The Death Knell

Chapter 1524? No cure

Under the sun, the stone statue stood quietly on top of the city wall like a monument. His bravery and fearlessness at that time could also be seen from his expression.

The Blue Devil knew that he was no match for Circe, but in order to save his companions, he still launched an attack fearlessly.

But the gap in strength cannot be bridged by blood or courage. After all, he ushered in the final fate of a warrior and died on the way to charge.

Bobo was still lucky at first. After running to the foot of the stone statue, he asked the surrounding Amazon warriors if the Blue Devil had taken the time to make a statue of himself.

However, the female warriors told him with a bad attitude that this was indeed the Blue Devil himself, and that the witch had captured Diana. They were not in the mood to tangle with the orangutan now, and they were ready to find a way to save their queen.

As for the orangutan's behavior of holding the stone statue's thigh and crying bitterly, they looked down upon it even more, with a look of contempt on their faces.

For Amazons, it is sad when a friend dies, but if she dies heroically on the battlefield, then this is a glorious ending.

Human beings are no different from beasts when they are born. Only after experiencing life can they write the conclusion to their stories at the time of death.

Although unlike the Nordic pantheon, there will be poets and singers to extol the deeds of heroes, but the sisters of Paradise Island will always remember the heroic deeds of the warriors and keep them in their hearts, which is far better than telling stories in a tavern or somewhere.

Their current plan is to rush to Circe's hometown of Aeaea, rescue their queen, and avenge the heroic Blue Devil.

"Death knell."


When they passed by the female general led by Amazon, the two nodded. This black female general was Diana's elder, her teacher, and her friend.

Sometimes Diana is a little afraid of her, because she is always very strict, even for an Amazon, it is too strict.

When they are young, girls on Paradise Island need to learn astronomy in order to understand the stories between the stars and myths.

But Diana wanted to see the world outside the island, so she did not look at the sky with a telescope, but looked at the dark sea level. This made Phillips think she was a skinned monkey, so no matter what the little princess did in the future, Being closely monitored by teachers.

Little Diana went to the mountains to pick flowers and put them in her hair, but was imprisoned by Phillips, because in Amazon culture, women who have not given birth to children do not wear flowers, and they want to have children at a young age. Is this okay?

The princess picked up a stuffed bear that floated along the waves. After repairing it, she played house by herself. When Phillips discovered it, she went to complain to Queen Hippolyta, who then spanked Diana's buttocks.

Because Amazon warriors should be thinking about how to kill their enemies instead of learning about motherhood from childhood, the teddy bear was locked in a magic treasure chest and buried deep in the palace garden.

There are many similar things. When Diana was a child, maybe because she had the blood of Zeus in her body, she seemed playful and lively. Other girls liked swords, guns, swords and halberds, but she only liked dressing up and cute things.

As a result, Phillips was banned in various ways, and he instead taught her various combat techniques and martial arts. Over the years, he mentally transformed her into a real Amazon warrior.

Under the guidance of the black female general, Diana became Wonder Woman, gained the recognition of the gods, and obtained her magical equipment.

Of course, Diana later learned that she became Wonder Woman not because she won the championship on Paradise Island, but because these artifacts were originally prepared for her.

To put it simply, she was the chosen one by the gods.

Think about it, if it hadn't been arranged a long time ago, why did her armor, boots, crown, and scabbard fit so well? Can you wear the prize as soon as you receive it?

You must know that the female warriors on Paradise Island are not of the same size. Diana is 1.83 meters tall and weighs 75 kilograms. She is famous on the island for her 'slim and weak' appearance...

Like General Phillips, she is taller and stronger than Deathstroke, almost comparable to Superman.

Fortunately, the warriors on Paradise Island are simple-minded, and no one realizes this until now. Maybe Queen Hippolyta knew something, but now that everyone is gone, she naturally took the secret with her.

Fortunately, although General Philip has a serious temperament, her loyalty to Diana is unparalleled. Paradise Island has faced countless crises. At the last moment, she and Diana fought side by side, and she never retreated even though her body was scarred by battles.

Now she is planning to lead people to rescue Diana, and naturally she is sincere.

Maybe if it were a woman from the outside world, she would still complain about Deathstroke why he wanted Diana to confront Circe, while he, a man, just watched.

But Amazon warriors don't. In their view, it is natural for women to take the lead when facing powerful enemies, because women are stronger than men.

The Queen was captured by the enemy, and that was only her own fault. When Phillips passed Deathstroke, he had already thought about how to train Diana after rescuing her.

They now go to the forest to pray, asking the Olympian gods or the green of all things to help them open a way home.

She still has some brains, because although there are sorcerers on Paradise Island, those women are basically followers of Hecate. Using witchcraft at this time will inevitably be noticed by Circe.

Seeing a group of Amazon warriors in brown cloaks leaving in a hurry, Su Ming turned his attention to Bobo. The orangutan was crying with snot and tears, making the legs of the stone statue sticky and wet.

He was still rubbing his face there.

"I was wrong. I was the one who harmed you. I shouldn't have let you be the regent. I shouldn't have taken the blame. Wuwuwu..."

Blue Devil and Deathstroke worked together once, and they were accompanied by the Shadow Pact Team at that time. Su Ming actually liked him, he was a very conscientious actor.

"Can it be saved?"

He turned to ask Zha beside him, and Wade seemed to know that he had stabbed him. He was hiding behind Harley, curled up into a ball, and tried his best to hide his presence.

"Reverse Fossil!"

Zatanna did not answer, but directly cast a spell to prove it with action. Her reverse magic sprayed out a ball of light mist. However, this had no other effect except making the stone statue look more dreamy.

Xiaoza was silent and shook his head. Magic had no effect on this special petrification.

As another mage in the team, Father Midnight took the initiative to put forward his own opinions. Before entering Zhenglian Prison, he still had to fight for admission qualifications. He stroked his nose ring:

"This is not pure witchcraft, it should be mixed with some kind of poison."


Bobo raised his head while holding the stone statue's thigh, and the black hair on his face became sticky.

Most of Midnight's black face was covered by white skull graffiti, and the details of his expression could not be seen clearly, but his voice was serious:

"Cersei's hometown is on the Mediterranean island of Aeaea, and I was born on the Mediterranean coast of North Africa. I have almost grown up listening to her legends. I wonder if you have ever seen the painting "Cersei Poisoned"? "

"The paintings of John William Waterhouse, a British Pre-Raphaelite painter in the early 19th century, was good at depicting mythological stories and women." Su Ming immediately picked up the topic. After so many years at Marvel, he was more or less familiar with it. There was some research on the artwork: “I kind of understand what’s going on.”

Father Midnight nodded, and his back seemed a little bent: "You are really knowledgeable, so let me show off for you. Please correct me if I am wrong. According to legend, in the past, the Mediterranean sea god Glaucus fell in love with He married the goddess Scylla, but was rejected by Scylla."

"So Glaucus asked Circe for help, wanting to buy a powerful love potion she prepared to 'pursue' Scylla. But as soon as they met, because the white cloth on Poseidon's body was wet and close to her body, Circe fell in love with what was under the sheets. Glaucus, who has a 'big weapon', is determined to get rid of Scylla and create opportunities for herself."

"Scylla is also a god, and Circe's witchcraft is difficult to work on her. Therefore, Circe thought of a better way. She poisoned the sea where Scylla often bathed and cursed the sea water. Nothing Scylla, as she is known, was transformed by the poison into a gigantic six-headed, twelve-armed monster, and the sorcery poison destroyed her divine form."

"The toxicity gradually took hold, and she rolled in pain on the seabed and fled, and finally turned into stone in the sea between Italy and Sicily. This is the Thera Sea Reef Zone that is still known for its dangers. People who run boats in the Mediterranean basically know it. .”

Su Ming curled his lips and looked at the stone statue of the Blue Devil: "What about Glaucus? The person he liked was killed by Circe, and he didn't say anything?"

Father Midnight shrugged and spread his black palms helplessly: "He was originally a farmer. He became a god after eating the sacred grass grown by Kronos. The ruthlessness shown by Circe conquered him, and he cooperated with Circe. Circe offered his...'strengths'. But later, because he was very boring and empty-handed, Circe got tired of playing with him and killed him, just like when she killed her husband. That way.”

The orangutan detective let go of the stone statue and hugged Su Ming's thigh. He rubbed his eyes with his palms: "Did Poseidon not care that his men were killed by Circe?"

"Poseidon is extremely happy, because Glaucus was inserted into the ocean god system by Zeus without his consent. The God of the North Sea and the God of Prophecy are not Poseidon's people."

Father Voodoo knelt down and patted the orangutan on the shoulder to comfort him, and gave the detective a cigar to calm down before continuing:

"Zeus later wanted to cause trouble for Circe. He used lightning to transform her island from a fairyland with blooming flowers to a gravel beach without any grass. He also wanted to kill her and curse her soul, because killing a god is treason. But in the end, it was Poseidon who set off tsunamis and thick fog, resisted Zeus’s thunderous fury, and saved the witch.”

Bobo took a deep breath of cigarette, and the smoke poured out of his nostrils. He indeed seemed much better, so he sniffed and asked: "You said so much... But the key is, my brother is still Is there any help?"

Father Midnight slowly shook his head. He stood up and looked at Bobo regretfully, and then at the people around him who were staring at him. He whispered: "The Thira Reef is still there after thousands of years. The answer is not very obvious. Is that okay... My condolences."

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