The Death Knell

Chapter 1544? Hosts

The commercial time was very short. Calendar Man only came over to chat with Deathstroke and Harley during the break, and soon returned to the center of the studio.

Then, just like the trailer, the connection started with Vadox who was on Earth 44.

Su Ming sat back in the darkness again, observing and recalling, and comparing what he saw in front of him with past intelligence.

The three of them seemed to have disappeared, and even Harry was quiet. From a distance, all he could see was the flickering light of the cigarette butts, like red fireflies.


Earth 44 is a rather special world. There are no superheroes in this world, or the only superhero is Dr. William Magnus.

He created the Metal Rangers, a group of robots whose members were gold, iron, lead, tin, mercury, platinum, copper, etc., and asked them to maintain peace.

Because he misunderstood that the heroes of Earth 0 killed his wife, he once launched a multi-dimensional invasion to attack Earth 0, but was defeated by Luthor back then with artificial Superman.

Later, the misunderstanding was clarified, and he upgraded his Metal Team and transformed it into new models such as Robot Superman, Robot Batman, and Robot Wonder Woman.

But he did not use the title of the Justice League, nor did he join the Incarnation of Justice. He only relied on himself and the robots to maintain world peace.

Of course, this is from a more positive perspective. The rebels in their world have always believed that he is a mechanical dictator who maintains so-called justice through killing machines.

But that doesn't matter, the Metal Team of Earth-44 are still allies of the Justice League.

After the opening remarks, a bearded man appeared on the big screen behind the calendar man. The man was shirtless and wore a red vest. He wore only a triangle on his lower body and had a Chidundun-style shawl hair on his head.

This is frontline anchor Vadox, a very human-looking alien with very thick hair on his legs and chest. The microphone looks like a small dandelion in his hand.

He was once the villain of Superman, and his superpowers were flight and... wife-killing.

That's right, apart from his average physical fitness, his combat prowess is not on the same level as Superman's. His most distinctive aspect is that he marries and dies, and all kinds of clues point to Superman as the murderer.

He originally lived on an alien planet, was a policeman, and lived a good life with his wife. But one day Superman flew over from their planet, and when Wadox came home from get off work, he found that his wife had died violently at home.

There was only a pool of black ash and no other clues except for the traces of heat vision, so he thought it was Superman who did it, and chased him to Earth to fight Superman desperately.

Not all aliens are powerful. After being flicked by Superman with his finger, he fell to the ground.

It was later revealed that his wife was a super criminal who faked her death just to escape and carry out her criminal plan.

He apologized to the Justice League, returned to his hometown, sent his wife to prison, and divorced her. However, his first wife committed suicide in order to make him suffer.

He probably suffered for about five weeks.

After that, he married a second wife and lived a peaceful life. Then one day, Superman passed by from outside their planet. When he came home from get off work, he found that his second wife was dead again.

In addition to the mutilated bodies and traces of brute force, there was also a red and blue rag at the scene.

This time he was a little smarter. He first verified that the body was really his wife, and then chased him to Earth to fight Superman, but was beaten down again.

After forcing him to calm down, Batman helps him solve the crime. It turns out that it was another alien wearing red and blue clothes. It turns out that there are trillions of other people in the universe wearing red and blue.

So he apologized to Zhenglian and went back to his planet to catch the murderer.

A few weeks later, he married a third wife, and one day, Superman passed by from outside their planet...

Ahem, in short, his wife kept dying, and he kept coming to Superman to settle accounts, but every time it was a misunderstanding.

Whoever he loves will die. This cruel reality finally drove him crazy. After N52, he joined Channel 52.

He is not a good person in the strict sense, because of the alien laws, he is basically a "special police judge" type, a policeman, a judge, and an executioner all in one, killing people without blinking an eye.

But he is not a bad guy. He came to Earth to fight Superman, but he never hurt innocent people.

After going crazy, he felt much more relaxed and energetic.

It's just that he is still single, addicted to rugby, and likes to give flowers to beautiful women.

There are four anchors on Channel 52. In addition to Ambush Bug, Calendar Man, and Wadox, there is also the woman I saw before, Bethann Snow.

She was originally just an ordinary metropolitan TV anchor, but in order to climb up and earn more money, she joined the Cult of Blood, a secret sect in Zandia, a small European country. It is said that she was a survivor of the Crusades. The P52 era has spread to all parts of the world and is secretly controlling governments.

The task she was assigned was to dominate public opinion and blackmail the Teen Titans, who are now the Titans.

Among them, Beast Boy is her main target, because Beast Boy is the roughest in his work and has been found to have a lot of black spots, which is broadcast on Metropolis TV every day.

Even if there were no black spots, Bethian also made up some for him, such as framing Beast Boy as having no self-control after his transformation, urinating on the statue of Lincoln, etc., which made the green boy turn red with anger.

Bethian is very beautiful, but what everyone on the Titans hates the most is Deathstroke, and she is the one who comes down, because she is the kind of high-level black man who always speaks ill of the Titans in various ways from a seemingly objective and rational perspective.

Her ability is to criticize others. There is nothing special about her. She just uses various tricky angles to criticize others on the show.

Under the freedom of speech, the Titans team had no way to deal with her, and everyone was so angry that they gritted their teeth.

When they stopped crime, she went on TV to talk about the damage to public facilities; when they let criminals go so as not to damage public property, she went on TV to talk about Titan's inaction.

Hai Shaoxia bought goldfish on the street, so he was criticized as a pervert on TV. Cyborg took Raven for a walk in the park to relieve the mental stress after casting a spell. On the show, he was criticized for being a man-machine relationship...

No matter what Taitan does, she can always find fault. This unique point of view makes her very popular in the anchor world.

But later, the Blood Sect was defeated by the Titans and completely wiped off the earth. Bethian also lost his behind-the-scenes supporters, and the good life suddenly collapsed.

She owed a lot of money and couldn't pay off the loans. Bags, jewelry, high heels, new clothes and a big house were all taken by the court to pay off the debt to the bank.

This also affected her work. She lost her job at Metropolis Television and lived on the streets going crazy. Superman was kind enough to send her to Arkham to recuperate.

So she also became a calm madman, and N52 later joined Channel 52.

Most of the time, she is an excellent anchor, with clear logic, thoughtful thinking, erudite and interesting.

But once the news involves the Titans team in any world, her past occupational disease will kick in, and she will instantly turn into a black man, sarcastically and sarcastically making fun of them.


The exact position of Channel 52 can be seen from these anchors, two anti-heroes and two villains.

Diana expects them to be enthusiastic about helping the Justice League? Don't think about that.

As for Deathstroke's plan, it was all about negotiating a deal from the very beginning. This was the method with the highest success rate.

The character's performance is similar to what I remember, and the style is still the same. However, in order to show good will, I have to wait until the recording of today's program is completed before I have a chance to negotiate.

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