The Death Knell

Chapter 1335? Steve’s Action

Carol has flown the Kree fighter planes and has no difficulty getting on Attilan's spaceship. After all, these things are almost identical, and they are still antiques based on ancient Kree technology.

Flying out of Attilan's protective shield, looking at the earth glowing with blue light in the distance, she pressed the button of the jump thruster.

The scenery and starlight turned into distorted colorful lines. The spacecraft carrying three people and one dog entered the warp jump, jumping from the solar system in the Milky Way to the NGC185 galaxy in Andromeda. It took about more than two hundred jumps. Some time.

At the same time on Earth, Steve was driving a large truck and Bucky rolled out of the car into the cab and was chatting with him in the passenger seat.

"So we're dealing with an enhanced version of the Red Skull and his possible Skull Guard?"

Bucky sighed. He couldn't remember how many times his brothers had been entangled with the Red Skull, especially when they just learned that the Red Skull that existed after World War II was actually a fake.

Steve's expression was serious, and his fair face was full of seriousness: "Don't underestimate the enemy, Bucky, the Red Skull is committing a suicide attack this time. He went deep into the heart of the United States, probably just to drag us to death together."

"Don't worry, brother, we still have a nuclear bomb in the car, don't we?"

Bucky smiled and gestured with his thumb to the back cabin, where Dr. Banner and Betty, who were still in a coma, were lying on the floor, being monitored by Mr. and Mrs. Pym.

"Although I don't know how the Red Skull got into Cape Caravel, if we release the Hulk there, I'm afraid it will cause serious losses to the country. Don't do it unless it is absolutely necessary."

Steve shook his head and refused. Although he roughly guessed what Deathstroke meant by throwing the Hulk to him, it was best not to use it if possible, otherwise it would end badly.

Bucky shrugged, slumped down on the passenger seat, and put his feet up on the storage box: "Well, since you said so, there's no need to, but you didn't ask Deathstroke which silo the Red Skull is in. What?"

Cape Caravel Air Force Base covers an area of ​​more than 1,300 acres, with a total of 47 launch silos scattered throughout.

Only four of the launch silos are still in use. The other launch silos and various facilities attached to them have been abandoned. The Red Skull may be anywhere among them, hiding in dozens of underground structures. How to find it?

Steve was stuck. He seemed to have really forgotten to ask: "Which silo was Voyager 1 launched from?"

Bucky shook his head, his shawl hair flying in the wind, and he even reached out to adjust the radio: "You ask me? I don't know, who cares about that."

Captain America was speechless for a moment, but it was okay. It was the same thing when he found the plane and asked Dr. Pym on the way.

At this moment, an aircraft suddenly broke out of stealth on the road in front of the car. It hovered in front of the car and moved forward at a relatively stationary speed.

Bucky was about to pull out his gun, but Steve shook his head and pointed to the logo on the wing next to the propeller. The eagle emblem was very obvious: "SHIELD aircraft, etc."

The rear hatch of the plane opened, and there was nothing inside. Only a red head poked out of the cab, smiling and waving to the captain.

"Steve, do you want to fly?"

Seeing Natasha, Steve felt relieved. After all, he was the one who sent her to the logistics department back then. She was reliable.

"Of course, I brought a few friends with me!"

He stuck his head out of the window and shouted forward, but it was unclear whether Natasha heard him.

Black Widow made a landing gesture, letting the plane land in the wheat field beside the road, and Steve also pulled over and stopped the car.

The two sides met on the roadside, and Natasha came out to say hello to a few people. Although she knew everyone present, she showed that she only knew Steve and Pim.

"How did you know we were here?"

Steve asked her after hugging her, not out of caution, just out of curiosity.

Naturally, Natasha would not tell the truth. She ignored Bucky, who also wanted to hug him, and turned and walked towards the plane: "I just know that a military academy called the police, saying that Captain America stole one of their cars for use." Opel Lightning, which conducts patriotic education, seems to be going to fight World War II."

Steve rolled his eyes and pulled Bucky, who was a little disappointed, to move the unconscious Banner and Betty: "I didn't steal that, it was Deathstroke."

Natasha turned around and smiled, blinking: "Since he's not here now, I can only believe your words, right?"

"It's really not me." Steve reluctantly took out two African chickens from the trunk, carried them on his shoulders and walked into the plane. Bucky just followed behind to prevent the two men's heads from hitting anything.

"But you don't seem to be planning to return the car." Natasha walked into the cab and started to start the engine. Although it was different from Fury's plan, she also joined Steve and could talk about the director's affairs. : "By the way, I discovered that the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. was a green alien, and I killed him. Do you know anything?"

Steve frowned, but didn't notice anything was wrong: "It's exactly what Deathstroke said. Aliens have already blended into human society. We need to move faster."

He didn't know the new director, so it didn't seem to matter whether he died or not.

"Wait, where are you planning to go? It seems like you know a lot of things that I don't know." Natasha showed an unhappy expression, looking very delicate.

Before Steve could speak, Bucky told him everything he knew and introduced himself.

Natasha flew the Quinjet with one hand towards Cape Caravel on the southeast coast. She covered her mouth with the other hand and smiled: "Of course I know you, Sergeant Bucky, you are Steve's little boy." Assistant."

"Assistant?" Bucky glanced at Steve, who shook his head. This was not what he told Natasha. Bucky said unconvincingly: "Is this how I'm introduced in the museum now? That's nonsense. , I’m actually Steve’s eldest brother.”

Steve rolled his eyes. He was too lazy to dwell on the matter. Bucky seemed to have some affection for Natasha and wanted to pick up the girl, but he should wait until no one was around before telling Bucky that she was the Black Widow.

"Do you know which silo Voyager 1 was launched from?" He pulled the subject back.


Pim and Natasha said the answer almost at the same time, they both knew it, and this contrast made Bucky feel even more shameless.

"You tell me, I'm flying the plane." Natasha gave in and nodded towards Pim.

Pim didn't know what modesty was. He took off his ant helmet and wiped the sweat from his head:

"It was the launch site near the Kennedy Space Center, but in 1985, the launch silo was abandoned, and the communication equipment with Voyager 1 was moved to the No. 26 command center further north inland. In fact, if Tony had not run away, he should be more aware of these things, and his relationship with NASA is better."

"He drank too much. Taking a child to the battlefield is completely irresponsible." Steve denied this statement without thinking. Pim's assumption did not hold.

Pim pointed to the man and woman lying on the floor: "Okay, what should we do if we still have an unconscious pair here?"

"Let Natasha send them abroad." Steve replied. He felt that what Tony said before was right. Dr. Banner might be better for everyone if he lived in an uninhabited deep mountain forest.

"I want to follow you." Natasha stopped her words directly: "You all have no official status and cannot enter the air force base, remember? Captain."

Steve wanted to say that he could brush his face, but he remembered that his face was not useful in the Air Force.

Although he had parachuted several times during World War II and knew a few people, it was the Army Air Forces, and Cape Caravel belonged to NASA and was an Air Force research institution.

Natasha's status as a SHIELD agent allowed her to bring a few people in peacefully. If anything happened, it would be easier to end things with SHIELD's endorsement.

So he thought for a while, and made a decision just when the plane was about to arrive and he could see the coastline: "We wake up Dr. Banner and his girlfriend and let them leave on their own."

"Use gentle methods and don't throw cold water on it." Bucky added, he didn't want Banner to be irritated anymore.

If he turns into the Hulk in the cabin, Fury will definitely blame Steve and him on this aircraft, and they can't afford to sell it.

Janet took out the makeup bag from her belt, pulled out an eyelash brush from it, and smiled slyly: "I know what to do."

Then she put an eyelash brush into Banner's nostrils and began to tickle them slowly. People don't need much strength when their nostrils and ears are itchy. In this way, combined with watering, Dr. Banner can be woken up safely. .


"A sneeze! A sneeze!"

Banner woke up. He felt cold water on his face, and he was surrounded by a group of people. A flash of green suddenly appeared on his face.

But Steve immediately appeared in front of him. When he saw Captain America, he suddenly became calmer. At least he didn't fall into the hands of the bad guys.

Seeing that the unknown person was waking up Betty next to him again, he got up and huddled in the corner rubbing his hands in embarrassment, looking like he was in a hurry to urinate: "I'm sorry, can someone tell me what happened?" thing?"

Steve took a long breath and saw the plane landing slowly through the cabin window: "You may not remember what happened before, but now the earth is in danger, you and your girlfriend must leave as soon as possible America, the more remote places you go, the better.”

Seeing Captain America's reaction, Banner was very puzzled. He covered his head and squatted down to think. Although he had a headache, he recalled some things.

That was because he didn't listen to Tony Stark and insisted on using a fairing with large holes, which caused an explosion. Then... there was a green light in front of him?

He quickly touched his body, only to find that there wasn't even a single bruise on his body, let alone being blown to pieces.

It's hard to say whether there were bruises or not, because his upper body, including his face and the soles of his feet, were all covered in ink. There were no bruises visible, but the back of his head hurt terribly.

Pym handed over a small notebook at this time: "I am Ant-Man. This is the memo I made about the 'Hulk' phenomenon this time, as well as some speculations on physics and biology. I give it to you. Wait. Watch it after you leave the United States."

Banner took the notebook confused and was about to ask something, but Betty also woke up sneezing at this time, and she immediately threw herself into Banner's arms and cried bitterly.

This left him asking nothing.

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