The Death Knell

Chapter 1483 Chaotic War

While Su Ming and Diana were chatting and McGeeken was fighting the Lord of Order, things were not going well for the cloak.

At this time, the underground Justice League Dark headquarters had turned into a battlefield. Circe led the team she raised to raid here, and the target was also the Black Diamond, or in other words, the Eclipse.

She took advantage of the full-scale confrontation between Zhenglian and the Legion of Destruction to win over some figures in the magical world, and promised them many benefits in the name of Hecate's reincarnation.

Some people in the magic world are very jealous of Deathstroke becoming the spokesperson of the Upside Down in another world. Even if they don't know the details of the contract between the two, they can probably guess that Deathstroke must have benefited.

Otherwise, why would a pure warrior suddenly gain the ability to cast spells?

So as they are spell casters, wouldn't it be even more satisfying to get this benefit?

It's not that no one tried to summon the Upside Down to negotiate, but the white-scaled monster ate the warriors with a smile. At first it was still interested in listening, but then it became numb. Whenever anyone approached it to talk about this, it would just throw it out. one question.

"Do you understand compound interest?"


Ambitious spellcasters are generally very confident in themselves, and a magician's confidence means that it takes a long time to accumulate knowledge.

How could antiques from hundreds of years ago know anything about modern finance? Not to mention offering better terms than Deathstroke, then their only end is to pay the price of harassing the Upside Down, which is their lives and soul energy.

No one gave better conditions and bargaining chips for betrayal, so the alliance between the upside-down man and Deathstroke was unbreakable in a short time...

After repeated for a period of time, people gradually gave up their intention to replace the death knell and become the spokesperson of the Upside Down Man, because everyone who recommended himself died and became an empty skin bag that was drained of flesh, blood and soul.

But just recently, Circe, a famous witch who claimed to be the reincarnation of Hecate and also showed powerful witchcraft power, recruited people. As long as they can help her defeat the Upside Down, she can bring the magical world to Restore the way it was before.

There is no cost for everyone to cast spells and take back the magical world where you can breathe free air. The first person to sign up can also become a spokesperson and get stronger help.

Of course, this is all a lie, Circe only inherited the power of the Witch's Moment, not Hecate's memory. Even if she was really the reincarnation of Hekate, she would never allow others to borrow her power unconditionally.

That's not borrowing, it's stealing.

However, the interests are fascinating. Even if Circe's advertisement is full of doubts, there are still many people who have contacted her secretly.

Some people do it for profit, some people have insufficient IQ, and some people have a grudge against Constantine.

Why did someone who had a grudge against Constantine join Circe's team?

Because if you want to deal with the Upside Down, you have to deal with 'that' Deathstroke, and that Deathstroke from another world is very close to Diana and the Dark Justice League. Constantine is an important member of the Dark Justice League.

So based on this relationship, dealing with the Upside Down is equivalent to dealing with Constantine, so there's nothing wrong with that.

So Circe formed her own witchcraft team, consisting of Father Midnight, Witch Boy, Plant Master, and Solomon Grundy.

She led this team, and not long after Deathstroke and others left, they also followed the magic aftermath caused by the former's teleportation, locked the headquarters of the Dark Zhenglian, and teleported in.

However, the location of the teleportation was slightly different, and the result was completely different. They teleported to the reception room, not the warehouse that Circy wanted to go to.

Because Constantine had more or less arranged it here, the transmission of witchcraft was blacklisted, making it impossible to get close to the big library.

For magicians, the strongest one in the wizarding team is not Circe, or even Solomon who can wrestle with Superman, but the wizard boy's cat 'Steele'.

The orange cat that always looks sad is the incarnation of the Lord of Chaos in the main dimension. Although the Lord of Chaos is different from the Lord of Order, it is more like a collection of crazy concepts, but once it finds something interesting, That would also come directly to deliberately cause trouble.

It doesn't have any specific needs, it just likes to make trouble, mess up the story, mess up time and space, anyway, the more messy it is, the happier it will be.

The only ones left behind at the headquarters of the Dark Alliance are Man-Bat and Khalid. How could they possibly defeat Circe and her group?

They could only lock themselves into the warehouse and use recognizable magic items to desperately strengthen the door.

Without Naboo's golden helmet, Khalid couldn't even be considered a magic apprentice, but at any rate, he had some experience following Dr. Fate. As soon as he saw Circe, he took the man-bat and hid in the warehouse. the subsequent stalemate.

The two people inside the door were like ants searching for magic props to strengthen the defense, while Circe outside the door used the coin of the underworld ferryman, a pure gold delamark, to resurrect the skeleton of the Red Dragon Queen hanging above the living room— —Dracul Kalfan.

The most powerful red dragon in the history of magic was killed by Diana. Her mind was filled with the humiliation before her death, which made her furious.

Circe reached an agreement with her. As long as she helped burn the warehouse door with dragon breath, Circe would help her capture Diana and hand it over to the Red Dragon Queen.

As a result, the balance of the stalemate between the two sides gradually began to tilt towards the witchcraft team. The rune gate, which could not be shaken by Grandi's brute force, was melting in the red dragon's magical flames at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Circe knew that the two apprentices in the warehouse wanted to use magic props and n-metal to resist real witchcraft? That is impossible.

As the door became thinner and more transparent due to the fire, a smile gradually appeared on Circe's face. She looked very much like Hecate at this time. Not only was she wearing the March Crown, but her skin color was also It also turned into a pale white without sunlight, and two lines of black water flowed from the eyes like blood and tears.

However, at this moment, at the other end of the living room, the elevator door leading to the Hall of Justice above opened, and a group of superheroes swarmed in.

Circe, who was still smiling at first, found that each of these people was smiling happier than her. Their smiles seemed to be engraved on their faces. That kind of malicious laughter made Circe understand something instantly.

The Laughing Bat infected the heroes above and sent them again. The target should also be a certain magic item.

As for what the opponent's goal is, Circe has probably guessed it. The Laughing Bat may have read the magic book for a few days and knows something.

But he is not a spellcaster at all. The madness of the Laughing Bat is too crazy even for chaotic magic. If he laughs uncontrollably during the process of chanting the spell, he will die tragically on the spot.

It can be inferred from this that the Laughing Bat is looking for a simple and easy-to-understand magic prop, preferably like a nuclear weapon grenade that can be thrown out by pulling the string.

But Circe is already determined to get the powerful artifact here, and of course she cannot give it away.


So the witchcraft team instantly got into a fight with the laughing infected people.

Circe's side is stronger, but the infected heroes of the main alliance are even crazier.

The Laughing Bat even prepared anti-magic n-metal for each of them. It seemed that it had been premeditated. The other party was also commanded by the laughing Director Gordon. It was he who sneaked into the Hall of Justice by virtue of his identity and spread the poison.

When the cloak arrived, it saw such a chaotic scene, and it began to think about how to complete the things assigned by the Supreme Mage.

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