The Death Knell

Chapter 1341? Backup plan

Of course, the Skrulls who were anchored in the space route also discovered the existence of the insect swarm. The vast sea of ​​​​insects almost covered half of the planetary system. Without sensors, only the naked eye could see the tattered and black-patched insects. Ghost fleet.

The bridge of the Skrull Mothership.

The sound of fearful sobbing came from the darkness. This is what happened. Although I know that I am patrolling to determine the location of the insect swarm, I don't want to encounter it when the energy fails!

However, the commander of this fleet is still calm. After all, he can obtain the rank of general by patrolling. It is impossible without some skills.

‘It seems that our previous encounter with Ronan’s plot was not an accident, but the Kree people wanted to feed everyone worms. But Ronan's blue-skinned monster is still a bit young, and he is not someone who gives up so easily! ’

"Go and turn on the lights and order the cruiser detachment to move closer to the mothership." The commander sat firmly on the command seat, his tone still confident: "Order the frigate to harass the insect swarm and see if we can lure them to the Large Magellanic System."

Yes, small spaceships are faster and cannot be caught up by broken ships like the large insect swarm. Since he was tricked by the Kree, he will try to see if he can lure the insect swarm to the Kree's hometown.

After the order was issued, he quietly looked at the universe from the huge bridge porthole, his eyes full of ardent expectations. He hoped that the bugs would make an ideal response and bring destruction to Skrull's enemies.

Unfortunately, the number of this group of bugs is in the hundreds of billions. This is a wave of blue bugs. When they have an absolute advantage in military strength, the bugs made the most reasonable response.

They separated into a small force composed of more than a billion insects and chased the frigate, but the route of the large force remained unchanged and headed towards the fleet.

The plan is still to pass by M31, pass through Andromeda, and enter the Milky Way. Wherever the insect swarms passed, there was absolutely no grass growing, and countless planets were destroyed in their mouths.

Commander Skrull sighed. Although he had caused some trouble for the Kree, this was the best he could do. Even if he dismantled the cruiser and energy replenishment mothership, it would be too late.

Now there is only one last option, and that is... try your best to survive.

"Pass my order for the cruiser fleet to ram the mother ship. Pass the order directly to the supervising teams of each ship. Anyone who does not follow the order will be shot."

Except for the messenger who began to operate the temporary lights to convey orders, everyone else on the bridge was just silently preparing for the impact. The mothership did not even have an energy shield. The commander planned to directly use the "external embedding" method to embed the cruiser. Install it on the mothership as a booster.

At this time, the mothership is like a ball of mud. If you use a 'small stone' to poke it up, wouldn't it be directly embedded in it?

However, such a structure is not strong, and I am afraid that the insects will catch up with me before I can escape very far.

The general did not explain. He just pulled out a seat belt from under the command seat and tied himself up. The artificial gravity system had failed, and the oxygen supply was not known for how long. It was better to give it a try than sit back and wait for death.

Yes, give up the unimportant cabins on the outer ring of the mothership, use them to assemble the cruiser fleet, and then make an emergency landing!

All the hatches in and out of the mothership are locked. If you and others are locked inside, they are waiting to die. It is better to lead the fleet into the gravity well of the dead planet not far away and make an emergency landing on the ground.

Although the planet was plundered and infected by the swarm pioneers, and the air was filled with deadly viruses and bacteria, it was once a colonial star after all, with an atmosphere, air and water on it.

The mothership carries 3 million people and has about 10,000 individual purification devices.

I hope that enough people will die during the crash, which will not only ensure that the equipment is sufficient, but also make the insect swarm lose interest in me.

It should be about the same. After losing power, a mothership weighing trillions of tons makes an emergency landing on the planet. It is almost like throwing an asteroid directly from an altitude of hundreds of thousands of meters. The soldiers in the outer cabin are all dead.

The bridge is different. It is the strongest place on the mothership. It is located in the center of the ship. Before the big soldiers on the outer circle die, he must be fine.

As long as he reaches the ground and has enough air filtration and water purification equipment, he can survive there for a few more hours, and then the empire's support will definitely come.

It doesn't mean that they can defeat the insect wave, but the Super Skrull Task Force can at least rescue themselves. As a noble, it's fine that I don't die. It doesn't matter how many bastards die.

Well, you can also rescue your adjutant. His transformation skills are very superb...

No one knew what their commander was thinking. The crew just stared silently at their serious-faced commander. He didn't look panicked at all, and the ravines in his heart were as deep as the wrinkles on his green face.

As muffled sounds and vibrations came one after another, a subordinate reported to him: "Twenty cruisers have been squeezed into the mother ship. At the cost of losing 20% ​​of the cabins and crew, the mother ship has regained Propulsion. Only nineteen of the twenty captains were shot dead by the Supervisory Team. Those cruisers are currently controlled by the Supervisory Team. They can only turn on and off the thrusters and barely control the weapon system, but nothing else."

The Commander stood up, clutching his seat belt tightly and began to put the purple Skrull Super Suit on himself.

"That's enough, order all engines to be turned on! We have an emergency landing on the Death Star!"

The cruiser engines were ignited, pushing the huge mothership towards the black and purple planet below. It was obvious that the bugs were unable to intercept the crash landing.


Seeing the scene of the cruiser pushing the mothership, Su Ming felt as if he saw twenty one-yuan coins embedded in and pushing a purple pancake. Although it looked a bit reluctant, the dead planet was still rotating and still had gravity. With the help of the planet's attraction, the mothership was really pushed forward.

The pieced together strange ship was getting faster and faster, falling straight into the black ocean, and getting smaller and smaller in the three people's field of vision. The ion fire ejected by the thrusters kept shaking, as if waving goodbye.

Without the cover of the giant ship, the insect swarm in the distance came face to face with the asteroid belt where the three of them were hiding.

Su Ming didn't have any special reaction. He just stood up with a knife: "The Skrull fleet commander is a bit interesting. I want to use millions of Skrulls as bait. He will directly kill 99% of the fleet members, just for the sake of peace." Not a bait?"

A good calculation, although it was unintentional, it still cracked the death knell's plan. Although the method was a little ugly, it was easy to use.

If only a few hundred people survived after their crash landing, and they still landed on a planet that was eaten by the insect pioneers, the insect swarm would really look down on their existence if things went wrong.

Maybe tens of thousands of bugs will go down to eat, but the planet is so big, when facing tens of thousands of bugs, a few hundred people can still play hide and seek.

After all, this is within the empire, and the Skrulls have super soldiers. The fleet commander only needs to delay until he is rescued.

Sure enough, everyone said that one's own people are the fastest to kill one's own people. I saw the huge mothership disintegrating in flames as it rubbed against the planet's atmosphere. Many small dust-like Skrulls screamed and were vaporized by the high temperature together with the hull parts. Su Ming really admired this Skrull noble.

Although the tactical genius on the opposite side did not think of the method of "tearing down the east wall to repair the west wall" to save the mothership earlier, he thought of the dark plan of "cutting off his own limbs", which was not bad.

But in this case, Deathstroke himself can only use plan B.

"Go, help me find Omar, give this note to her." Su Ming took off his cloak. It had eaten before and now it was time to work.

There was nothing else written on the note, just the coordinates of where the people were currently. He needed the Dark Dimension Lord to come in person before he could proceed to the next step.

The cloak rolled up the paper, wrapped it around himself to prevent it from getting damaged, and then flew out of the back cabin.

When it is not carrying people and is in the cosmic space, it can completely release its speed, activate its magic ability, and jump directly into the split field.

Just a moment later, a vortex glowing with black light opened outside the spacecraft, spitting out a woman. The lord of the dark dimension was still the same as before.

Wearing a revealing black tight-fitting leather jacket, her graceful body has a skull head burning with black flames, and a smile appears on her face that is constantly surging like waves.

Raising her hand, she disappeared into the universe, and the next second, she stood quietly in front of the death knell.

Carol stood up warily for a moment, but with a wave of Omar's hand, she was locked in place by the space, unable to move.

At this time, Omar returned to his human appearance, showed his charming snow-white face, and smiled at the death knell: "Supreme Mage, is it time for me to fulfill the agreement?"

Su Ming nodded and pointed to the insect tide in the distance.

"Yes, dealing with some bugs. But it seems that you are quite happy to fulfill the agreement. I was worried that you were reluctant to give up the energy."

Omar smiled, and she turned to look at the boundless sea of ​​insects that covered half of the planetary system, and glanced at it calmly.

"It's true that I'm a bit reluctant to part with you, but if you never let me fulfill the agreement, I will always feel like there is a sword hanging above my head, and I won't even be able to sleep at ease."

"Ha, you make me sound like a bad guy." Su Ming smiled politely and brought the topic back: "I need your space magic to block the possibility of the entire planetary system leading to the Milky Way."

"Well, we need some flesh and blood sacrifices to allow the dark dimension to come and unfold here in the main dimension." Omar gave a plan. This galaxy is not small in area. The safest way is to directly cover it with the dark dimension. Wrap it in.

"Okay, the sacrifice is in the crashed spaceship. You can take it yourself. You know I don't know how to cast spells." Su Ming gestured to the crashing Skrull mothership with his chin.

Omar covered his mouth and smiled, as if he was amused by the death knell: "The ritual is just to facilitate the sorcerer to contact us, and I am here now. What other rituals do I need? Wait a moment, I will convert flesh and soul into energy , open the channel here."

After saying that, she disappeared into the cabin like a phantom, and the space restriction on Carol was also removed. She jumped up suddenly and almost hit her head.

"What was that just now? A demon?"

She asked Deathstroke with wide eyes and a confused look on her face, realizing that magic might actually exist in the universe.

Su Ming just watched calmly as Omar appeared next to the crashed mothership, and locked the space to freeze the half-crashed giant ship in place. The giant black screen with dim stars wrapped around the ship, like It was like an invisible big mouth biting it down in one bite.

"Even the devil praises her. Be careful, she is very dark."

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