The Death Knell

Chapter 1332? Inhuman Race


The floating city that once floated above Atlantis is now back in the blue zone of the moon.

This former experimental base of the Kree has been revitalized after being transformed by aliens.

Under the huge transparent eggshell-shaped glass cover, the alien city sparkled as always. Those shiny metal walls were completely gone from the dilapidation they had when the Deathstroke first appeared.

The black and yellow armor was a passport. The guards at the entrance of the defensive energy shield had no intention of blocking Deathstroke. Instead, they saluted politely and welcomed him into the lunar city.

Carol looked curious about the baby's appearance and kept looking around. The people here looked like humans, but they were always somewhat different from humans, such as having pointed ears or having scales on their skin. , the feeling is very subtle.

"You can take down the gas tank. Attilan's oxygen supply equipment can keep humans alive."

Seeing her entering the energy shield with a 'moustache' in her mouth, Su Ming pointed to her mouth. He was here to discuss defense matters. The people following him couldn't look like they were making faces, right?

Carol reached out and took off the bat gas can, walked to him and asked softly: "Where is this? Why didn't I know there was such a city on the moon?"

"This is Attilan, and the people living here are the Inhumans. It is also the dark history of the Kree Empire, so naturally you can't find it in the Kree archives." Su Ming pointed to the stall on the roadside. , with familiar human merchandise on display: "Attilan previously stopped on the earth's sea and flew to the moon only a few years ago."

"Inhumans?" Carol muttered this word, which was very unfamiliar.

If you still have some knowledge about mutants, aliens are too mysterious.

"The products of the Kree's experiments on Earth apes are the same as mutants. They are both genetically modified humans. It's just that one is a Kree experiment and the other is a Celestial group experiment."

Su Ming didn't explain it carefully to her, and Carol's brain couldn't understand much, so there was no need.

"Why do aliens like to experiment on humans..." Carol frowned, feeling very uncomfortable.

"Why do humans use monkeys and orangutans to test medicine?" Su Ming put his hands behind his back and followed the guards who opened the way to the palace. He did not fly. This time he was a guest: "Of course it is because orangutans are similar to humans."

Carol curled her lips and tossed the bat gas can in her hand: "So, the supreme intelligence thinks that humans are monkeys?"

"You should tell me this because you have been performing monkey dramas in Harrah's Hall for several years." Su Ming replied calmly and with no expression on his face.

This answer made Carol feel as if she was heartbroken and felt guilty for lowering the IQ score of humans.

She hesitated to change the topic, taking oxygen, which she is familiar with as a pilot, as an example: "This oxygen tank is very high-tech. I can even take it into and out of the atmosphere...but why is it in the shape of a bat?" ?”

"I took them from others. All her things are in the shape of bats." Su Ming raised his head and seemed to see a small spaceship taking off in the direction of the palace.

"Hey..." Carol bared her teeth in disgust. She never thought that any woman would like bats, but at this time she also saw the spaceship in the sky, and as a pilot, she recognized it at a glance. That's Kree Empire style: "Kree, are they here?"

"It looks like a civilian spaceship, not a fighter plane."

Su Ming touched his chin and looked at the alien guard in front of him who also looked surprised. He obviously didn't know why the Kree were in Attilan.

The aliens generally know the origin of their race. They are extremely hostile to the Kree, and their mentality is probably the same as that of abandoned slaves. He not only hated his former master for abandoning him, but also hated the Kree people for enslaving and persecuting foreigners.

The Kree are definitely not welcome in Attilan.

This was the reason why Su Ming didn't let Carol put on the Kree uniform, otherwise she would probably be blasted by anti-aircraft artillery before landing.

"It's a diplomatic spaceship." Carol squinted her eyes to identify it: "This special type of spacecraft is called the 'Voice of Wisdom'. It is generally used to transport Kree diplomats and convey the highest wisdom to external forces. Opinion, it is very fast and has electronic cloaking capabilities, making it almost undetectable by any force’s detectors.”

Su Ming gestured for the guard to come behind him, and also took Carol's arm: "You said it was only almost, but as long as it is visible to the naked eye, Attilan has the strongest anti-air weapon."

"What?" Carol looked confused. She had no idea what the death knell meant.

At this moment, a sound wave that was almost visible to the naked eye rushed into the air in circles, hitting the escaping Kree spacecraft almost instantly. The ship suddenly turned over in the air, then burst into flames and crashed instantly.

It somersaulted and fell into the city, as if it hit some building and caused an explosion. Then a terrifying roar came from the distance again: "No!!!"

Suddenly, the entire moon seemed to shake. A violent earthquake occurred in the city. Many buildings were broken and collapsed, and cracks and subsidence appeared on the ground.

The leading guards who were blocked by Su Ming also lost their footing and fell on their backs. Only Carol, who was grabbed by the arm, and Deathstroke himself, who was rooted in the ground with the help of strangulation, were still standing on the ground at this time.

The shock came and went quickly, but one second before it was a bustling city, the next second a large area was in ruins.

Flames and smoke rose into the sky like a tornado within the translucent protective cover.

"What is this? Cosmic energy? No, you can't see the light. Are they sound waves? No, the sound waves can't catch up with the spacecraft." Carol began to doubt life again. She had never seen such a powerful weapon, even if It is a Kree star-destroying bomb, and it also requires a process from being dropped to taking effect.

Su Ming motioned to the guards behind him to continue leading the way, and at the same time explained to Carol: "It is a sonic wave. It is a powerful attack formed by emitting cosmic energy through the mouth. It is not impossible to blow the planet to pieces with one blow."

"Well, can the Supreme Mage go to the palace on his own? We have to go home and see." The guards didn't want to lead the way. The shattered part of the city might be their residential area. At this time, these strangers all looked worried.

Su Ming is not an unreasonable person. Although it is indeed a bit rude for them to do this, it would be a bit unkind to follow the etiquette if other people have trouble at home.

"It's okay, you go ahead. I know the way myself. It just so happens that we can reach the palace faster by flying over."

After thanking the guests, the guards dispersed in a hurry, making Carol smile a little. This military discipline is worse than that of the US military, let alone the Kree army.

Is such an army really capable of fighting?

Sensing her expression, Su Ming pulled her up slowly into the air. While flying slowly, he explained to her: "This is what the alien army is like. They value their family more than their country." ', because this country is composed of different families, and the families form factions, and the factions elect members of the parliament, and the committee or parliament exists and the king jointly runs the country."

"Well, it sounds a bit like a feudal system? Councilors are actually lords?" Carol unexpectedly knew the word feudal.

"The aliens are just in this city, where can we seal it?" Su Ming flew slowly with his hands behind his back, so as not to fly too fast and be regarded as an enemy: "Attilan is like a giant enterprise, and the councilors are generally in charge of various departments. Small leaders. For example, if you are in charge of the nursery, you are one of the councilors. If you are in charge of energy supply, you are also one of the councilors.”

Carol flew beside Deathstroke. After hearing the words, she tapped her palm with her small fist. She remembered her former job as the security manager of the Pegasus Project.

"So if you're in charge of security, you're also a member of Parliament?"

The pale light from the distance of the moon was reflected, and Deathstroke flying above the ruins just turned to look at her: "Responsible for defending Attilan? Then you are the King of Alien. This sentence is also true in reverse, yes, The King of Strangers basically doesn’t care about anything but war.”

After all, before Deathstroke intervened, the person in Attilan who kept his word was the Chancellor. But Deathstroke only left a piece of Terrigen Crystal to Attilan, and the Inhumans relied on that thing to awaken their descendants to superpowers.

So the only piece of crystal became the 'Jade Seal of the Kingdom', and whoever mastered it was equivalent to having great power.

This also contributed to the emergence of autocracy.

The King of Strangers does not have a specific job position. He can take care of everything, but in fact there is nothing to take care of.

In peaceful times, Attilan is like a well-oiled giant machine, and random interference will cause trouble. Therefore, the king is basically only useful when accidents occur or wars occur. In normal times, it is basically a mascot.

The only privilege is probably that the king can decide the location of Attilan.

For example, as the energy is abundant recently, let Attilan jump to the orbit of Jupiter and stay for a few days to see the scenery. Or if the residents want to eat fish recently, then they can fly back to Earth and stay for a few days, and then buy some goods from other forces.

However, this privilege cannot be used frequently. It only appears to be used once every few years. This is mainly due to the energy reserve.

"Huh?" Carol had a black question mark on her face. Is it true that the stranger is the security chief and is the king? It's really unusual.

She doesn't know what happened in the past in the 40k universe, and she really doesn't understand this, but it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter whether the tool person understands it or not, she just needs to follow the arrangements.

"Come on, don't be in a daze, let's go down and see what happened just now."

Su Ming patted her head and signaled to land, because he seemed to recognize the place where the Kerry aircraft crashed. Wasn't that the parliament hall where he negotiated terms with the members last time?

Thinking about the second scream he heard, he probably guessed what happened.

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