The Death Knell

Chapter 1384? War begins

"How can it be possible to retreat? I am a god!"

Although Orion was afraid of the scavengers, he still took out his small pistol and prepared to fight alongside Deathstroke.

Because scavengers are biological weapons specially made to restrain the New Gods, and the New Gods' energy radiation methods and flesh and blood are supplements to monsters, they can only fight with foreign objects.

"Meow! Red Lantern never refuses to fight!" Lingxing also flew to the other side of Deathstroke. The cat's eyes looked over Deathstroke's shoulder at Orion: "As for you, Darkseid's son, we will settle the score later."

Diana also wanted to fight, but one person and one cat occupied the left and right sides of the death knell, and she suddenly lost interest.

When she was looking for a place to stand, she noticed that Barry seemed to be in a daze. Following his gaze, she saw clearly that the charred corpse was wearing a green light uniform, and the brown hair color looked very familiar.

Barry's fists were clenched tightly and tears flowed from under the mask. He ran to the teleportation platform to retrieve the body, held it in his arms and observed it carefully.

When he saw that the corpse was still wearing the small cross he had given to Jessica, he immediately lost his fighting power, fell on the corpse and cried.

Diana is also a little sad, although certainly not as sad as Barry, but Jessica is also a comrade in the Justice League.

In the successive crises, the Justice League has lost too many friends, and today they lost one more, and they died from Darkseid's Omega rays.

She is familiar with Omega rays because she and Superman have been hit by these things many times, and she also knows the consequences if such rays hit ordinary people.

If Jessica hadn't been wearing a Green Light uniform, I'm afraid she wouldn't have even been able to keep her body intact.

Diana sighed and silently stood in front of Barry with her sword and shield, separating him from the enemy. Fighting the enemy or protecting teammates? Diana chooses the latter, which is why she carries a shield.

Su Ming looked at the asphalt monster in front of him and shook his head helplessly. The Tamaran man not far from the monster seemed a little dizzy and was shaking his head slowly.

That is Blackfire, Starfire's sister. People with the word "black" in their names are actually not very dark. On the contrary, many have a straightforward temper, making them good tool candidates.

The monster had no interest in black fire. The lantern-like eyes of the huge creature were directly locked on Orion, and it let out a gloomy laugh: "New God! The smell of the New God! Devour!"

"Well, you can still talk. Looks like you're better than Doomsday, huh?"

Su Ming turned to speak to Bobo behind him. The smart orangutan had already shrunk to the corner when the enemy appeared, and blocked himself with something like a flower pot.

Bobo stretched out his head from behind the bunker: "This is Eskardon. I heard that it is some kind of biological aggregate that can continuously divide and reproduce, and is extremely powerful."


Su Ming stretched out his hand to block an attack launched by the monster Orion. The huge claws and the small palms collided together, and an air shock wave spread instantly with a loud noise.

Orion and Lingxing were immediately blown away by the air current, but Deathstroke and Scavenger remained motionless.

The monster retracted its big claws, and its sharp nails shone coldly under the light. It tried to negotiate with Deathstroke: "Don't stop me, little creature, my only enemy is the New God."

"Do you want to kill all the new gods so that Pepatua can kill us in the future? Come on." Su Ming shook his head with a smile, his armor mask raised, and his voice became like an evil ghost: "Only one person will die here today. Creature, that’s you.”

"Organic creatures do not overestimate their own capabilities." The size of the monster has increased a lot, and more arms have even begun to appear: "I am destruction, I am the weapon that ends the New God."

"I'm not a new god, can you tell me?" Black tentacles began to appear from behind Su Ming, dealing with each of the opponent's arms: "I have seen many creatures that claim to be destroyed. It's a pity that one who can fight nothing."

Strangler and his opponent entered a state of wrestling, and for a while they were evenly matched. The black tentacles and black claws in the air were almost motionless, and they were in a stalemate.

"Is this... still a human?" Lingxing's cat's face was full of surprise. She asked Diana, wanting to see if she was still awake.

Diana could only smile bitterly. She didn't know why Deathstroke became stronger again, but after not seeing him for two months, he actually had cosmic-level physical fitness.

The shock wave of the fist can blow away a red lantern demon and a new god. This means that Deathstroke's power now even exceeds that of ordinary Kryptonians. Deathstroke has never been known for his brute force. His thinking is the real Sharp weapon.

Orion fell into self-doubt. He looked down at his small pistol, then at Deathstroke wrestling with the monster, and rubbed his eyes.

But even if he poked his eyeballs out, it was useless. Deathstroke did block the cosmic demon as a human being, and it was effortless, because laughter was still coming from under his mask. Even though Deathstroke didn't speak, Orion seemed to feel Deathstroke saying to him:

‘What a weak god. ’

He immediately wanted to rush forward to prove himself, but when he saw that even though the monster was being held by Deathstroke, its eyes were still looking at him with radiance, he wisely backed away.

He retreated to Bobo's side, squeezed the orangutan out a little, and hid behind the flower pot together with one person and one monkey.

The monster cannot escape the grip of the death knell. It can grow new arms or legs, but the human opponent can do the same.

He grew ten arms, and the opponent grew eleven tentacles. The extra one kept slapping it, as if urging it to continue to grow arms.

Gradually, the scene became uncontrollable, and various limbs almost filled the entire laboratory.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Diana first dragged the crying bodies of Barry and Jessica into the corridor, then turned back and took back the dizzy Blackfire and the overly excited Harley.

As for Bobo and Orion, they have legs and brains, so they naturally came out early.

Lingxing wanted to help Deathstroke as a way of repaying Catnip's kindness. It had not enjoyed it for more than ten years and had almost forgotten that there was such a good thing on the earth. Deathstroke reminded it again.

As for what he said when he was having fun, he can't remember clearly, but it should be harmless.

But no matter whether the hot blood spurted from the cat's mouth or it used the light ring on its tail to emit energy, it hit the monster without even a ripple, and it couldn't help but grin.

As a red lantern demon for so many years, Cat is also very knowledgeable. The opponents who can ignore the energy of the lantern ring and still feel like a spring breeze are basically cosmic-level beings, and they are still the top batch.

"Should we talk to it?"

The blue cat hid behind Deathstroke and watched the tentacles squirming. He found that these tentacles seemed to grow out of Deathstroke's armor.

"What to talk about?"

Su Ming himself was very idle. Apart from supplying energy for strangulation, his arms were still a bit short and could not be used for much purpose.

Lingxing shook his beard and rolled his cat eyes: "It wants a new god. How about we introduce Darkseid to it? You see, it is very strong, and the enemy of my enemy is my friend."

"Pepatua is not a friend. Besides, there is no need." Su Ming shook his head slowly, not giving the blue cat any face at all. Its statement may be correct in other situations, but not now: "Strangle, eat it!"

Pepatua, Darkseid, and the Laughing Bat are all enemies because of their different stances, but they have one thing in common, that is, the world they want to create is not what Su Ming wants.

In other words, Lingxing's argument may have worked before, but times have changed, now? The enemy of the enemy is still an enemy...

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