The Death Knell

Chapter 1352? Skrull Wandering

Seeing the armor of Galactus gradually turning golden, Su Ming frowned.

In the past, when he ate planets, he either chewed them raw or squeezed the juice. Did he absorb more energy this time when he ate cooked food?

This is not good...

Galactus has two forms, one is the purple and blue armor form in the hungry state, which is also the most common one because he is hungry most of the time.

Galactus in this state is a famous unit of measurement, and many beings can bully him.

The other one is when he is completely full and his armor changes into the golden 'Sage Time' form. In that form, he is almost omniscient and omnipotent, and his strength ranks at the bottom among the five conceptual gods. The position jumps directly to the top.

Because the full-fed Galactus represents the complete sixth firmament itself, which is the previous generation multiverse that lacks several concepts.

If Swallow Star now becomes 'Golden Swallow', then he may have to join the gang. If he discovers Deathstroke's true identity, his plan to cheat the energy and run away may have twists and turns.

No, we can't let him absorb the energy completely.

Seeing that the purple armor on Galactus was slowly changing to gold, and the light turned yellow, Su Ming immediately decided to interrupt this process.

Swallowing Star was still in a daze, and he was completely immersed in the feeling of fullness in his body. This was a feeling he had not experienced in a long time.

Is it really possible to increase the energy of the planet through simple cooking methods? In fact, no, it's just because those Skrulls died so miserably, were crushed, fried and steamed, and their souls were full of darkness and resentment.

These resentful souls were eaten by Galactus, and together with the life energy in their bodies, they were thrown into the concept of sealing talismans by Galactus as always.

The knowledgeable Galactus suddenly discovered that these soul energies full of pain and hatred were much stronger than before, and even the energy of Galactus' own sealing talisman could be released.

This was the reason why he entered a sluggish state in an instant. He stood still, measuring and calculating how much rich energy he could extract from the seal and store it in his body first.

Su Ming only knew that it would be troublesome if Swallowing Star became a complete body, and he had to come up with a trick.

He flew in front of Galactus, who was in a daze with his eyes open, and assumed a riding posture.

"Goro, do you know? Eating and enjoying singing and dancing are more suitable."

By condensing a little bit of cosmic energy on the vocal cords, weak pseudosound waves can be emitted when speaking, so that the sound can be transmitted in the universe. Su Ming can also be regarded as having the ability to speak in space.

Regardless of whether Yanxing could hear it or not, whether he planned to enjoy the song or dance, Su Ming directly took out his trump card, took out a pair of sunglasses from his pocket and put them on.

"Oppa anal Nasida!"

While singing, he danced, and the movements of the horse-riding dance were full of magic. Ginta Ma, whose body was spraying with cosmic energy, looked like a golden snake dancing wildly in front of a dark curtain.

It is right to dance first when you are in doubt.

The onomatopoeic sound waves formed by the singing rushed towards the huge head of Galactus, and slithered into Galactus's ears like a small snake, and there were some changes in his eyes.

When I was calming down to feel the energy changes in my body, how could I calm down when I suddenly heard this kind of ghost-like song...

Swallowing Star sighed, shook his head, and gave up redistributing energy. This new envoy did bad things with good intentions, but he couldn't be blamed.

After all, this is the first time to cooperate. It is normal to not understand one's own situation. As for Yinta's mother, she said before that she knows a lot of things, and Swallowing Star doesn't think that humans can know everything.

He smiled, looking at the humans dancing wildly in front of him. Even now, he had to admit that although humans were a little stupid and did things like launch their own intelligence into the universe, this race was quite interesting.

As he was no longer hungry, a large part of Galactus' memory came back. He remembered that he had failed on the Earth several times, and now he had no intention of eating the Earth again.

Just after eating, it was a rare moment for Tunxing to relax, and he was in a good mood.

"What kind of dance are you doing?"

"Gangnan style."

"Taught me."



Just when a human being and a huge cosmic giant were dancing in the 'space disco', at the edge of the Andromeda S galaxy, Queen Skrull was looking at the empty home star and shedding tears silently.

No more, nothing left.

Although the empire is not finished yet, the destruction of the home star is definitely a heavy blow. The most critical thing is the loss of the fleet and super soldiers, which means that in the war with the Kree Empire, our own side will be at a disadvantage.

"Why are our soldiers so vulnerable?" It took the Queen a long time to come back to her senses. In the cold bridge, she patted the armrest of the throne and shouted loudly, hoping someone could give her an explanation.

Isn't it said that the Super Skrull is very powerful? Why are you so vulnerable to the enemy?

"Queen, please look here." A hunchbacked Skrull who looked like a sycophant came over and placed a small tablet in front of the Queen: "Although the network of the home planet has been destroyed, the fleet's network can still be Operation, this is the battle process we filmed."

Seeing the creatures on the screen rushing in from one end of the fleet like a ray of light and killing them like crazy, the queen shed tears again.

So many battleships have been lost, how long will it take to replenish them? !

Well, it doesn't matter if people die, tens of billions of people are just a number, and Iskrull's biotechnology can quickly replenish them.

The problem is that the resources of the planet that were eaten by Galactus, as well as the resources to build the fleet, cannot be changed.

The battle was very short, almost the entire process of the luminous figure flying. He didn't even slow down once. No matter what kind of battleship he was, he crashed through it.

"What are you asking me to see?! Where is our super soldier?!" The queen spat on the minister's face. What she wanted to see was not how strong the enemy was.

The minister still smiled ingratiatingly and let the spittle on his face dry naturally: "Your Majesty, this video needs to be slowed down a thousand times. Look here, this is our transport ship for transporting Super Skrulls."

The minister took the information terminal and operated it a few times, enlarging an inconspicuous boat in the fleet.

"They can all enter the universe on their own, why do they need to take a spaceship?" the queen asked quietly, her eyes like swords.

"This...that." The minister hesitated, as if he didn't know how to speak, but under the Queen's gaze, he still stiffened his neck and said bravely: "Our truly powerful Super Skrudu On the front line of the battle with the Kree Blueskins, the soldiers and fleets left behind on their home planet have actually not participated in any battles for more than six hundred years, Your Majesty!"

The queen understood, and she almost laughed out loud. Are the people who defend the capital all fake?

The previous queen granted them noble status, making these super soldiers a superior class. As a result, they really became masters.

When the enemy invaded, in order to be lazy and save the energy of flying out of the atmosphere, they chose to take a "saloon boat"? This is like completely forgetting what the battlefield is like!

The queen leaned weakly on the throne. She felt so tired. The super warriors were instantly wiped out, and the reason why the fleet faced the enemy in a dense formation was found.

"Tell me, what is going on? The Skrull Empire has not failed, it just lost two planets. I am still your queen."

The minister wiped his sweat, waved his hand to drive away the surrounding attendants, and lowered his voice: "Your Majesty, guarding the capital is a fat job in the military. They can make a lot of money. Even the Super Skrull Warriors like it. Financial. If you want to win the position of staying on the home planet, you have to pay tribute to the leaders and make great efforts to drill camps. Before these super soldiers went to the universe, they had just left a party and were in a period of fatigue after taking illegal drugs. ....."

"So all those who died are trash." The queen calmed down a bit. She looked at the giants dancing happily in the planetary system and was silent for a moment: "Recall my general Kl'rt, the empire needs him and Real soldiers."

"General Carl Root is indeed one of the strongest Super Skrulls, but he is also the top commander on the front line. If he is recalled, what will happen to our war with the Kree?" The minister asked, his green face wrinkled.

"I will go to negotiate with Emperor Shi'ar, hoping to pay some benefits for them to form a temporary alliance with us, so that the Kree can be deterred." The Queen's mind was still clear, and she had an idea: "And I need Kallu General Special leads the troops to avenge our enemies."

"Are you not talking about Galactus, my lord? That is not an existence we can defeat!"

The minister quickly dissuaded him. If he wanted to attack Galactus, he would definitely hit his head against a rock.

The Queen adjusted her skirt. She likes to wear pink and purple skirts the most, like an upside-down morning glory: "I'm not crazy yet. We can't beat Galactus, but this dead fish-eye, one Not so the white curly messenger..."

"Do you want to wait for him to separate from his master and seek revenge on him on his way to find the next victim?" The minister understood what he meant, and this might be feasible.

The real Super Skrull Warrior is also a user of cosmic energy, and has very strong fighting power. At least, he will not be like the previous losers who were wiped out in an instant.

Sometimes even the minister himself cannot figure out that those warriors who have been transformed by super genes have super deformation abilities, self-healing abilities, and the ability to use cosmic energy. How did those super soldiers who stayed behind eat themselves into fat men despite having super metabolism?

Yes, the Super Skrulls who stayed behind on their home planet are all big fat men who have been completely corrupted by money, wine and food. On an ordinary troop transport ship, one of their fat butts can fit into the seats of three ordinary soldiers, which may not be enough. .

The queen said quietly, her green eyes reflecting an unknown brilliance in the dark: "More than that, that guy is a human. He destroyed our home planet, so we will take his home star and rebuild the capital of the empire!"

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