The Death Knell

Chapter 1333? Royal Family

Things were just as he had guessed. There was no one in the palace now. Strangers were digging around the collapsed parliament hall. A man in black tights was crying silently, pawing with his hands like a dog. ruins.

It is worth mentioning that there is actually a dog digging in the soil beside him. The dog is bigger than a calf. Although it looks like an ordinary Shar-Pei, its size is exaggerated.

A group of people followed him, but they didn't know what to say and seemed a little at a loss.

When Su Ming and Carol landed, they happened to see a comatose man wearing a leather jacket, foaming at the mouth, being chained and dragged away by the guards, and everyone cast disgusted looks at him.

"Everyone seems to be in bad condition. Did I come at the wrong time?"

Su Ming was not familiar with it. His Kama Taj had always maintained contact with Attilan and had business dealings, such as exchanging instant noodles and spicy strips for helium-3 and manganese on the moon.

But at the same time, Kamathaj also helped the alien "hermit sect" on the earth to avoid Attilan's search, so that the "afterlife", the base camp of the hermit sect, was also established in a canyon in the Himalayas.

"Supreme Mage."

Medusa, Crystal, Karnak, Gorgon, Triton and others all saluted, and their faces were more or less sad.

"What happened? Let me see if I can help."

Su Ming had no intention of introducing Carol, but calmly asked several people questions.

Several aliens looked at me, and I looked at you. Finally, Medusa, wearing a purple dress and her long red hair dragging on the ground, answered this question. She wiped her tears:

"Maximus contacted Kree spies privately and wanted to overthrow his uncle's rule. Blackcard discovered and broke their deal. The Kree people wanted to escape, so he used his ability to shoot down their spaceship, but failed Thinking of the spacecraft crashing into the parliament building, Uncle Agong and the others might all..."

Black Card is the name of Black Bolt, and Maximus is Black Bolt's younger brother. Agon is Black Bolt's father, the current king of the Inhumans, and has always maintained a relationship with Kama Taj. He was the one contacted.

Deathstroke, who had already guessed what happened, was not surprised. He just verified his guess. Starting today, Black Bolt finally takes over.

So he pretended to be regretful: "I'm sorry for your loss, but I'm afraid people can't be resurrected. The top priority is to let Black Card control the Terrigen Crystal and inherit the leadership."

Medusa is Black Bolt's cousin and his fiancée, and several people around her are also members of the family. They all nodded after hearing Deathstroke's words.

But the premise is that it is necessary to confirm that the Agung couple have unfortunately died, otherwise the behavior of several of them will become a usurpation of power.

"Let's see. None of your ability users seem to be good at demolition. Let me help you. Maybe a person who is crushed under tens of thousands of tons of metal can still be saved?"

Su Ming said something that he didn't even believe, and asked Strangler to stretch out his dense tentacles and start moving away the rubble.

Although the physical strength of the Inhumans is higher than that of humans, it is far from that high. The chance of survival if they are pressed downstairs is almost zero.

But now the young Black Bolt and these people are in a state of panic. At this time, they can do a little bit to trick them, and then ask them to help defend the earth later. It's hard for them to refuse, right?

Anyway, for Strangler, relocation is just a piece of cake. No, it's actually a meal extra.

Strangler is different from other symbiotes. It even eats metal, but there is no smell that it doesn't like.

"Let me help too."

Carol enthusiastically flew over and started to move the huge debris. She tore off the small mountain of broken metal and threw it directly out of the protective shield, looking like a violent loading and unloading, like an extremely impatient courier.

Several members of the alien royal family looked at her curiously, because the strength shown by Carol far exceeded everyone present, and they could not help but have a better understanding of Deathstroke's strength.

It doesn’t matter if Deathstroke himself is strong, any young female follower can also have this kind of strength...

A few minutes later, with the help of two enthusiastic Earthlings, tens of thousands of tons of rubble and various garbage were moved away, revealing the conference room that had been turned into a 'floor plan'.

Seeing the congressmen turned into pies together with the chairs, even Su Ming couldn't tell which one was Agong and which one was his wife.

Medusa lowered her head, while her sister Crystal behind her covered her mouth. Even Big Dog Tetanus used his big head to rub the body of Black Bolt who was kneeling on the ground, trying to wake him up from his trance. .

Black Bolt recognized his parents. He still remembered what clothes his parents wore when going out today. Squeezing only destroyed their bodies, but it would not destroy the soft clothes.

Although he was imprisoned in a special room by his father since he was a child and had almost no freedom, he knew that it was just because he was too capable and could not control his abilities when he was young. His parents were doing it for his own good.

The relationship between their families was very close, but he had just finished his imprisonment a few months ago, and he never expected that his brother would secretly contact the Kree, which was a taboo of the Inhumans.

In order to protect his younger brother, he wanted to smash the Kree and the spaceship into pieces in the air, destroying their bodies and wiping out any traces. However, he failed to estimate the strength of the Kree spacecraft, which resulted in this disaster and killed his parents.

And because he saw the plane hitting the parliament building, he couldn't control himself and screamed. This caused secondary damage that was more serious than the crash of the spacecraft. About one-fifth of the city disappeared and turned into wreckage.

The people there... are probably in bad shape.

Thinking of these, of course he was left in a daze, otherwise what else could he do?

Su Ming looked at Black Bolt who was still dazed after being licked so wet by the dog. He could only shrug and said to Medusa: "I'm afraid he still needs to slow down. Now you should act quickly. This is all Maxim's fault." It’s Si’s fault, right?”

"Yes, it's all Maximus's fault. If he hadn't come into contact with the Kree, everything would be different."

Tritan from the Inhuman Royal Family was the first to answer. His mutation direction is fish. Although this allows him to move freely underwater and gain extra strength, it also causes some changes in the tone of his speech. That is because he cannot leave the water. You need to wear a glass-covered fish tank-like helmet at all times.

He is the cousin of Black Bolt and the most out-of-the-box character among them. He has a good relationship with Neptune Namor and occasionally goes to Atlantis.

Although Gorgon with a pair of hooves carries a huge mace, he is not as crude and brainless as he appears. He is Black Bolt's cousin and his bodyguard, and he is a good warrior. .

He rubbed the fish scales on Tritan's arm and signaled him not to express his opinion casually. It depends on what Medusa said. She is the smartest person.

As for Karnak, the guy in green robe has already started to sit cross-legged on the ground and chant sutras.

He is also Black Bolt's cousin and Tritan's biological brother.

But because Tritan could not leave the water for life after receiving Terrigen radiation, their parents did not want their second son to become like that, so they refused to perform Terrigen mutation on the second son and instead sent him to a temple on Earth. I went to be a monk.

Karnak is actually the best martial artist among the brothers. He came from the Shaolin Temple. Although he is not as good as the reclusive sect like Kunlun, he can still be regarded as a well-established sect.

Look at him, how skillfully he is reciting the Rebirth Mantra at this time?

Let's put it this way, he is the only foreigner Su Ming has ever seen who speaks Henan dialect so well...

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