The Death Knell

Chapter 1482 Waiting

Diana didn't seem to notice the little trick to change the topic. When she heard Odin's name, she was thoughtful.

"I have met the Odin of our world once, several years ago."

She chatted with Su Ming through the symbiote's neural link, completely forgetting that Magikken and the Lord of Order were fighting to the death thousands of meters away.

"I thought the Norse pantheon of Earth 0 was destroyed."

Seeing that Su Ming successfully changed the subject, she followed her words.

The heroine's expression was a bit strange, as if she had some contempt, but also seemed to recall in confusion:

"That was in the Kingdom of Dreams. Odin, his brother Loki, and son Thor were all there. I heard Abel say that the three of them were already sitting at a wine table in order to think about ways to avoid Ragnarok. It's been 1,200 years, I wonder how stupid I am to be able to think of a solution in 1,200 years? At least try something similar."

"Hey, living and living in someone else's house for 1,200 years? He must have given Sandman a lot of benefits."

Su Ming whistled, his tone full of fun.

DC does have a Nordic pantheon.

He had seen it in comics before, and it was basically a background board. The occasional appearance was because of the villains in Batman stories, because mortals who come into contact with the blood of berserkers or ancient Nordic weapons will become murderous on sight. madman.

This Odin was also Zeus's accomplice back then, and they planned Hecate's power together, but they used witchcraft to improve their own bloodline, and something went wrong, which affected their intelligence.

The Amazons also knew a few Nordic warriors, but apart from being commendable for their courage, they couldn't even defeat Damian in a real fight, and their brute strength was all in vain.

"I heard that Odin gave the previous Sandman a crystal ball as the price for the three of them hiding in the Kingdom of Dreams, which is a miniature multiverse." After all, Diana is the leader of the Dark Alliance, although she does not have the ability to cast spells , but she knew a lot of things: "The Sandman accepted it, but after the Sandman died, no one knew the whereabouts of the crystal ball."

"...That's not necessarily the case." Su Ming touched his chin, and the information he got from the unintentional chat made up the last piece of the puzzle: "I said Lucifer wanted to prepare a retreat, why did he bring in the second generation? As for Sandman, it seems that it’s because of the crystal ball. It’s easier to transform the existing universe than to create one out of thin air.”

It is estimated that Diana herself did not realize that what she said could provide inspiration to Su Ming. She was really just chatting about the Nordic gods.

"Maybe, but that has little to do with us. Has Alberta contacted you recently?" Diana showed little interest in this. Currently, her own multiverse is in crisis, so how can she bother to take care of Lucifer? The problem.

Su Ming shrugged: "No, maybe she was silenced by Lucifer. Don't forget, fallen angels are also demons, and they can fall out quickly."

Maggie Ken, who was in the distance, seemed to be aware of something and turned his head to glance at the two of them. However, he was burned by the Lord of Order with flames and screamed in pleasure.

"As long as you know the dangers of demons, I thought you didn't know what's going on with Maggie Ken and the others." Diana looked relieved. She would never believe in demons. If it weren't for the existence of Deathstroke, there would be no hope for her. Walking with the devil.

"I am the Supreme Mage. The ones I deal with the most are the Dimension Demon God and the Lord of Hell. If I were really so gullible, I would have died a long time ago." Su Ming waited impatiently. Why was Cloak so slow this time? He took out a cigarette and smoked it.

Diana was a little curious: "Even the Trinity God behind you?"

"Yes, Emperor Weishan is also the Dimension Demon God, so... I introduced the Upside Down Man to them as a test, and their rejection shows that they have reservations and precautions against me." Su Ming narrowed his eyes. , gently exhaled a puff of smoke, and disappeared almost instantly in the golden light: "Well, I never thought of relying entirely on them. It would be better to rely on them than to rely on the blind, stupid, and indescribable ancient gods behind the mysterious guest."

"You have never told me these things about the other world and the situation you are facing." Diana patted his back, and the metal armor made a dull sound: "I think you and your cousin are always very relaxed. I thought you were having a smooth life there."

"So this is the reason why you are angry." Su Ming understood, it turned out that everything was because of this.

She thought he would disappear at every turn, living a happy and relaxed life at Marvel, leaving her here to face the crisis of the destruction of the universe. Every time he left, it was like fleeing.

She likes her own world, but leaving before Deathstroke has made a little progress is like despising Diana's family for being poor, which makes her feel very awkward.

If you like something, you want him to like it too. It's such a simple thought.

"I'm not angry." Diana turned away.

"I understand what you are thinking. In fact, you have misunderstood. There are too many problems in the world over there, so I have to go there frequently. If you have the opportunity to travel there, you will understand that it is like a piece of quicksand and looks ordinary. , very safe, but if you take a wrong step, you will fall into a bottomless abyss of darkness, without leaving even a ripple on the ground."

Su Ming sighed and flicked the cigarette ashes, but in this dimension, even inanimate objects had no gravity, and the soot spread out in the air like fireworks.

"Oh? What about this side?" She was a little curious about what Deathstroke would say about his earth.

"The black sea with howling wind." Deathstroke answered without thinking: "Although it is full of dangers, Batman has built a good ship. As long as it is sailed well, it will not capsize. Quicksand and wind and waves are also different. The folk customs here are It’s much more honest, and there are a lot of people there who smile when they see me, but they all want to kill me behind my back.”

"Haha." Diana was amused: "What bad things have you done that make people hate you so much? Tell me about it."

"I just touched someone else's cake. This cake is called the earth." Su Ming gave the answer expressionlessly. He always knew it in his heart: "But it's a long story, and it has to be explained from the special characteristics of the earth. It seems like the time is not right now."

"Well... to put it simply?" Diana was still curious, her big eyes were like those of a cat.

"The earth is the place where magic originates, and it is also the place where the blood of the 'Zero God Group' is soaked. The human soul is both wealth and fuel. Human beings have endless possibilities." In simple terms, this is it. Facing her eyes, Su Ming Let’s briefly describe it.

Although Diana didn't know what the Celestial Group was, she originally asked just to share the secret, not to study why it was a secret.

As long as Deathstroke is willing to tell her, it doesn't matter whether she can understand or not.

So she was satisfied and stopped asking questions, and the two chatted about felines instead.

For example, talking about her old friend Leopard Girl, Diana was really worried about the big cat.

Her intuition told her that it was definitely not a good choice for the Leopard Girl to serve Perpetua, because the Leopard Girl had a human heart, but the Mother of the Multiverse did not.

Once you feel that the tool in your hand is useless, a heartless being will discard the tool without hesitation, or even destroy the tool to prevent the opponent from getting it.

Diana has seen this situation many times. Her understanding of divinity is far superior to others. This is what she has realized time and time again in the battles with Ares.

Her brother would always choose human beings as his spokesperson to launch wars that would affect the entire world. After he successfully lured Diana into a duel with him, he would not hesitate to kill those tool men.

Tools are destroyed when they are used up. This is the ruthless divinity.

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