The Death Knell

Chapter 1353? Bear the humiliation and bear the burden

Just when the queen's face was clouded and the ministers were silent, the communication in the bridge suddenly lit up.

A tall Skrull with a sinewy face appeared on the virtual projection. It was the aforementioned Carl Root, the imperial general known as the first Super Skrull.

"Your Majesty the Queen." The general bowed and saluted.

"Karrut." The queen relaxed a lot as if she saw someone to rely on.

Karl Root didn't talk nonsense and got down to business: "I already know the matter. I hope you can order me and the First Army to withdraw from the battlefield with the Kree. The people need me now."

The queen sighed and covered her face with her hands: "The mother planet is gone, and our home is gone. We must avenge them."

"Of course, Your Majesty, but first we have to establish a new base. We can't let you and the adults float in space." Carl Root is very smart. Although he does not agree with the Queen's revenge plan, he speaks very Euphemistic.

"Yes, Your Majesty, the general is right, there are many adults who are not adapted to life in space." The palace minister immediately seconded the opinion.

The Skrulls are different from the Kree, who are all soldiers. There are many people who have no fighting ability.

In the Kree Empire, military ranks are generally linked to strength, and one's rank will be determined by one's merit.

But in the Skrull Empire, there are many factors that need to be considered when becoming an official. First of all, you need to be a noble, and then you also need to look at whether your blood is pure or not, how your relationships are, whether your family has money, and so on.

Without power, even if he can fight against the sky, he can only be a tool.

People like Karl Rook are at the other extreme.

He came from a noble family, and his grandmother was even a royal princess. If you really think about it, the current queen is still somewhat related to him.

Karluk's family has a lot of money and power, and his own strength after undergoing biochemical transformation is also the best in the empire. Moreover, he has a ferocious face, amazing momentum, extremely green skin, and extremely bright bald head. He is the commander of the legion at a young age. He is simply the dream lover of hundreds of millions of Skrull girls.

The Queen frowned, her green face blurred by tears like a ghost: "Are we just going to wait like this? How long do we need to wait?"

"There are many powerful people on Earth, so we need a strict plan, my lord." A small screen appeared on Karluk's projection: "I watched the battle scene and discovered some important things."

On that small screen was the scene of a dead fish-eyed human being rushing towards a troop transport carrying a Super Skrull Warrior, all covered with light.

Karl Rook specially cut out this section and played it back and forth in just one second.

"What does this mean?" The queen was angry when she saw those dead trash. They had eaten up so many resources and raised them almost as soon as they asked. What's so good about these guys who are of no use on the battlefield?

The imperial general on the other side of the communication took out something like a remote control and slowed down the playback process a thousand times: "Your Majesty, the death of those scum is not worthless, please watch this video slowed down a thousand times. .”

The steward knew what the general was going to say. He had discovered it originally, but he got angry when he mentioned those trash queens before he could say anything.

It seems that the general got the better of him again and became someone else's discovery, 嘤嘤嘤.

However, when he was hanging out in the palace, he still had a smile on his face, showing that he was "completely unaware" and "curious", and he pretended to be perfect.

After hearing what the general said, the queen reluctantly became interested and watched the slowed down video.

Only then did she realize that she had thought that the enemy had crashed the transport ship, causing all the super soldiers to die, but that was not actually the case.

Within a thousandth of a second, the white-haired man squinted his eyes and seemed to know that there was a super soldier in the ship. As he approached the outside of the ship, he exploded with all his strength and slashed with an astonishing power.

The golden scimitar could become extremely huge, filled with rich cosmic energy. With one blow, it split the crew in the spaceship company into two halves. Almost as soon as the sword flashed, a large figure appeared behind the human. A bunch of black alien creatures instantly got into the spacecraft and ate everything inside.

Seeing the thin tentacles burrowing through the gaps in the spacecraft and pulling them out bulgingly, you can guess that this black monster has swallowed up the waste inside.

Then the enemy crashed into the empty transport ship, causing an explosion.

It's just that everything was completed within a thousandth of a second, which was so fast. If the playback hadn't been slowed down, it would have looked like a single impact that wiped out the super soldiers.

The Queen let out a deep breath and turned to look at the vast universe. She could only see giants here, but not the dead fish-eyed human being, but an intuition told her that the monster was also there.

"What did you find? My general?" The queen calmed down from the panic and asked combat expert Karl Ruk.

"Then I will give you my humble opinion." Karluk was modest and immediately began to analyze the video: "First of all, we can be sure that this is a user of cosmic energy, and his martial arts are amazing. I am afraid he can be regarded as the best in the entire universe. Forefront.”

It is not impossible to use cold weapons to cut the warship, but it can seriously injure all the people in the ship at the same time, which illustrates the terrible intuition of the warrior.

Even while moving at high speed and on a chaotic battlefield, the opponent still knew where the most threatening enemy was, and struck a thunderous blow without seeing the super soldiers.

The queen nodded. Killing a warship with cold weapons was definitely the preserve of the strong. She recognized the general's judgment.

"Go on."

"Secondly, the wastes in the transport ship were also Super Skrulls. Even if they were cut in half by a surprise attack, they did not die because of their self-healing ability. They were only seriously injured. But almost at the same time, they were killed because they lost their mobility. The other party's symbiote was eaten, but our enemy is still a symbiote host, and his symbiote is...very strong."

After all, even if it is cut off at the waist, the upper limbs of the Super Skrull Warrior can at least explode tens of thousands of tons of force, and at the same time, they can use cosmic energy to resist.

But none of them did it, which means that they died completely the moment they were entangled by the symbiote.

Karl Ruk has seen many symbiotes, and the Kree have several symbiote hosts, but those symbiotes are incomparable to the one in front of him.

Those symbionts have to chew people to eat them, which probably directly digests the target at the cellular or even molecular level.

The queen was a little silent, and she was groping for her throne. Even if there were only these two items, it meant that she should really think about it in the long term.

The general sighed and put down the controller in his hand: "The third point is that he was not hit by our weapons. In just a few dozen seconds, he was hit tens of thousands of times by various energy weapons, but these were all Absorbed by his weird uniform, I still don’t know if it’s because Galactus gave him special abilities or because he has other defensive equipment.”

The queen launched her tactics and retreated. Her face was uncertain, and finally she sighed in despair: "You should come back first. The official order will be issued through the military headquarters soon. We have to discuss the revenge plan."

"Your Majesty is wise." Karluk was neither sad nor happy. After saluting, he decisively cut off the communication.

A strange calm returned to the bridge. The guards and ordinary people did not dare to breathe for fear of being dragged out and killed by the angry queen.

Unable to find a way to start, the Queen finally had no choice but to hammer the armrest of the seat and scream like a banshee.

"Humanity deserves death!"

She said that, but her enemy was now with Galactus, so she would never dare to take revenge, so she would have to run away quickly.

The palace minister immediately ordered the remaining royal fleet to enter the jump and first find a safe star system to avoid the storm.


After Skrull's surviving fleet jumped away, a brain that looked like it was soaked in a green water jar in the rubble not far from them also jumped away.

It was a robot, its body was made of silver-white metal, and its head was a transparent green water jar. A brain with two eyes and a mouth was suspended inside, which looked very weird.

As the light of the single body's jump flashed, it returned to Hala, tens of thousands of light years away, and appeared next to another giant jar.

This large jar is located in a confined space the size of hundreds of football fields. Under the darkness, it is the only one that is constantly emitting light. There is a fat and huge head soaked in the green water. It is currently surrounded by a series of bubbles, rising and falling. Trembling slightly.

The small jar and the big jar looked at each other, and all the information was transmitted to the host through their eyes, and the supreme wisdom of the Kree people suddenly fell into thinking.

The information detected by the split robot was very useful. It was originally tracking the split robot of Galactus, but it accidentally saw a good show and saw the appearance of an exaggeratedly powerful human being.

However, there is currently insufficient information to make calculations. The supreme wisdom is still receiving the members of the executioner team who were thrown back to Hala by the death knell in the mental illusion.

Everyone is in a bright white space, facing the people closest to them, and the phantom composed of the supreme wisdom is reading the information in their minds.

Carol was not captured, but the action team was driven back by the Supreme Mage as expected.

It's not that there was no gain at all. Not only was it confirmed that the traitor Mary Earl was on Earth, but he also found out that Carol was her daughter. Deathstroke also brought himself a gift.

A Cavor crystal, and a pack of 'Scavenger' dumplings.

Combining all aspects of intelligence, the Supreme Intelligence deduced a greater possibility, that is, Deathstroke was reminding him that the path of Kree evolution lies in genetic technology, and the key is the Queen's Cleaners.

Should the Scavenger technology be restarted and conducted on a larger scale? Or is this a trap for Deathstroke?

However, after calculation, the other party did not kill anyone from the executioner team, indicating that their attitude was quite mild.

So this is a deal, a deal to exchange the direction of Kree's evolution for Mary and Carol's freedom.

It agreed, because this was the most advantageous choice. Originally, the purpose of observing and studying Carol was to find the direction of genetic evolution. Now it is also possible to use scavengers. Mutant genes compatible with cosmic energy are indeed a good direction.

"Announce, record, and back up. Restart the Eliminator project, join the Cavor crystal mutagenesis experiment, and promote the evolution of all people. Scale: small, risk: low."

The sound-like device next to the big jar made a sound, conveying the orders of the Supreme Intelligence, and naturally there were officials responsible for carrying out the orders.

Thousands of transfer orders and orders were issued in an instant, and everything was arranged. Under the control of the supreme wisdom, the Kree Empire was like a tightly operating machine.

And then, it continued to float quietly in the jar, as if no more orders were issued.

But almost at the same moment, all the fleets on the Kree Empire's front line began to launch a fierce attack on the Skrull Empire's defensive star field, and the war instantly entered a white-hot state.

Only Ronan the Accuser’s Dark Star Fleet was sent to the galaxy to conduct a long ‘regular patrol’ mission.

No one knows what the Supreme Intelligence intends.

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