The Death Knell

Chapter 1336? Avengers Assemble

Natasha parked the plane on the sea, keeping it invisible and letting it fly automatically. Then she went to the cabin and took out an inflatable life raft from under the seat.

Pull the self-inflation device open and drop it on the sea.

"That young couple leave quickly, we have to take action."

Steve took a deep breath, put on his hood and picked up his shield. He stood up and wanted to say a few words of pre-war mobilization, but he didn't know what to say.

Janet looked at the couple who were still crying, then at the masked men who were starting to arm themselves, and suddenly suggested: "Captain, look, we are all superheroes, right? Every superhero team has a The name of the team, are we also..."

To put it bluntly, I just want to team up with Steve.

Steve nodded, yes, that's right. He didn't even have a team name before going to the battlefield. No wonder he couldn't think of what to say.

He has led the Howling Commandos and the Invasion Team. Maybe now there can be a third team, a team that is not controlled by SHIELD or any force, so that we can truly act with conscience.

"What do you think it should be called?" Steve helped Banner and Betty board the inflatable raft and watched them paddling away.

"Captain's zoo?" Janet thought for a moment and replied with some embarrassment. She pointed at the people present, first of all herself: "The Wasp, Ant-Man, Black Widow... Assistant?"

Bucky's eyes widened, why was he still an assistant? What's going on with young people today? Also, even the assistant is not an animal!

Wait, Black Widow?

He seemed to understand something, taking a step away from Natasha without leaving a trace, and leaned against Steve, as if only the Stars and Stripes could give him a sense of security.

"I won't put myself in front of the team's name. It's unfair to everyone." Steve refused. Since everyone is teammates, they should be equal.

Natasha curled her lips. If what Deathstroke told Steve was true, then the world would be destroyed. Why are these people still naming names here? Is it so formalistic?

It's better to just choose a ready-made name.

"Call the Avengers. Aliens have invaded our earth. All we have to do is take revenge." She suggested.

Steve thought for a moment: "I remember that SHIELD had a team called the Avengers..."

"Yes, the team Fortune led before becoming the SHIELD principal was called the Avengers, but it was disbanded long ago. Anyone can use this name. If you don't use it now, don't regret it if someone else uses it in the future."

Natasha spread her hands and said that she was just making a suggestion, and it was Steve's business to listen or not.

Steve didn't hesitate, he really liked the name, and the concept of revenge was right.

He has experienced an era when the number of masked people exploded. At that time, the masked people almost lost their hair trying to think of a suitable code name.

Because all the good code names have been snatched up, those who debuted later can only be called "Bug Man", "Butterfly Man", "Tigger" and other names, which is not too miserable.

The same applies to the names of the teams. Take the No. 1 Defense Line as an example. Those people originally planned to call it the 'Earth Defense Line', but this good name was taken by another team of masked men.

Even if the opponent is just a group of neighborhood heroes having fun, the Yankees and Clippers can't force them to give up their team name, right? There is no other way but to settle for the next best thing and call your team the first defense line.

First come first served, then their team will be called Avengers. As long as they can get a name today, this team name will be theirs in the superhero world.

And the more he thought about the name, the more interesting it became. Steve suddenly had a flood of thoughts, and he knew what to say in his pre-war mobilization.

Looking at the majestic sea behind the cabin and the launch pad standing tall not far away, the palm trees on the seaside cover up the terrible conspiracy. Everything needs to be solved by them.

Deathstroke has gone to the universe to solve big troubles, so people like him can't even protect their homes.

Thinking of this, Steve's blood boils. Yes, no matter who dares to invade the earth, he and others will eventually take revenge!

He took off the shield on his arm and turned the five-pointed star to everyone. He came to the door of the cabin and raised it in front of everyone. The sunlight on the sea made his whole body seem to glow.

"Avengers Assemble!"

Then he looked around at everyone present with firm eyes, turned around and jumped out of the hatch first, swimming quickly towards the shore on his hands and feet.

No more mobilization is needed. Everyone has recognized the name, which means that the ideas have been unified.

Fighting for a common belief, such a team will never fail.

He just needs to be the first in the team like he always did.


The name "Avengers" also has another advantage. After the group entered the launch site wetly, Natasha used her credentials and words to make the base leaders think this was a SHIELD team.

He actually called SHIELD, but for some unknown reason, the new Director Pierce on the other end of the phone actually recognized him and said that Captain America could fully represent what he meant, and that Captain America was the hope and last conscience of the United States. .

Although Steve had never met this guy named Pierce, what the other person said made him very fond of him. He sounded like a very decent and kind person.

With SHIELD's approval, the director of Cape Caravel not only sent some manpower to drive to assist the Avengers, but also issued an alarm to evacuate other personnel.

In fact, there are only four silos in the base that are in normal operation. There are only a few thousand people underground here, so evacuation is not a problem.

Steve and his group also arrived at the so-called Command Center No. 26 with the help of tour guides.

The black, giant bunker-like building was densely covered with various antennas and receiving devices. Their disrepair caused them to sway crookedly in the wind, and they kept making creaking sounds, as if they were telling their own sufferings.

The paint on the rusted steel gate has peeled off in the sea breeze, revealing brown-red rust spots. Green climbing plants spread along the gaps in the fortress, blooming small morning glory and blocking part of the way.

It looks like no one has been here for a long, long time.

Steve swung his shield and opened the rusted door. Bucky stepped forward to lend a hand, and the two of them opened the door in two directions.

But then what appeared in front of a few people was a deep pool behind the door. The turbid brown water completely submerged everything in the bunker. Even the stairs leading to the deeper levels were not visible at all, only the reflected spots. The sunlight dazzled everyone's eyes.

"Is this place flooded?" Captain America asked the soldier who drove them here.

"Yes, Captain, there are regulations for the destruction of abandoned command centers by flooding them with water to prevent data theft." The person leading the way was a young black man. He answered the question very seriously: "No. 26 Command Center was abandoned in 1989. Since then, Standard procedures were followed.”

"So where are the ground facilities of Voyager 1?" Pim asked on behalf of the captain: "For example, the main control console, signal receiver, recording room, etc.?"

The black man pointed to another place closer to the dense forest, where only a tall iron frame could be seen from the treetops: "Right next door, the Aerospace Museum was transformed from the No. 26 Complex Facility Building. On the one hand, the equipment is placed there and Without delaying the collection of data returned by travelers, on the one hand, it can also attract tourists and increase revenue for the base.”

Steve finally understood why the Red Skull could easily access the sending and receiving devices, just because the Soviets wanted to fight, and the Americans just wanted to make money.

"Take us there quickly!"

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