The Death Knell

Chapter 1314? Bursting with pride

This is obviously not the first time Odin has dealt with the Sovereigns. He knows that this is the virtue of these pretentious fools.

But even in the universe, the Sovereigns' remote communication and remote sensing systems are the most advanced. Their golden drones are always searching the corners of the universe, looking for planets that can be called works of art.

That's it. Although they love art, they are also an aggressive race.

They don't care about the opponent's military strength when choosing their victims, or whether they have superpowers. As long as the opponent's planet is illuminated by stars and the atmosphere emits a faint golden light, that's fine.

Sovereign will definitely use various means to occupy the golden planet, and then drag it back home to fight for his home planet.

This method may not necessarily be a war, but may also be an alliance or trade annexation. However, once the indigenous people on the planet are incorporated into the Kingdom of Sovereign, they will inevitably undergo transformation at the genetic level and be turned into golden Sovereigns. .

They have a cocoon-like biological cabin, and their genetic technology is also very powerful. Not only can they assimilate foreigners, they themselves are also born from the cocoon.

Sovereigns have genders, and the process from pregnancy to childbirth is similar to that of humans, except that the pregnancy cycle lasts several years.

Thousands of years ago, after Sovereign's technology developed, they thought that holding a big belly for several years was a waste of time and not beautiful, so they began to let cocoons do this job for themselves.

Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages. Nowadays, they have almost no concept of family, because a child born from a cocoon has no parents or relatives. In that society, there is no word parent, there are only two donors: Mi Qingzi donor and egg donor. vocabulary.

Given the size of Sovereign's home planet, even if there is a blood relationship, individuals and their offspring will hardly meet each other. There are no rights or obligations between the two parties, and there is no need for acquaintance.

Cocoons belong to God, and each of them is a child of God.

Powerful genetic modification technology allows almost every Sovereign to reach the extreme limit of a racial individual. Whether it is strength, intelligence, character, or ability, these can all be solved through technology. Except for the appearance of the children, , everything else is the same.

The difference is from the perspective of Earthlings, but from Sovereign's perspective, because everyone is golden, they are all equally beautiful.

Fortunately, as far as the earth is concerned, the Sovereigns can be regarded as harmless to humans and animals.

The earth is blue. Even if the earth is given to Sovereign for free, people will not want it, just because it does not match the decoration color of their homes...

Odin nodded towards the screen and said hello coldly.

Sovereign does not need other people's enthusiasm. If you are too enthusiastic, they will think you are not reserved and uncultivated.

"High Priest Agatha, I have something to ask you."

Agatha's hands were placed on the throne, and the complicated skirt on her body was also golden, as if the person and the throne were integrated into one. If her eyes hadn't blinked and her mouth hadn't moved, she would have looked like a sculpture.

"King Odin, please speak, the great Sovereign, the supreme universe, the beautiful high priest Agatha, that is, I, are listening to your voice."

Odin took a breath and tried his best not to be driven crazy by Agatha. With the character of an Asgardian, he really couldn't get along with this kind of person.

He suppressed his anger, then took the God King's stand and said slowly: "I want to know if Sovereign knows the recent movements of the Kree and Skrulls outside the Milky Way, as well as the passing of the Blue Bug Swarm. Path, this person behind me...who are you?"

Originally, Odin turned slightly sideways, wanting to introduce Deathstroke, who had been serving as an audience behind him, but when he turned around and looked at him, he was stunned.

Because Deathstroke, who was originally wearing black and yellow armor, is now covered in gold. He didn't know when he changed his paint, and his whole body looked like it was made of gold.

So dazzling, so shiny and golden! This set of golden heavy armor is a gold nugget!

"I'm still me, go on, Your Majesty."

The sound of the death knell came from the golden mask, and he could see that the High Priest Sovereign opposite him seemed to have a good impression of him, and he kept peeking at him while talking to Odin.

Odin opened his mouth, how could he introduce this? The golden man from Midgard? He turned his back to the screen and glared at Su Ming.

However, Agatha had already interrupted Odin's words. She still said in that arrogant and arrogant tone: "There is no need to introduce this King of Gods. The powerful Supreme Mage of the Earth, the protector of the main dimension, our universe knows him. .”

"Oh? You know me?"

When she said this, Su Ming became a little interested. Although her tone was unflattering, as the high priest, she had to maintain such a high profile at all times. This was a political need, and Soverein never bowed her head.

When describing Deathstroke, she used one more adjective than Odin. This was already a great honor to her.

Agatha nodded slightly, moving her chin so little that it might not even have reached one degree: "Magic is also an art, and as long as it is an art, the great Sovereign must possess it."

This means that they also have sorcerers, maybe not from Emperor Weishan's faction, but from the stories spread in various dimensions, they already know the legend of the new Supreme Mage.

"That's good. So what about the previous question of His Majesty the God King? What's your answer?"

Su Ming was quite satisfied with this answer. If he had told him that he knew him earlier, he would have just asked Karma Taj to contact Sovereign. This would have made him suffer from Odin's anger in vain.

"We don't care about the movements of Kree and Skrull, because such an ugly civilization will definitely be eliminated by the universe." Agatha remained motionless, her eyes blank and unfocused: "As for the Blue Zerg, we just happened to A small swarm of insects was observed passing through the Andromeda Galaxy, and the number of individuals is estimated to be around 4 trillion."

The Andromeda Galaxy and the Milky Way belong to the 'Local Group of Galaxies'. Its diameter is 1.6 times that of the Milky Way. It is also where the Skrull Empire started. Adjacent to the Andromeda Galaxy and further out is the Large Magellanic Cloud, which is the galaxy where the Kree Empire's home planet Hala is located.

The 'Local Group' includes the Milky Way subgroup consisting of the Milky Way and the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, and the Andromeda Galaxy subgroup including M32, NGC205, NGC147, NGC185, the Andromeda Dwarf Galaxy and the Triangulum Galaxy centered on the Andromeda Galaxy.

According to the information known to mankind, there are about 50 member galaxies and possible member galaxies of the Local Galaxy Group, covering an area of ​​about 10 million light-years in diameter.

Agatha kept saying she wasn't spying on the Kree and Skrulls, but unexpectedly saw intelligence from millions of light years away?

How can there be such a 'just right' thing?

In fact, the Sovereigns have always regarded Kree and Skrull as imaginary enemies and are always monitoring them. However, when they talk to outsiders, they have to show disdain, as if they don't take the two empires seriously at all. Same.

Anyway, even if what she said was translated by the cosmic translator, Deathstroke's brain would have to 'translate' it again to remove all the boastful words.

However, it is a necessary etiquette in diplomacy to see through something without telling it off.

Even if you know that Agatha is blowing the air, others have also provided information, which is always correct, even though a swarm of four trillion insects is not 'small'...

"Thank you, High Priest Agatha, your information is very useful."

Su Ming nodded towards her, expressing his reserved and proud thanks.

The corner of Agatha's mouth raised for a second, then returned to her expressionless look: "We also welcome His Majesty the God King and the Supreme Mage to come to the Small Magellanic Cloud to witness our great, supreme, magnificent and beautiful... .Unparalleled scenery of the mother planet.”

Although they were invited to be guests, these words made me feel very uncomfortable... Most people talk about their own homes modestly, like a 'humble room' or a 'dwelling', etc. The sky blows on its own mother star, which is the only one.

The cosmic translator was running out of words to describe the beautiful scenery. Agatha took another minute to say these words, which was just a waste of time.

Su Ming didn't listen carefully. He just smiled at the other party and said, "If we have time, His Majesty the God King and I will bother you."

"Well, you will be proud of your choice." Agatha raised her chin and proudly cut off the communication.

As soon as the communication was cut off, Odin inserted his spear into the ground beside him and twisted it a few times, causing sparks to appear on the floor.

"Phew, I will never go to Sovereign in my life. Instead of being with these arrogant fools, I would rather go to Jotunheim and eat and sleep with Laufey in the cold cave."

Su Ming curled his lips and changed the color of his armor back: "In the eyes of some people on earth, Thor is also such an arrogant fool, but he hasn't realized this yet."

Odin immediately lost his temper and just let out a long sigh.

That's right, although Asgard has more fighting strength than the Sovereigns, this is indeed not a source of pride. The universe is very big.

The God King twirled his beard, thought for a while and then said: "After a few years, I will find an excuse to throw Thor to the earth. You can help me teach him for a few years."

"What can I teach him? In my opinion, it's better to throw him to hell and let me say hello to Mephisto for you?" Su Ming immediately came up with an idea, which was to send Thor to a more cruel place. Dark places to go.

If it weren't for the smile on Deathstroke's face, Odin would have thought he was serious. The old man squatted down and readjusted the order of the rune stones, complaining:

"Where are you? Isn't it hell? Why bother the lord of hell?"

Su Ming smacked his lips. Odin was right. If he had the intention, the death knell could indeed make Thor feel the 'warmth' of hell anywhere.

"Take Loki along with you, let them go to Earth to receive training, and help them strengthen their brotherhood."

Odin doesn't care. Even if he throws the three warriors away together, it won't be a problem: "Then I'll do as you say. Let's get back to the topic. Where do you want me to contact you next?"

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