The Death Knell

Chapter 1303? Showdown

A disgraced Carol pulled herself out of the depression in the floor and looked at her mother in bewilderment.

"Mom? What are you..."

No matter how stupid she was, she was still aware of what kind of fighting power and force-generating skills her mother had shown just now. This was a powerful warrior she had not encountered in the years she had been in Hala.

The comrades in the executioner team were like children compared to their mother, and Mary obviously didn't use her full strength just now. Maybe in her opinion, she just slapped her daughter's PP casually.

Because outsiders were present, Mary couldn't identify herself. She just helped Carol up and wiped her daughter's face with her hands.

"Little Doudou, please apologize to the Supreme Mage. How could you call him daddy? We have gone too far."


Carol was even more confused. She even had hallucinations because she saw her new cat looking down on her.

She felt that her mind was very confused, and she was thinking about the kind of magician in a Broadway show, the kind who pulls rabbits out of top hats.

Look at Deathstroke again. He is wearing heavy armor and has the brute strength to lift a plane. How could he be a mage?

Mary couldn't help but sigh when she saw her daughter's silly look.

It's all his fault that he didn't know the ropes back then. When choosing a mate, he chose an Earth warrior who was only good at killing people. His children obviously didn't inherit his intelligence and all followed their father.

That means that there is no brain and only the air is inherited.

Only later did she understand that humans who only know how to kill are called big-headed soldiers on Earth, and they are not qualified warriors at all. Her husband's psychological endurance is too far behind.

But who is she? How are the Kree elite warriors?

She was confident she could help treat her husband's PTSD by giving him some Kree-style mental exercises.

For example, the walls of the bedroom are covered with hot and cold weapons, traps are set up in the bathroom, curtains and sheets are changed to camouflage green, flamethrowers are used when cooking, etc.

In the Cree Empire during the Queen's era, these could only be regarded as the level of marital interest, and Mary was not even serious about it.

However, she did not expect that in such a crisis-ridden environment, her husband's post-war stress disorder syndrome would become more serious, and he even felt at home as if he were on a battlefield.

The long-term tension made him accustomed to numbing himself with alcohol and violence. Finally, he contracted liver cancer and died in pain.

Mary felt that her life was quite miserable, so she couldn't let her daughter offend the Supreme Master at this time. Didn't you see that people came to the house and brought S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Su Ming was too lazy to care about this. He put down the bottle and waved his hand: "Don't talk about those useless things. On the one hand, I came here to complete the deal with Carol, and on the other hand, I want to fight with Kerry, who is chasing your daughter." Let’s meet the warrior, I want to negotiate a deal with the supreme wisdom.”

"Excuse me, mother and daughter." Mary smiled at Deathstroke, then frowned, grabbed Carol's ear and walked to the kitchen next door: "Come here."

"Ah, mom, it hurts."

Carol grinned and was taken away, while Fury stood silently on the side. He had seen Carol being able to put the plane into a tail spin with one punch, but now it was like this...

But just as he was thinking, he suddenly found the cat squatting on the coffee table in front of him and looking at him.


I don't know why, but when he saw it, Fury felt a little pain in his blind eye, and he couldn't even think.


A few minutes later, the mother and daughter came out of the restaurant. Mary had a smile on her face, but Carol still looked dazed.

She originally thought that what she was going to tell her mother was shocking enough, but she didn't expect that her mother's secret would be even more terrifying.

Carol said that she joined the army, joined a secret project, met Marvel, a Kree warrior, and went to Hala to lurk for several years in order to avenge him. Barabara said a lot.

He also showed his mother his super powers, such as being able to fly, gathering energy from the universe, etc.

However, Mary just answered her daughter lightly. She was also a Kree warrior, and the strongest kind. When she heard that her daughter had joined the executioner team, she even smiled disdainfully.

For the former Queen's Guards, teams such as the Executioners Team, which traveled all over the universe, were no different from miscellaneous soldiers.

This also fully shows that the Supreme Intelligence completely recognized Carol and threw her into the team of low-level thugs. Otherwise, with Carol's current ability, being a pursuer would be enough.

My daughter is really stupid. She has been used by the supreme wisdom for several years in vain and has gained nothing...

Mary pointed her finger at Carol's forehead and gave her a lesson. Then she showed her daughter her super powers, such as materializing equipment, gathering cosmic energy with her thoughts, telekinetic flight, super strength, etc.

Like Marvel, who relies on negative bracelets and other props to gather the energy of the universe? It's purely a crooked way. Kree elites like Mary and her generation have not only endured far more training than the younger generation, but have also received special genetic modifications.

Props may be lost, but will genes be lost?

Mary sighed when she heard her daughter's secret love and sadness. Her daughter actually made the same mistake as she did when she was young. She fell in love with Marvel, but she fell in love with a low-quality big-headed soldier...

Fortunately, Marvel died and died well.

Don't expect Mary to have any sympathy for fellow Kree people like Marvell. She can probably guess that when Marvell came to Earth, he was sent by the Supreme Intelligence to hunt her down, and he also wanted to pick up his own daughter? dream!

And now, isn't the Earth's strongest warrior sitting in his living room...

It seems like he really likes Carol and even designed a uniform for her.

When Mary heard that her daughter and Deathstroke had signed an unequal contract, Mary was not angry at all. Anyway, she felt that her daughter was lucky.

After all, there are many people who want to be related to the Death Knell, but they still can't do it. Let's not talk about Tennessee. The people here are not representative. Take New York on TV as an example. There are so many masked vigilantes who have been in the news. Who can Have you ever been exposed to Deathstroke?

None, they are not even qualified to see the Supreme Mage.

Even if the daughter is being used, it at least means that she has the value of being used. If she is valuable, she will not die easily...

Mary saw all this clearly, after all, the Queen's Guardsmanship was not made just by being able to fight.

In fact, when she was looking for a spouse on Earth, she had two candidates, one with a square face and one with a pointed face. Now she is somewhat glad that she picked a spouse with a pointed face.

It's a blessing among misfortunes. A square face is more in line with Kerry's current aesthetics, because the image of supreme wisdom is a large square face.

A pointed face is more in line with human aesthetics. She didn't have human aesthetics at first. She simply thought of the supreme wisdom when she saw a square face, so she didn't choose it.

Now that my daughter is so beautiful, as long as she hangs around Deathstroke often, maybe one day she will become her daughter? Then you will be able to get some light.

However, this plan cannot be told to her daughter. She is short-sighted. It is better for Mary to know.

So after going out, Mary was even more enthusiastic than before and brought more wine: "Supreme Mage, Carol has already told me that she is ignorant and I have taught her a lesson, so what about Joe? look......"

Su Ming put away all the bottles he had drunk, completely eliminated Fury's attempt to obtain his DNA, stood up and walked upstairs: "Then did she tell you that I gave her a million dollars?" ?That’s a living allowance for your family.”

"Walter?! You actually want to hide the small vault?" Mary immediately stared at her daughter fiercely.

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