The Death Knell

Chapter 1340? A small talk

The Skrull mothership lost power, and the huge starship was pitch black, floating in the channel next to the dead planet like a giant piece of garbage.

The small spaceships guarding it were obviously crazy and began to fly around in the surrounding area, perhaps searching for traces of 'Ronan', or perhaps expanding the warning range to guard against the insect swarm.

Now this patrol fleet is anchored in the cleared star area. This is not good news, because there is a high probability that the large force of Bru Zerg will pass through here.

The ship that lost power is obviously a space coffin, no, a space lunch box, and the bugs are on their way to eat.

The stars that glowed slightly pink made everything look shrouded in a faint blood mist, as if to say that there was not much time left for them to repair the ship.

There are dead star fields nearby that have been looted in advance. It is basically impossible to find new energy sources. The best way is to remove all the energy sources from those cruisers and replace them with the mothership. Everyone can board the mothership. Escape.

Unfortunately, these Skrulls don't seem to have thought of this. They are still searching for their old enemies the Kree and Ronan's 'Dark Star Fleet'.


"Yes, chew it hard for a while, then put it in your mouth and suck it."

At this time, hiding in a small cargo ship in the asteroid belt, Deathstroke was teaching Black Bolt how to use betel nuts and cigarettes correctly.

As the saying goes, adding betel nut and smoke has boundless power. After Black Bolt followed Deathstroke's instructions, his expression was obviously a little dazed.

He was no longer nervous at all. His only regret was that he couldn't blow smoke rings like a death knell.

You can open your mouth, but you can't make any movements involving exhalation. The betel nut residue has to be picked out with your hands.

This makes me hate my superpower even more. Eating is troublesome enough now, but now having some extra hobbies is such a hindrance, ugh...

Carol was in a daze holding a bottle of soda in her arms, taking a sip from time to time. Why did she always feel like her problem had been distracted by the death knell?

I'm afraid the Deathstroke who just returned to the ship is his true face, right? Dark, cruel, cold.

Although she knows that kindness to the enemy is cruelty to herself, the Skrull Empire and the earth are not hostile.

It was as if Deathstroke knew that the Skrull fleet would pass by and then tricked them. Everything seemed so easy, but these millions of people instantly became bait, luring bugs to eat them.

The mothership's energy is completely offline, which means that all defensive firepower and energy shields are ineffective, and even the escape hatch may not be usable.

However, Deathstroke and Black Bolt seemed to be fine, smoking and joking aside, very relaxed, as if they just did a small thing and didn't take it to heart.

Only now did Carol realize that almost all her knowledge of Deathstroke came from childhood stories, and she knew nothing about the rest. He had replaced the image in the story and appeared in her life without any surprise.

It's a bit scary. I didn't realize this silent conceptual replacement until now.

So... Carol decided not to think about it. After all, even if she thought about it again, it would have no effect except a headache.

She still focused on the big dog, touching the huge dog's head and talking to it: "I have a cat named Qiuer. Do you like cats and dogs?"

Tetanus rolled his eyes at her, turned his head and lay on the floor of the cabin and ignored her. She had no cat smell at all. On the contrary, she not only had the smell of the Kree, but also the smell of another terrifying creature. .

If this guy hadn't followed Deathstroke, she would never have even thought about setting foot in Attilan.

There was only a faint light in the small spaceship, and there were two red dots flashing. Deathstroke and Black Bolt didn't know what they communicated through the topic board. They both seemed to be in a good mood.

Deathstroke took out several kinds of cigarettes, including cigarettes and cigars, and gave them to Black Bat King to taste one by one:

"How's it going? Good stuff, isn't it? Your father only buys wine and food from the earth. He really doesn't know the goods. You should choose more other products."

"We also import some tobacco, what do we need in exchange?" King Black Bolt chewed betel nut and held a cigarette in his mouth, writing quickly on the board. He looked a little dazed, as if the cigar was too strong and burned a little. Mushroom flavor.

Deathstroke took out a piece of paper to draft the contract and said without looking up: "Earth's agriculture is not developed, and there must be...Crip."

Kreep mineral, kreep, the abbreviation of k-potassium (potassium), rare earth elements (rare earth elements), p-phosphorus (phosphorus), is a special brown-yellow glassy mineral on the moon.

It’s not that I really want to farm in exchange for it. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are abundant on the earth, mainly the rare earths in the Krip mine. They are very useful for manufacturing precision electronic components and are difficult to buy on earth with money.

Use cigarettes in exchange for the ores, then extract the rare earths, add some nitrogen fertilizer to the waste to collect nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, put it in a packaging bag, rename it Golden Lap and sell it, and let Steve go to Wakanda, Africa, to shoot a commercial , simply perfect.

No loss, no evaporation, zero waste...

But having said that, even if the heart-shaped grass yields 1,800 per acre, the panther probably won’t be able to eat that much.

"How about some betel nuts?" Deathstroke quickly drafted an agreement, using the Weishan Emperor Contract, which was very formal.

"Have some betel nut, too." Black Bolt wrote on the answer board a little numbly. He just felt that every sentence of Deathstroke was spoken into his heart, and he wanted to write it down.

Although Tetanus smelled mushrooms, it didn't know that normal cigars on Earth didn't contain mushrooms, so it still lay on the floor and pretended to be dead.

Su Ming added another item to the contract, raised his head and blew on the still wet contract: "Then let's exchange it for the Yuehai basalt. What else do you want? Do you want dog food?"

Well, this dog food is just a gift, a sealing fee for tetanus.

"I want dog food." Black Bolt still wrote a little numbly. In order to control his superpowers, he specially carried out willpower training, but this is better. He also has simple thinking and will not just repeat the death knell. if.

Besides, Su Ming didn't trick him. A further alliance must exchange what's needed, instant noodles for helium 3, cigarettes for Crip, moon rocks for betel nut, earth's specialties for moon specialties, fair trade.

He didn't look at Carol who was drinking soda and had no objection. Was she happily petting the dog's head?

"Well, okay, let's sign."

Su Ming put the contract on Black Bolt's answer board. Although his parents had just turned into meat pies and died, he could still live a good life and the conditions still had to be negotiated.

Black Bat King still closed his mouth tightly and quickly signed his name. The shadow of Emperor Weishan flashed past in the void, and the witness was completed.

Before the image of the caterpillar disappeared, he glared at Deathstroke again, as if he was asking for a favor?

Su Ming curled his lips in his heart. Hogs was really greedy. When he got back to this matter, he would burn some paper figures and horses for him. Why bother?

Putting away the contract, Su Ming began to wait with satisfaction. He was in a good mood as he watched the small Skrull warships flying around in the distant space like hard-working bees.

Black Bolt, who had finished smoking his cigar, gradually came back to his senses as time passed. His physical fitness was much higher than that of ordinary people, and his modified body had a very fast metabolism.

He remembered what he had done, but did not notice anything wrong, because the deal seemed to be beneficial to both parties. The things Deathstroke needed were just regular gas and stones that could be found everywhere on the moon.

In comparison, what Deathstroke provides are processed products, which is a shame.

Black Bolt has never dealt with the Sorcerer Supreme before. He has been locked in a secret room by his parents. Today, for the first time, he felt that Deathstroke was a good person.

So when he saw Deathstroke chatting with Carol, he listened quietly in the back seat. In the dark cabin, everything seemed so calm and beautiful.

The star's light was soft, the people present were nice, and there was a pet.

Perfect space travel.

However, this peaceful scene did not last long, as all three of them noticed that the star's light dimmed.

Looking out from the front window of the cockpit, one can only see that the cosmic space that originally had various colors has been completely blocked at this time. The overwhelming biological battleships are coming like a wave, blocking every sight. corner.

Countless insects are approaching from the other side of the planetary system like a tsunami. This is no longer half the sky, but half the universe. It seems that there are insect ships in every direction.


Deathstroke put down the bottle of wine in his hand and whispered.

Carol also became serious. She used the spacecraft scanner to look at it, and her face became ugly.

"There's so many, oh my God...the scanners are getting garbled."

The Bru Zerg cannot fly. They rely on looted spaceships for space activities and use sporangium-like airdrop pods to land on planets.

Not every stolen spaceship is so complete. There are always broken parts. They will secrete a kind of black carrion-like biomass to make up for it, allowing them to barely enter space.

Once there are too many such ships, it becomes impossible to jump. They can only wander in the universe by conventional means and plunder every living planet they encounter.

Some broken ships will be anchored in the universe, and the large forces will not wait for them. Instead, they will allow these ships that have lost power and are filled with bugs to spread the bug swarms to every corner of the universe like dandelion seeds.

When you encounter a space ghost ship or an abandoned space station in Marvel, you are likely to encounter the Bru Zerg inside, or the second-generation mutant Zerg they produced after parasitizing the original owner.

If these once-abandoned bugs can reproduce again, and encounter curious unlucky ones who regain their space capabilities, they will contact and return to the bug swarm through special means. This is why the Bru Zerg always start as a small tribe. The reason why the team form appears in front of people.

Space is a very dangerous place. People who are incompetent are best not to come. There are many opportunities here, but there are even more dangers.

"What should we do?" Carol held the bat oxygen tank and looked at Deathstroke.

But Deathstroke just crossed his arms and leaned on the passenger seat in a paralyzed posture: "There is a Skrull fleet between us and the swarm. Let's watch their performance first."

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