man’s words

Carol stood on the grass in front of her house, her mouth constantly twitching, with a look of being spoiled, but this only earned the orange cat a look of disgust.

The spiraling plane made Fury and Melinda vomit endlessly, while Deathstroke was busy playing with the insect corpses, and no one paid any attention to her.

Even though the sun has already jumped out on the sea level, and the red fireball has covered the sea and everything with golden light, but amid the rustling of leaves shaking off dew, there is only darkness in front of her...

What does "not having the intelligence necessary to sustain a lie" mean? !

No, she decided to tell her mother a lie soon to see if she had the strength.

Carol decided to tell her soon that Deathstroke was her new boyfriend, and the two people who vomited were her friends in Hydra. They stole a S.H.I.E.L.D. plane and came back together. The next step for the four of them was to Destroy the world.

Let's see if mom can see through this lie.

Deathstroke is the bad guy in popular stories, so it’s believable to blame all the bad things on him, right? hey-hey!

The orange cat looked at Carol who was giggling for some reason, turned her gaze towards the sea, sighed melancholy, and a few of her beards were blown wildly.

While Carol was thinking wildly, Mary, who may have noticed someone vomiting outside her door, finally walked out of the house. Not only that, she also held an old-fashioned double-barreled shotgun in her hand.

Wearing a rustic floral pajamas, a plastic perm on her head, and pink plastic slippers, she no longer looks like an elite Kree warrior.

What appeared at this time was a very ordinary American small town resident, except that she looked just a little older than Carol, like a sister rather than a mother and daughter.


Carol ran over happily. She did not fly because she was afraid of shocking the world. Although she had a normal relationship with her family and had never been back since joining the army, when she saw her mother, she still felt... it smelled so good!

She swung her legs high behind her and ran very happily, wanting to return to her mother's arms.

Her little face was full of smiles, and even the orange cat was placed on her shoulders. She opened her arms, wanting her mother to love her again...

However, Mary slipped under her arm with unimaginable agility and walked straight to Deathstroke, who was searching the body bag in the courtyard.

The black tentacles on his body didn't know what they were doing in the bag, but Mary just put the gun on her shoulder and waited quietly.

Carol: "???"

Why? Why did mother go to Deathstroke? Doesn't she recognize her daughter? Just because you're dressed too revealingly? But the female heroes of the earth all dress like this. At most, they wear an extra cloak.

And why is the mother smiling while looking at the death knell? She has never smiled at her father!

Mary took off the permed curls on her head, used her fingers to style her long hair into big waves in the sea breeze, and spread it over her shoulders. She also stretched out her hand to pull some hair behind her ears charmingly.

All of this made Carol's eyes pop out. She stood on the porch steps, her little mouth hanging open.

"You came?"

Mariel looked a little embarrassed and kicked the grass on the ground with her slippered feet. After living on earth for so many years, she ran out without makeup today, so of course she felt a little shy.

"Well, I'm here."

Deathstroke replied calmly, and he fished out a sharp bone spur from the body bag. It looked like the thorns behind the crown of the blue bug.

Mary looked at Fury and Mei who were still vomiting beside them, and then looked up at the sky. She stretched out her hand to grab a leaf of the big tree in the yard, and played with the dew on it with her green-white fingers.

"You shouldn't have come."

Why is the Supreme Mage here? I didn’t do anything! This is Mary's voice.

"But I'm still here."

Su Ming naturally knew what she meant, but he had picked up her daughter. Her daughter brought the Skrulls, Kree, and Bru Zerg, and caused a lot of trouble. How could she just let Carol pat her on the back? Ran?

Deathstroke threw the bone spur back into the bag. He didn't know what material SHIELD's body bag was made of. It was really strong. The bug was both carapace and spiky. What looked like a plastic bag was not broken.

Mary pinched the leaves tightly, biting her lips, looking at the back of Deathstroke's head, and asked hesitantly:

"Are you here to take me away today?"

When she landed on Earth, the Supreme Master contacted her on behalf of Kamal Taj and generously gave her a chance to live in human society.

Could it be that the interstellar situation has changed today and the Kree Empire has declared war on Earth? Will Kama Taj be caught and imprisoned today?

"No, at least not today."

Deathstroke put down the bag in his hand and tied his mouth, stood up and faced the former Kree Guards Captain. She looked the same as before, except that she was slightly plumper.

As for whether he was arrested? Su Ming gave her a negative answer. She had not made any mistakes, so she naturally did not need to be caught and imprisoned by Kama Taj.

As a Kree traitor, she is actually the most loyal to the earth, because she also knows that the supreme wisdom will not let her go, and she only has this sampan under her feet.

Mariel breathed a sigh of relief and slightly pulled the hem of her pajamas. She was not afraid of going to jail, but her son, who was seriously injured and turned into a vegetative state, was still lying on the bed at home, and she could not leave him.

It was great not to be taken away, and she was also very happy:

"Then let's go home and chat for a while? Let's order some drinks together. It seems like you have something to discuss."

Su Ming nodded. She now looked completely earthly, which made the Supreme Mage very satisfied with her cosmic policy:

"You've changed a lot."

"People change, especially women, who are the most fickle." Mary smiled and made a gesture of invitation, leading Deathstroke toward the house. When passing by Carol, she glanced at her daughter, She reached out and touched the cat in her arms: "Xiao Doudou, why don't you go in and change your clothes, and then prepare drinks to entertain the guests?"

Then she hugged Deathstroke's arm and went into the house with the black and yellow armored man, leaving laughter and laughter behind her.

Carol stood blankly at the door, never having the chance to say what she was going to say to her mother.

And because she didn't know what the two people were thinking during the conversation, what she heard was completely shocking and made her brain completely offline.

She felt like she was going to vomit after hearing the words 'Should I come', 'Take me away', 'Women are fickle'.

Deathstroke said before that he was not her father, what a liar! The bad old man is very bad!

The other person who heard this vomited even more, that was the braised egg. He never expected it. He originally thought that Deathstroke drove a tank, but it turned out that he drove a sports car. Was he deceived again? Major Danvers is actually Deathstroke's daughter?

No, I'm still only 60% sure. I can't be sure so early. Deathstroke must be digging a hole again.

The orange cat, on the other hand, looked at Mary's back curiously. It smelled that the mother of its new shit-sweeper seemed not to be from Earth.



Carol put a bottle of beer on the table in front of Deathstroke angrily. She sat aside angrily, grabbed the two little paws of the orange cat, put it on her lap and danced.

After she returned home, she changed into the clothes from back then, which were obviously a little tight. The large T-shirt from high school had the cartoon avatar on the front pulled into an oval shape.

Su Ming showed Bruce Wayne's face again to show off. After all, Fury and Mei were also sitting on the sofa not far away, but their faces were pale and they looked like they needed to slow down for a while.


Mary's eyes widened and she looked at her daughter very seriously. The child was so uneasy, how could she entertain the Supreme Mage like this?

"It doesn't matter. Carol is very energetic and I like her very much."

Su Ming smiled and waved his hand to stop Mary's outburst. After all, Carol had signed the contract. If she became a tool, she would be half one of her own.

His attitude towards his own people has always been relatively mild, and at most he would just hit them with a frying pan a few times.

Mary smiled. She was worried about being cruel to her daughter. She actually loved Carol, but she only loved her like a Kree warrior.

As the former captain of the Queen's Guard, Mary's father was Fu Zong, another accuser of the Kree Empire. General Fu Zong had been particularly fond of Mary since she was a child. As soon as she learned how to kill, he threw her on a wild planet to fight with alien cannibals. .

In addition to her earth name Carol Danvers, Carol also has a real Kree name, Carl Earl. Carol is just a homophone.

Carol curled her lips in grievance. Sure enough, there was a problem. The mother was so eager for the death knell that she didn't even want her daughter.

Isn't this attitude the same as how you treat an old lover? Mom has always looked very young, and so has Deathstroke. They are indeed a couple!

"I'm sorry...Dad!"

She blushed, hugged the cat and curled up in a corner of the sofa, buried her head in the orange cat's belly and sobbed. She just felt that her life was miserable.

Hearing this, Fury, who was holding a tea cup to hide his expression, flashed in his eyes. Finally, is it here...?

However, Mary's face suddenly turned livid, and she slapped the raised part of Carol lying on the sofa.

How strong are the top Kree warriors? As the captain of the Queen's Guards, Mary is at least a bit stronger than Marvel without the bracelet. Ronan the Accuser would not be as good as her without the Almighty Warhammer. Otherwise, the Queen would not have sent her to Earth alone. Then I completely believe in her ability.

However, the queen obviously did not expect that the earth was completely monitored by Karma Taj. As soon as Mary landed, Deathstroke discovered the lie and became a subject of supervision. She simply rebelled over the years.

Maybe Queen Kree is still waiting for rescue in the dark prison of Hala, but unfortunately Mary has obviously forgotten her.

But even after so many years, Mary's ability to hit people has not improved. Why did she let her husband beat her children in the past? On the one hand, it was because she thought it was necessary warrior training, and on the other hand, she was afraid that she would take action herself and beat the children to death!

Fortunately, there is no need to worry about Carol now. She can see that her daughter has become very strong now, at least very durable.

Her slap directly shattered the sofa, and the four sofa legs flew out like hidden weapons and penetrated into the walls in different directions. The orange cat broke out at an astonishing speed and escaped from the impact the moment Mary took action. The range was so fast that Carol even kept her pillow on its belly.

Carol was spread out like a butterfly specimen, lying on the sofa that had turned into powder. There was only one sofa cover between the ground and the ground. To be precise, a depression had been made in the floor, and she almost fell into it. Went to the basement.


Su Ming picked up the beer on the table and took a sip without expression.

He had already said that he was not Carol's father. If she didn't believe it, she would be at a disadvantage.

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