The Death Knell

Chapter 1383? Teleportation

The atmosphere suddenly became tense. Orion asked Diana questions, but Harley threw him a cat, and Deathstroke stood up and asked him questions, which made him a little unhappy.

If Orion has any shortcomings, it is that like Thor, the god of thunder next door, he is very proud of his identity as a god and is proud of it.

"I am the new god Orion. I am dissatisfied with the way you wield power and give orders. I will not listen to you or answer your questions. You know nothing about my power!"

Bobo behind Su Ming covered his head. He wanted to correct poor Orion. Under normal circumstances, it was indeed difficult for humans to compete with the New Gods, but what he said was the opposite. It was because he knew nothing about the power of the death knell.

Not to mention Deathstroke's tactical thinking and the strange black mud creature on his body, even if he holds ten light rings and masters the creative power that is suspected to be the equation of life, he has already crushed Orion, but the Heavenly Father didn't even want to get it. the power of.

"Don't quarrel." Diana intervened between the two of them, holding their chests. She looked at Su Ming with her big eyes: "Orian is a friend and my savior. If you want information, be more tactful." .”

"He is Darkseid's son. If we want to use Darkseid to fight Pepatua, it would be a good gift to give him as a sacrifice to Darkseid." Su Ming deliberately said provocatively. Words are also telling one’s own purpose.

This is a small test. He is not very familiar with Orion. First, he must determine whether the opponent's brain is good and whether he can be transformed into a useful tool.

If not, it's really better to give it to Darkseid as a meeting gift. The traitor son doesn't like to see him very much.

Orion is not stupid. His IQ is probably as high as ten Thors next door. He heard the implication of the death knell and gave up his hostility.

He hugged the blue cat and tried to wake it up. Lingxing's tongue was hanging out, looking like he was suffocated. He replied: "Darkseid is my enemy, you don't need to worry about my position." , I also want to save our universe."

Su Ming patted Diana's little hand and motioned for her to hold Harley down. He shook hands with Damian cordially, and his face was instantly filled with a smile: "I believe you, but my plan requires the use of Darkseid. It’s always good to give it a little more thought.”

Orion hugged the blue cat and shook hands with Deathstroke: "I understand. I have seen Batman do this before. He deliberately provoked me and wanted to see a subconscious reaction to judge whether I am a qualified hero."

"I guess you failed." Su Ming took out a cigarette to smoke for Orion, pulled him around the unconscious Hax, walked to the side and sat down.

Orion smacked his lips and nodded helplessly: "Although I didn't hit him after getting angry, I still failed the assessment. He said that the earth does not need a human god, and I emphasize my status as a new god every day, which is not in line with the rules. United’s values. I’m obviously just telling a fact. I’m really the New God. Why can’t he face reality?”

Su Ming sighed, lit their cigarettes, and patted Orion on the shoulder: "Don't ask, just ask because he is Batman. Okay, let me answer your question first. You should also see my face. I thought about it, I am not the death knell of the main world, I come from the origin universe, and Harley is now a good person. She is with me. Before Batman left, he gave me the command of Zhenglian. We are here to save our teammates. .”

"Teammate? In the Ghost Sector?" Orion touched his stubble. He looked a little haggard. It must be that the destruction of the Genesis Star weighed heavily on him.

"Yeah, Cyborg, Green Lantern Jessica, Starfire from the Titans team, and Batman's follower Death Angel, how many do you know?" Su Ming put on a more friendly gesture, which was actually an exchange of information.

Orion thought for a while: "I'm not familiar with the Angel of Death. I only know that he likes killing people very much. The other three are familiar with him, but I have been following Darkseid here for a long time, and I didn't notice anyone else entering." Ghost Sector.”

"Cyborg controls the sonic blast channel. He must have jumped directly in. Now can you tell us what you plan to do here? And how did you not die in the great destruction?"

Deathstroke repeated his question again, exchanging worthless information for unknown information.

Orion hesitated for a moment, then slowly told his story:

"Obviously, the New Gods are extinct. Long ago, when the Sum pierced the sky, signs and omens proliferated, and every soul on New Creation was having nightmares, night after night. "

"A dream in which Darkseid returns and destruction ensues?"

Su Ming handed him another bottle of wine. With tobacco and wine in hand, people will be more willing to talk.

"Do gods dream?" Harley on the side was no longer angry. Her attention was diverted and she asked Diana in a low voice.

"Yes, and sometimes it's really a nightmare." Diana recalled the scene in her dream when she was chased by Hecate.

"Well, let's meet in a dream next time. Let's go sunbathing together?" Harley made an incredible suggestion.

Diana just nodded and signaled Harley to continue listening to the exchange between the two people. She might not be able to understand, but Harley might be able to.

Orion deserved to have lived on Earth for a long time. He took a puff of his cigarette holder skillfully, took a few sips of wine, and let out a long breath:

"Yes, we have foreseen it. The crack in the origin wall is a threat to the concept of 'existence' of the entire universe. Therefore, New Genesis joined the Justice League in trying to seal the origin wall, but that failed. Powerful power was released, and it immediately began to kill the New Gods. We tried to use the sonic blast tunnel to leave, but... I'm afraid I'm the only survivor, because I have Omega energy in my body, from Da Xaid’s energy.”

Su Ming himself took a sip from the wine bottle: "I was busy with other things at the time. Even as a human being, I have to admit that Star Man's plan is a piece of shit."

"You are fighting Pepatua now, and the situation does not look good, but I am convinced that Darkseid may have a darker plan, and the New Gods will still have to deal with it, so I followed him here, no matter what Whatever he is planning, I want to stop him."

Orion rubbed his face. He looked a little tired. The cat that could help him before didn't know his true identity, and the people who knew his identity as the New God had no fighting ability at all. How could he not be tired?

The Red Lantern Corps and Darkseid have a hostile relationship. If the spirit star knew that he was Orion, he would be arrested without any explanation.

But now that Zheng Lian is on the scene, Orion is much more relaxed, but it is not completely free of mental burden, because some terrible things are hunting down all the new gods.

"Where's your old red uniform and flying pedals?"

Su Ming nodded, thoughtfully, then looked at Orion's outfit, and asked with an expression that was hard to explain.

If Orion's previous red uniform and helmet made him look a bit like a smaller version of Ultraman, his current maroon and dark purple uniform makes him look like a copycat of the Thai version. Ultraman.

It cannot be described by an ugly word.

"This set of equipment is called 'Light-Shielding Armor'. It can cover up my energy fluctuations as a New God, allowing me to survive the pursuit of 'Eskardon'. Well, in English, Ace Caton means 'scavenger', and they were created by Pepatua after the Wall of Origin was broken, as a weapon to hunt down the New Gods who might have survived."

Orion explained why he changed his look. He didn't want to wear this one either. How festive was the bright red uniform before?

"It's okay, relax. Pepatua's creations are not invincible. Let's continue Hax's experiment before. What do you want to get from the ghost sector?" Su Ming drank and said to Bobo. A look.

"Anything that allows me to understand what's going on will do. So the energy frequency I limit is living things, creatures with higher energy levels."

Orion gave an explanation. He just wanted to get a few people alive to ask what happened in the ghost sector.

This is indeed a smart approach, not jumping in hastily, at least it is much stronger than Cyborg and the others.

Come to think of it, Orion may be one of the people who knows Darkseid best, and his caution is not without reason. Darkseid is really strong, not only in strength, but also in wisdom.

Su Ming turned to the orangutan and ordered: "That's it, Bobo, start the instrument."

"Okay!" Bobo pressed the button on the console, and the teleportation platforms suddenly gave off bright lights.

Along with the terrifying roar, a large amount of white electric light began to flow in the room. They spread on the walls and the ground, and the energy index began to climb rapidly.

"The summoner is activated, but the energy supply is indeed very unstable." Bobo lowered his head and looked at the values ​​on the panel, thinking about a solution.

Orion stood up, still holding cigarettes and alcohol in his hand. He placed the Spirit Star on the table aside: "Don't panic, this is Genesis Star technology. It has the ability to stabilize itself."

"Meow meow!"

The white electric current spread to Lingxing. Although it was harmless, the hair on its body stood up. It woke up and looked confused.

Bobo also had black hair flying, and he looked like he wanted to enter the Super Saiyan state, but he was very calm: "Since you said so, let's wait and see... Well, the machine started scanning automatically. , locked onto three organisms. Cell teleportation began, but the console also began to smoke."

"It can withstand it, I believe it." Orion walked around to the other side of the death knell, because Lingxing was looking at him with a very dangerous look, as if he was planning to bite his throat.

As the light suddenly flickered on and off, three objects were transported into the space station, and the console and the giant machine itself emitted a burst of sparks and were declared scrapped.

"It's done." Bobo jumped off the console and patted the hair on his feet that was caught by the sparks.

Orion looked at the things on the teleportation platform: "A Tamaran, a charred corpse, and... no, it's a scavenger!"

Sure enough, Su Ming recognized two of the three things teleported to the space station, except for the last one, a reflective black square that was squirming like asphalt and beginning to expand and deform.

It grew muscles, ferocious facial features, and reached a height of about six meters.

"Is this Pepatua's new toy? It seems that her creations and aesthetics have not improved much." Su Ming stood in front of everyone and replaced the God Killer with the Night Sword: "Everyone retreats. Leave this to me."

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