The Death Knell

Chapter 1573? Psychological Profiling

"Are you kidding?" Hal took his legs off the table and leaned forward a little excitedly: "He ran away with Star Man, how could he come back again?"

"Then tell me, besides coming back, is there any other way for him to go?" Su Ming let the smoke billow in his mouth and asked very calmly.

Hal rubbed his face vigorously and scratched his ears: "This... maybe he and Star Man have other plans."

"No, they don't have the ability to make a big plan and make backup plans at the same time." Su Ming spread his hands, leaned on the chair and flicked the cigarette ashes: "It's not that the caster is not intelligent, but that he lacks strategy. and tactical literacy, if you drag a scientist to the battlefield, his strategic vision may not be as good as that of an Austrian corporal."

Oliver also lit a cigarette. He took off his hood and stroked his hair:

"This makes sense. Starman is an alien prince and the Forger is a blacksmith. Judging from their previous plans, they are both of the type with high ambitions and low hands."

Hal still believed in Oliver. After all, they were all good friends in green tights. He sighed and leaned back in the chair: "Then I don't understand. Since he has no way out, why would he bring Starman with him?" Are you leaving?"

"Determined by personality factors, his evasive personality makes his first reaction when facing problems is to avoid them."

Su Ming saw that Hal didn't smoke, so he gave him a bottle of soda. Zhenglian was not allowed to drink water or eat during the meeting. It was really inhumane.

Superheroes are human beings too. What kind of meeting is this if there isn't even a circle of white porcelain jars on the table?

Diana stared at him, why did this place become like a tea party after Deathstroke made the decision? It’s too unserious!

However, after Deathstroke took out the 'ice cream' bought from Stormwind City from her pocket, she ate it without objecting.

Hal was not opposed to drinking soda. After all, American soldiers grew up drinking Coca-Cola. The orange-flavored Power Drink was very strong, and he fell in love with it after one sip.

"Can you explain in detail why you consider it so?" Hal's tone became lowered after drinking Deathstroke's soda, which fully demonstrated his cannibalism: "You can't be like Batman who not only doesn't explain, but also says something. 'Because I'm Deathstroke' right?"

"Of course not. Let me analyze for you the behavior of the casters in the past world." Su Ming shook his head with a smile. He looked easy to talk to: "First of all, during the civil war between the monitors and the anti-monitors, the casters directly He slipped away and ran to the back of the Blood Domain to 'stack blocks' on his own."

While talking, Su Ming also made a look to the monitor asking for verification, and the bald man nodded in approval.

When he and his anti-monitoring brothers were fighting for control of Diversity, the World Forger was the third party that both sides hoped to win over. As a result, he just ran away and gave up everything in Diversity because he didn't know whose side to decide.

In fact, Perpetua created a total of three brothers that year on purpose. If the three of them could form a triangle, it would be as stable as the shape in the Mark of Destruction.

Checking and balancing each other and competing with each other, the three parties will allow her to better control the universe.

Naturally, after she was imprisoned, the "Three Kingdoms" did not succeed. The creator of the world directly "went abroad", leaving the world to two brothers to fight, and it became a dual system.

"This was his first escape, which created the current structure of the multiverse. The reason why the relationship between the two monitor brothers is so bad is because he, who was supposed to be a buffer, disappeared." Su Ming looked at the monitor, and then at the reflection. Monitor, these two bald heads were deep in thought now, so he added another sentence: "Yes, what you two did was right, it was the world that was wrong."

There seems to be nothing wrong with the World Forger, or World for short.

"So that's how it is..." The monitor found an empty seat and sat down. His broad shoulder armor almost hit Green Arrow's head next to him. It wasn't even this wide in "Seven X Pearls" shoulder armor, but he said without any conscious thought: "Now that I think about it carefully, if he existed, it would be impossible for me to use all my strength to deal with Mobius."

"Hmph." The anti-monitor just sneered. He didn't know whether he agreed or disagreed. Anyway, he found a chair and sat down.

"It seems that the two of you have reached a consensus in this regard. There is nothing wrong with what I said, right?" Su Ming asked politely and also gave them snacks.

Whether someone eats it or not is one thing, but it must be acceptable to save face.

"Heh." The anti-monitor still said expressionlessly, as if he didn't want to speak in front of his brothers at all.

But the monitor nodded, and he cast an approving look at Deathstroke: "What you said does make sense, please continue."

Su Ming made a V-sign and put his elbows on the table:

"The second time, his little pet betrayed him. Not only did it stop recycling the abandoned world, it also began to spread dark energy to recruit soldiers, that is Barbatos. And what about the World Forger? He didn't know what to do with his pet, after all He was very affectionate after raising him for so many years, but it couldn't be done without sealing it. So he ran away again, and even gave up the world melting pot to that madman, which directly caused the dark multidimensional invasion. "

Yes, the World Forger ran away without even taking the hammer. Later, Superman picked up the hammer and hit Hawkman on the head.

This time, not only the monitor brothers, but also other humans present began to think about it. It really made sense.

If the World Forger subdued Barbatos on the spot, how could so many things happen later? As a result, the Laughing Bat is still wandering somewhere in the main world, not knowing what it plans to do. It is simply an evil epidemic in the darkness.

When Su Ming saw no one objected, he stretched out a third finger:

"Then the third time, the origin wall broke, and the Forger realized that Perpetua was coming back. What did he do then? He hurriedly went to the sixth dimension and created a new world, trying to escape by escaping. Her mother's sight. Even if the universe is restarted, the souls existing in the sixth dimension will become cosmic energy and become human again in the new multiplicity. This is his plan, another escape."

Hal drank the soda and wiped his mouth with his backhand: "I understand, that was the fourth time before."

Green Arrow also nodded, and his goatee twitched: "When he saw that we wanted to confront Star Man, he didn't know who to help, so his avoidance disease relapsed, and he directly shifted the focus of the controversy away. .”

"That's it." Su Ming spread his hands, looking a little helpless: "He seems to particularly not want to see fighting, or someone quarreling and arguing. As soon as this situation occurs, he wants to escape. In these days, he He has been getting along with Star Man in the Hall of Justice. After all, Star Man is the only one with half a brain who does not need to go out on the field. Therefore, they are very familiar with each other. Star Man just said "let's go", and he did so subconsciously. His subconscious actions were more... We need to be quick to stop him after we react."

Diana nodded. She licked the ice cream spoon and looked very satisfied: "If he comes back to his senses and calms down again, he will realize that there is no way out. The only way is to come back here and join forces with his two brothers." Good problem solving.”

"Correct, but don't expect him to bring Star Man back. He should be hiding him. If we ask him, he won't tell us. He will only think that we are persecuting a minority." Su Ming handed it over again. Diana got a new ice cream and some napkins for her: "After all, according to the situation in the sixth dimension, the ideal society in his mind is a utopia where everyone is equal and there are no bad guys."

"Our brothers... are so naive." The monitor sighed: "Sure enough, it's all the world's fault."

"Okay, I've analyzed the causes and consequences, and I estimate that the time is almost up."

Su Ming knocked on the table. Teleportation and running away would not delay the caster, but he would take time to settle Star Man and give him an explanation before leaving.

The World Forger is a nice guy, but he's just sick, so let's make do with it.

The time it takes to arrange various tasks and hold meetings and discussions here should be similar to the time it takes for Star Man to talk nonsense over there, so the World Forger should also be back.

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, with a flash of light, the big blue-skinned man appeared in the conference room again.

Deathstroke smiled.

After seeing the character of the caster, completing a complete psychological profile, and reasoning based on the current environment, it is not difficult to predict the other party's actions.

Su Ming reached out and gestured to the empty chair, which was located between the monitor and the counter-monitor:

"Please take a seat, Alpheus, we will be waiting for you. Drinks or soda?"

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