The Death Knell

Chapter 1484 A mess

The current situation on the field is like this. I don't know many of the players on both sides of the battle. I can only make some preliminary judgments based on energy and magic power.

It knew Circe, after all, it had seen it before. From its perspective, the side with three powerful mages was now passive.

Because there are five people in the sorcery team, including three mages and two warriors, which means no matter what, there is always a sorcerer who lacks the protection of close combat. He needs to face the group of weird smiles and deal with all kinds of cosmic energy and super powers. attack.

The big red dragon did not participate in the battle at all. She focused on burning the door. The flames were like a roaring flood, hitting the door full of golden inscriptions, and the fire splashed everywhere.

The cloak felt that she was not very intelligent, so Circe promised to bring her Diana to eat as soon as she opened the door. The dragon's mind was filled with Diana. Although the contract is strictly enforced, isn't it too rigid?

There is another problem on the mage's side, that is, the vegetative man with red flowers all over his body does not match the attributes of the big zombie. The former summons branches and flowers from the ground, but as soon as the zombie approaches, those plants wither.

But the big zombie didn't listen to any combat orders, running around and smashing things, saying things like 'Monday...Tuesday...' all the time. He was just a fool.

But those people on the other side who are laughing also have a problem, that is, they talk too much nonsense. They seem to have an endless desire to talk. After hitting a few times, they have to stop talking to the enemy for a few words and then laugh for a while. This is really yes......

The situation was quite chaotic. The room that was originally filled with beautiful furniture was now torn to pieces, exposing the black rocks behind the walls. The bookshelves were filled with sawdust and paper fragments scattered all over the floor.

Cloak decided to wait and see for a while, waiting for the red dragon to open the door, and then he slipped in and took away the black diamond. Now, let's find some snacks to eat. Some decorations in the living room also have energy fluctuations, which are very weak, but you can try it... ...

If Deathstroke were here, he would probably make a similar choice, because both the Laughing Family and the Legion of Destruction are enemies, and it would be best to let them fight.

There is currently no antidote for those infected with the Laughing Virus. Even for Diana's sake, it would be a good idea not to kill them, let alone save them.

He might give some popular science to Strangler and wait silently in the dark, such as introducing the plant master below and expanding the recipes for Strangler.

Plant guru, Dr. Jason Woodrow, biologist, chemist, physicist, pathologist.

He is also Poison Ivy's teacher, a crazy plant supremacist.

It was he who deceived Poison Ivy, who was still a graduate student, into accepting botanical experiments, turning her into a green look. Poison Ivy was very angry, so she kissed him to death after the transformation was completed, but she also inherited the doctor's legacy, which was plant protectionism.

But Dr. Woodrow was resurrected not long afterward. Because he loved plants too much during his lifetime, he gained the favor of the Green of All Things.

The green of all things used the method of creating swamp monsters to create a plant collection that inherited the memory of the deceased.

Strictly speaking, the Plant Master is not Dr. Woodrow. It is just a mixture of tree trunks and leaves, a walking plant that thinks it is Dr. Woodrow.

It represents the most extreme idea of ​​the greenness of all things, which is to destroy everything and make the universe full of plants.

Because of this, he has been fighting against the 'moderate' Poison Ivy and Swamp Thing, because he dislikes them for not cooperating with him to destroy the world.

Yes, Poison Ivy, who spread poisonous spores in the center of Gotham and caused mushrooms to grow on hundreds of thousands of people, is a moderate in his eyes, because if he were to do it, she would definitely spread the poisonous gas throughout the universe. !

He thought so, and so he did. He imitated Poison Ivy and began to study his own poisonous gas spores, and worked hard to accumulate the quantity.

Then...then he was defeated by Batman and sent to Arkham's special prison. Qiankun

In order to produce spore poison gas that could cover the whole world, it wasn't enough for him to rent more than a dozen large chemical warehouses, but he also rented them in Gotham? I don't know what's going on in my mind.

Well, he has no brain, and the inside of his head is just wood.

All in all, after Hecate created the 'Parliament of Flowers', a plant group representing flowers, out of thin air in the last incident, things changed.

Hecate is dead, but people cannot destroy all the flowers in the universe, so the Council of Flowers can only be left behind.

The flowers were also thinking about their future path, and then they discovered that the Green of All Things has Swamp Monster as its spokesperson, the Red of All Living Things has Black Orchid as its spokesperson, and the May Queen has Poison Ivy as its spokesperson. Do they also need a spokesperson?

Huh? Why does All Green have so many spokespersons? Then give us one.

After experiencing a series of major events such as the multidimensional invasion of darkness, the arrival of the four Omega gods, the sinking of the earth, the Witch's Moment, etc., the Green of All Things has been hit hard one after another. At this time, it is impossible to refuse Baihua's conditions and can only let them do what they do.

The Council of Flowers naturally chose Dr. Woodrow, who 'favorites' plants, and 'adopted' him from the Green of All Things, and the doctor was very happy to enhance himself.

Then new energy entered his body, and his body like a dry tree trunk was suddenly covered with red flowers, turning him into a flower-tree man.

The original appearance is quite beautiful, but plants need to follow the natural cycle. Flowers naturally wither for a moment. The same is true for the flowers on his body. After withering, they will always be adsorbed on his body and pile up to become 'flower mud'. New flowers bloomed again on the flower mud.

So he smells similar to Swamp Thing, which is the smell of rotting plants, far worse than the fragrant Poison Ivy.

It's ivy, it will never wither if it has sunlight and water, and you can even use Harley's cosmetics and perfume.

As for why his abilities conflict with Solomon Grandi's, it is mainly because Grandi is the spokesperson chosen by the "Withering Ash", which represents the death state of plants after they wither.

After the plants die, they turn into fertilizer, and the fertilizer makes other plants grow. This is an endless cycle, so Grandi will never die.

Butcher Swamp is bigger than Crystal Lake, and Grandy is much stronger than Jason.

Although the two are not from the same world, Jason wearing a hockey mask is very scary. Anyone who has watched horror movies knows that it would be enough to multiply Grandy's various abilities hundreds of times. .

Grandy usually soaks in the water and sleeps most of the time, but if someone is passing by or camping near the swamp, he will pop up and kill them.

He and Jason have the same problem, that is, they like to kill those young lovers who are in love with each other, as if they don't want to see others mate. This is probably the resentment of being single when they die...

All in all, Circe had been living on her own island before and rarely knew the situation outside. This time she wanted to do something only to find that she knew too few people.

Originally, she hated men extremely, and her specialty was turning men into pigs, dogs or bubbles, so the team that she managed to pull out only consisted of a few people.

It was only when the battle started that I discovered that the abilities of Grandi and Plant Master were still in conflict, which was really miserable.

Although she inherited most of Hecate's power and even the concept of witchcraft, she couldn't help but feel numb when faced with the group of crazy laughing mad heroes in front of her.

Now she just hopes that the Red Dragon Queen can move faster and open that damn door quickly so that she can take the black diamond and leave.

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