The Death Knell

Chapter 1543? Calendar Man

The unknown old Nordic man supported Arthur because Arthur not only had smooth hair, but also had a beard.

With this combination, the shawl hair does not look so girly. Star Man has no beard and looks girly.

And Hairy Bigfoot supports Star Man, because Star Man has had shawl hair since before the first reboot of the universe. He is the originator of men with long hair in the DC universe, and everyone after him pays tribute to him.

The debate got so intense that the two experts even went to full force in the studio, causing manuscripts and benches to fly around. In the end, the debate had to end with a draw.

Bethann left work very calmly, so the host was replaced by Calendar Man. This Gotham villain with bags under his eyes as swollen as two eggs had a big heart as always. He commanded the security guards to drag the experts out expressionlessly. After that, he took over the anchor station and began to read the dark news in a dead voice.

For example, there is news about a tragedy happening somewhere in which universe, or about a mother eating her own son.


Calendar Man was just a serial killer in Gotham during the P52 period, but he was eventually driven crazy by Batman and passed that threshold.

How can I put it, he is different from most serial killers. His madness appears very calm, he always smiles and appears very elegant. He is also one of the very few people who can defeat Batman several times with intelligence.

His criminal philosophy is like that of Hannibal, but his killing methods are similar to those of a jigsaw. He is a very good mechanic and can make various execution props, and he never tires of doing so.

However, he is very principled. He depends on the day when he kills people. Unless it is Saturday or Sunday, he will not kill people. And on days like Independence Day or Halloween, he would go out and cause some damage or steal something to celebrate.

Of course, if these holidays and weekends coincide in any year, he will do something big. At least one victim will be a double-digit serial murder case.

Once when Batman was dealing with the 'Holiday Killer', he had to ask the Calendar Man imprisoned in Arkham why both of them only killed people on weekends. And what is the purpose of doing this?

Calendar Man stood in the center of the cell wearing a crisp hospital gown, talking to Batman through the transparent glass wall. His belly was slightly protruding, but he had a reserved smile on his face, resembling an aristocrat.

He is willing to help Batman, after all, Gotham is just a city, and he is the only person in this city who kills people on weekends.

But he wants Batman to reveal his secret in exchange, a dark, painful secret.

For example, why does Batman think bats are a symbol of fear? And why not kill the Joker? What is he afraid of?

Calendar Man's powerful psychological ability makes the questions he asks seem to be stripping Batman of his clothes, making him feel like he is standing naked on the street.

However, during the consultation process over the next few days, he also helped to lock in the identity of the holiday killer, which was Falcone's son Albert.

However, it was too late when Batman and Gordon arrived. The world line of the main world is different from that of Earth Minus 11. He has been disliked since he was a child. The psychopathic Albert has already killed his father Falcone. , and impersonating him to give orders for a long time, Batman could only capture the Holiday Killer back to Arkham.

But while he was away from the police, Calendar Man successfully escaped from prison with the help of a pencil given to him by Batman, and escaped from Gotham through a series of sexy tricks.

A few days later, he arrived in Hawaii and called Batman to congratulate him on catching the Holiday Killer.

He also said that he had never liked Falcone, and it was also part of his plan to use Batman's investigation to exert pressure and force Albert to kill his father.

Batman became his accomplice, and he even wanted to treat Batman to dinner.

Unfortunately, he shouldn't have made this call. Batman immediately locked his location, captured him after a battle of wits, and became a neighbor with the Holiday Killer.

Because of this, the relationship between Calendar Man and Albert, Mario, and Sofia, the three Falcone children, is very bad, and they think about how to kill each other every day.

This is also a rare situation in Gotham where villains are mortal enemies.

Later, when the Joker became the Emperor Joker, Calendar Man also served as the Deputy Dean of Arkham for a while, but was eventually imprisoned and became a backdrop.

Being locked up in prison, not being able to kill freely during holidays, and not being able to see murder scenes, finally drove him to the extreme of calm madness.

After the Flashpoint event restarted the universe, he went crazy and became stronger. He joined Channel 52 and became a news anchor and video blogger.

He likes to record cruel and dark content, and provides spicy comments and satire through psychological analysis, which is very popular.

Of course, in addition to various quirks, he also has a super power, which is to change his age and appearance as the date changes.

At the beginning of the year he looked like a young man in his twenties, and by the end of the year he looked like a dying old man.

Well, that's it. People who play with their brains don't actually need superpowers.


Harley stood up and waved happily to the calendar people. As old acquaintances in Gotham, Harley could talk to these people.

Being both psychology experts, Harley has a good relationship with him. Harley's journey from Arkham's therapist to a prisoner also makes Calendar Man find her very interesting.

He who was broadcasting the news saw Harley and nodded without any trace. He was now the anchor of Channel 52, and the past was in the past.

Now he no longer needs to kill people to satisfy his psychological needs, because he can see more tragedies and darkness here, and even the super power of the TV station can send him to the crime scene, and witness others killing people up close without letting them find out. .

He is a mechanic who does not kill people with his own hands. He either borrows other people's knives through psychological manipulation, or uses killing instruments to make the victim commit suicide in his choice. This is his usual method.

Watching others kill people was enough to satisfy him.

"The text message has been broadcast. On the occasion of the Year of the Villain, although I have been emphasizing it in the program these days, I still want to say something old-fashioned. On behalf of Channel 52, I recommend that everyone pay attention to personal safety. When you find that others have any suspicion against you, it is best to It’s better to kill the other person directly first, whether he or she is your parent or friend.”

The calendar man put down the manuscript in his hand, looked directly at the camera with dead fish eyes, and showed an evil smile:

"After the commercial, come back and we will watch the latest news from Earth-44 from frontline anchor Vartox."

The red light indicating recording on the camera went out, the hall became chaotic again, and the PD and staff began to get busy.

Calendar Man stood up and walked towards Deathstroke and his group. He seemed very polite. He stretched out his hand from a distance and prepared to shake hands: "Deathstroke from another world, I have long admired you."

Su Ming also smiled and shook hands with him, and said something flattering: "No, after all, you are the senior in the world of killers. You kill for personal hobbies, and I kill for profit. My level is not as good as yours."

Calendar Man smiled modestly and shook his head. While shaking hands with Harley, he answered Deathstroke: "Don't comfort me. The people I have killed in my life are not as many as you. Directly destroying the third dimension is really a big deal."

After saying that, he was ready to shake hands with Diana, but Wonder Woman slapped his hand away without giving her any face.

He wasn't angry either, just smiled lightly. It seemed that these years at Channel 52 had really made him live a good life. He used to hate rude people the most.

While Su Ming was chatting with the calendar man, he was secretly calculating in his mind. He discovered some clues from the conversation between the two.

If they had really climbed over the fourth wall, then the Calendar Man would not have mentioned the third dimension just now, because in fact there are monsters in the third dimension, and there is nothing to brag about if you kill them.

If you want to brag, you should brag about things at Marvel, where Su Ming has killed more humans over the years.

Sure enough, the existence of the fourth wall still cannot be proven... Wade's soliloquy and Harley's cheating operation, are they still crazy after all?

However, Channel 52 can indeed see many things about DC Diversity, which is enough for now.

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