The Death Knell

Chapter 1525? Return to Hell

Bobo was stunned. He covered his mouth and breathed hard between his fingers.

Like a wounded cub, he whined helplessly, squatting on the ground and curling up into a ball.

After all, the Blue Devil is a member of the Shadow Pact. He is a friend of Jim, the master of the dark night, and naturally an old friend of Bobo.

In the past, many sorcerers were burned into roasted meat and charcoal in the Forgotten Bar. Bobo had no emotion about this, but now it was a true friend who died. From a certain point of view, it was Bobo who was killed again. Yes, he finally couldn't bear the blow.


The orangutan burst into tears. He had been holding back his tears since Jim died, but now he couldn't control it anymore.

"Harley." Su Ming reached out to the woman, took the God-Killer shovel, then picked up the orangutan and handed it to her: "Watch him, don't let him bite his tongue."


Harley dug into her jacket pocket, took out a red plastic ball and stuffed it into Bobo's mouth, and tied a black belt behind his head.

Her hands moved very quickly, and she created two afterimages like small whirlwinds. Barry looked at her in surprise. If this was a Speed ​​Force user, he might have caused a storm, right?

"Huh? Uh-huh!!!"

Bobo looked confused. After he came to his senses, he showed great pain and wanted to struggle.

"Let me do it, I know I was wrong again, now let me make up for it." Deadpool took Bobo away from Harley in a serious tone and held him in his arms, as if he was planning to let the orangutan suck. Likewise, she pressed his face against one chest of the black and red uniform and sang a lullaby: "Sleep, sleep, my dearest baby..."


The red plastic ball in Bobo's mouth had vomit flowing out of several round holes at the same time. The strong body scent under Wade's armpit instantly made the little Foo roll his eyes and fall asleep.

Su Ming raised her hands to cover her face and sighed deeply. Harley often played bondage games with Poison Ivy. It was understandable that she would carry small toys with her, but where did Wade get the confidence that allowed him to dare to hug her? other's?

Forget it, as long as the little Fu orangutan doesn't die, it's normal for him to vomit after drinking so much wine.

"Maizi, follow me next." He waved to the two of them to come closer. He couldn't rely on anyone else to save Diana: "Barry, you and Cyborg can discuss how to arrange the next step here. Maia is waiting for us to come back, and if anything happens, we will find a way to take people to the Rock of Eternity, do you understand?"

Barry exchanged the blank black diamond in his hand for Deathstroke, took off his gloves and sighed: "I know, but you must save Diana. Justice cannot suffer any more losses."

"It is certain that I will save her, but it has nothing to do with justice." Su Ming put away the black diamond and turned to Maggie Ken, who was doing nothing to pull out his nails: "Teleport, go to your hell first."


Hell is still the same as before, with crimson streets, crimson sky, and a castle made of black stone standing at the end of the street, while the war with the angels is still going on at the edge of the sky.

The war between heaven and hell is a veritable thousand-year war. The war will not stop until it lasts for a thousand years. This is also a rule.

"Lucifer's operation must be almost complete, right?"

Su Ming took a deep breath of the sulfur-smelling air and felt that his trachea was burning.

McGeeken's eyes swept across the demons on the street. When she arrived, all the creatures knelt on the ground, without the courage to even look at her.

"Who knows, when he doesn't want to contact me, I can't find him." Maggie Ken is used to others kneeling down. She just holds her sword in her backhand and leads Deathstroke into the castle to chat: "In the past, I still had There was a nightclub that could block him, but now, he has wings again."

Su Ming stepped onto the black stone steps. This stone was still cold in this environment. He exhaled the air he had breathed before:

"After taking so long, he must not be satisfied with creating a single universe, but choose to create multiple universes? What will he do next? Will he reconnect the hell dimension and the heaven dimension over there?"

Maizi's flaming sword was like a torch in the darkness. She walked past the kneeling guards one by one, returned to her throne, and sighed in relief.

"Even if that's the case, it's just for us demons to find a way out. You think of heaven too simply. The Supreme Throne in the Silver City is now just the 'body of God' that has been corrupted into a ball of flesh. Do you think God Himself Have you ever? Let alone you, they have never met even Lucifer and Michael. Lucifer once told me that when he was the supreme angel, he just knelt down in front of the empty throne every day, and then Hear the will of God’s voice in the sky, for there is a heaven beyond the sky.”

"Even if God created all the angels and is their Father, have they never seen him in his true form?"

Su Ming touched his chin and stood in the center of the hall in front of the throne. The circular building structure made his voice continuously amplified.

Maggie smiled, shook her head, and leaned the weapon on the armrest of the throne:

"We guess that the person should be outside the omnipotent universe, which is a level that we cannot recognize, so now these crazy angels can go to war with us without any scruples. After all, even if our multiverse is destroyed, they firmly believe that God will be there Resurrection them at a higher level. Then we don’t have that way, so we have to rely on Lucifer to go out and fight on his own. Didn’t you notice that his ex-wife hasn’t come to trouble me recently?”

"Izanami, she must be busy raising her son recently, right?" Deathstroke removed his mask and lightly scratched his face.

"That bitch, she thought that little kid was his destiny, because in a prophecy, the prince of hell would be killed by his own son." McKee smiled contemptuously, Lucifer was hers, Izana Although Mei Ming is not weak, she is a loser after all: "She wanted Takehiko to kill Lucifer, and she did not hesitate to turn her son into a meat mountain demon."

Su Ming dug into his pocket and took out two bottles of wine, one for each person: "Are you a layman now? They don't call demons in the Eastern Hell, they call them monsters. After Xiongyan transforms, he is not a meat mountain demon, but a monster." Ainu Giant Octopus', a giant tentacled meat ball with a height of 110 meters."

"They're all the same." Maggie Ken waved her hand impatiently. She was annoyed when Izanami was mentioned: "There is no essential difference between demons and monsters. They are both embodiments of various desires. As long as I am still alive, their mother and son will be the same." Neither of you can touch a feather of Lucifer."

"Okay, let's just assume that you are the most affectionate, hide the movie you got first, and let's go to the Kingdom of Dreams from the Spiked Gate." Su Ming dealt with a few words like a fool, and asked Maizi to store it for him Half the 'baby' in hand.

She had to go back to the castle to talk, wasn't it just to hide her things.

"It's been hidden." A smile appeared on the rotten half of Maggie Ken's face. She stood up and stretched her muscles: "Do you know where Diana was caught?"

"Of course, everything was within my plan... Although the death of the Blue Devil was indeed an accident, it had a limited impact on the plan."

The mask covered Deathstroke's face again, and the red eyepiece suddenly lit up.

Maggie gave her hand to Deathstroke, who helped her down the steps in a gentlemanly manner. She smiled and said: "I knew you didn't intend to do anything good when you dismissed those fools... They really I don’t know you.”

Su Ming said calmly: "Look at you, you make me sound like a devil. Please, Your Majesty Satan."

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