The Death Knell

Chapter 1313? Sovereigns

The bonfire in the fireplace was burning fiercely, and heat waves filled this small secret room. The splendid decoration could not hide the fact that this place was like a tomb.

Because in Asgard, only dead people sleep on ships, are set on fire and sent into the void.

Su Ming once again looked at the relief on the door of Odin's Sleep, the scene of Odin, his father and brothers going to sea to fight, and then stretched out his hand to push the door open.

The pale Odin was lying in the golden ship covered with a wolf skin mattress, still holding Gungnir in his hand.

He looked cold, even though this was a sauna.

Because in the legend Odin will die in the Wolf Winter and be eaten by Fenrir, this special bedroom has four huge fireplaces to keep Odin warm when the Wolf Winter comes.

At least give him time to put on his armor before facing his destined fate.

But this time it was not the wolf, but Deathstroke, who had no interest in the sleeping old man's body.

"It's on fire." He moved closer to the bedside and whispered in the direction of Odin, making the voice sound like it was coming from a distance: "The World Tree is on fire."

Odin opened his eyes, and a trace of helplessness flashed across his old bark-like face. He pushed away the death knell and sat up, raising his hand to press his head covered with white hair.

"I know you're here, so there's no need to test me with this kind of thing."

Su Ming nodded, put his hand on the side of the beautiful long boat, and knocked casually: "Even if you fall asleep, you can tell that it's me coming, which means you are real. I just want to confirm whether you have been tricked by the Skrulls. Or be taken over by the Bru Zerg.”

Odin slapped his spear on the ground, and the golden armor and red cloak appeared on him. He looked at Su Ming seriously and replied:

"This is Asgard, it's not easy for Skrulls and bugs to get in."

His Majesty the God King still has great confidence in Asgard, because there are always awake guards on the Rainbow Bridge, and he sleeps peacefully here.

Su Ming walked to the side and leaned against the wall, picked up the apple on the table, wiped it, and stuffed it into Hangzhou's mouth:

"Just in case, as an ally, can you tell me what exactly happened outside the galaxy? The earth seems to have suddenly entered the sight of the cosmic forces. Two of the three major empires came, and there are a bunch of bugs."

Odin was a little speechless. He walked out of the door first, his cloak creating a wave in the air: "I can only see the nine realms, remember? It's not clear what happened outside the earth. I'm afraid you have found the wrong person. "

"Of course I remember this." Su Ming followed him, holding an apple and chewing on the little bean sprouts on his shoulders: "But you know more people in the universe, help me find out, like Sandar , Sovereign, and those forces in the Centaur Star Territory.”

Odin turned his head and looked at him with one eye, showing a strange expression, as if he was angry and laughed.

"So you came to disturb my sleep and use me as a sounding board?"

"On Earth, that's called a phone call now."

Su Ming corrected him. The microphone was just an old almanac, but what Odin meant was almost right.

The Lord of the Nine Realms has a great reputation and a wide range of contacts. More importantly, Su Ming plans to take advantage of the situation.

Although it is still unclear why alien races are coming to the earth one after another, the top priority is to make more aliens who have not taken action think that Odin is going to stand up for the earth now, which is more deterrent.

Odin probably guessed the idea of ​​Deathstroke. The reason why he was unhappy was because there was a mutual aid agreement, but the Supreme Mage has done nothing so far.

Last time, Deathstroke told Odin the location of the Orochi, but the two only fought a draw, allowing the Orochi to escape, and the Winter Hammer is still missing.

The affairs of Hela, Loki, and the children have not yet been resolved, and the problem of time flow still exists. Ragnarok is getting closer, but the death knell that promised to help has made no move.

However, Odin, as the God King, was still very patient. After the emotion passed, he waved to Deathstroke: "Follow me, but you have to find a solution quickly for the difficulties Asgard faces."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I'm just waiting for the actors of the script to be in place."

Su Ming simply answered, but did not elaborate on this issue. A good plan is a plan that no one knows about.

Odin could only listen seriously, because time is in the hands of the Supreme Mage, and only he may have a solution to Ragnarok.

He led the Earthlings to a place that looked like a living room, waved all the guards in the room to leave, then bent down to carry the wood and placed them in the cold fire pit in the house.

This room was slightly smaller than Odin's Sleep, with only a simple table and two benches, surrounded by animal skin carpets, and simple swords hung on the walls.

The wind outside the window blows in, bringing with it the fragrance of vegetation. From here, you can just see the forest and sea outside the Golden Palace.

Although he didn't know what Odin was doing, Su Ming helped him move a few pieces of wood, and then watched Odin light a fire with the flint beside the fire pit.

‘Crack, click. ’

Odin's hands were shaking a little, and the fire starter couldn't light it. Su Ming sighed, took out the lighter and handed it over.

"Even if you can't afford a lighter, why don't you buy some of my matches? You use flint to make fires at home. This is too hardcore..."

Odin pushed the lighter away angrily.

Carrying wood and lighting fires with flints all illustrate the sense of ritual. Who said Asgard doesn't have the means to light fires?

He raised Gangnir and pointed toward the sky, and a beam of thunder and lightning flew straight out of the window. He picked up the lightning with his spear and threw it at the pyre, and the thunder and fire instantly ignited.

The whole process is much faster than using a lighter.

Su Ming took back the lighter and curled his lips. This is really a mental illness. To make a fire, you have to use divine power and lightning. It's such a waste, no wonder he often has to lie down.

Odin just showed Asgard's method of making fire, and then began to explain: "These firewood are dead branches of the World Tree, which contain energy. I can sacrifice them to obtain the means of ultra-long-distance communication among the stars. Tell me, who do you want to call to inquire about the situation?"

"High Priest Soverin, I heard that the golden woman is very interesting." Su Ming touched his chin.

Odin was noncommittal. He took out a few rune stones from the small bag on his waist, combined them in a certain order, and placed them next to the fire.

The flames instantly rose to form a wall of fire, and gradually became as clear as lake water, forming an image. A string of ever-changing golden rune letters appeared on the screen.

The language of runes, this death knell is really incomprehensible. Unless you become a believer of Yggdrasil, the ancient god of the world tree, you will never be able to grasp the true meaning of the runes.

But the Supreme Mage is hanging out with Emperor Weishan, and Ao Shutu and World Tree are neither enemies nor friends.

He guessed that these characters meant 'dial-in'? Use mysterious power to connect each other's technological equipment? There is something really special about World Tree being able to do this.

The communication was quickly connected, and a gleaming golden woman appeared on the opposite side, sitting on a gleaming throne, with a gleaming golden hall behind her.

It was too shiny and too golden. Even on the communication side, the room where Odin and Deathstroke were standing seemed to become more yellow.

"Odin, the King of the Nine Realms." High Priest Agatha of Sovereign showed a reserved and dignified smile, nodded slightly and saluted, and said in her usual artificial voice: "I represent the supreme, pure, pure, flawless, and naturally noble. Noble, elegant, philanthropic...the mighty Sovereign greets you."

Su Ming glanced at Odin with some sympathy. He was called King Odin, but he used a series of about thirty or forty words of praise for himself. This was indeed Sovereign's usual style.

Generally speaking, this race has a kind of self-confidence. They always feel that they are superior to others, and they are not looked down upon by the three major empires in the universe.

However, they have some confidence, because although they are also a theocratic country, they worship the more abstract and ethereal god of the universe, that is, they worship the entire universe as a god.

Although only women can serve as high priests, they are basically elected by vote, and the country implements a government system similar to a parliamentary system.

Their technology is very advanced, and even if they enter a war, the casualty rate is usually zero, because their warships, fighter planes, and land weapons are all remotely controlled.

This civilization likes art. Music and sculpture are very important to them. Even their home star, the Supreme Sovereign, has been processed into works of art.

Normal celestial bodies in the universe are generally approximately spherical or oblate, which is determined by gravity and various space effects.

But the Sovereigns made an artistic transformation of their home planet. It looks like a milk bottle with two ears, and it also looks like a series of soap bubbles composed of many spheres of different sizes.

They dragged the planets they had conquered to their home star, and then used high technology to 'piece them together' onto the home star, just like planting tumors one by one, and then repeated the process.

In short, if anyone has the strangest home planet in the universe, it is undoubtedly that of the Sovereigns. Gravity and gravity are not something they consider. The key is just beauty, asymmetrical beauty.

Their planet is indeed beautiful, always with a hint of gold.

And because it is an assembled celestial body, under the light of a star, the same area may even have several days and nights within a planet's rotation cycle, because other protruding parts of the planet will block the sunlight.

The Sovereigns respect Odin quite a bit. If the Supreme Wisdom came to them, they would not even have the honorific title of 'King'. Instead, they would ask, 'What do you want from the Supreme Sovereign?' '?

It's just so weird.

Whether it has war strength or not is another matter, the key is to win.

He was polite to Odin, on the one hand, because the old man did have extraordinary fighting prowess, and on the other hand, it was mainly because Odin liked to wear golden armor, and the golden palace in Asgard was also magnificent.

As long as you like gold, everyone will be good friends. They think Odin is aesthetically pleasing and is a higher creature similar to them.

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