The Death Knell

Chapter 1574? Preparing to start work

The World Forger was confused. He looked at the Monitor, who smiled at him. Looking at the anti-monitor again, the other person snorted coldly.

The tall giant touched the back of the chair and sat down, then glanced at every human being present.

However, people were not surprised at all by his return. On the contrary, there was only a mysterious smile as if he had verified the correct answer and the answer on his own test paper.

"You...don't have anything to ask?"

The caster rubbed his hands, leaned the sledgehammer against the edge of the table, and asked in a low voice.

"No, we fully understand your thoughts. It doesn't matter. Let's continue the meeting." Hal crossed his legs again, his expression very calm, as if nothing happened before.

But he was already happy in his heart. This time he was able to catch the high-speed train of IQ, and he finally experienced the exhilarating feeling of having a superior IQ like that of bats in the past.

You know what the other person is thinking and preparing to do in advance. Looking at the surprised look on the other person's face afterward, hiss... it's like drinking an ice-cold Coke and entering the bridal chamber in the middle of summer. It's a double pleasure.

"Don't you ask me where I sent Star Man?"

The caster's eyes widened, and the blue-skinned man without eyebrows did not hide his surprise at this time.

"We know you won't tell, and we also know that he is in a place you think is let's just skip this step. Let's put aside the controversy and study how to deal with Perpetua first."

Diana wiped her mouth and took the two empty ice cream cups off the table without leaving a trace.

Alpheus was a little ashamed, and he touched his reddish bald head. Previously, he thought that the leaders of the Justice League were back and wanted to persecute Star Man.

It seems that I thought wrongly. These people are all well-deserved heroes, and they don't even mind that I left before.

Realizing his mistake, he immediately wanted to make up for it and said eagerly: "I think Star Man and I's plan can still be saved, as long as..."

"Ahem! Stop, stop for a moment." Su Ming pressed his temples and rubbed them hard a few times: "I don't want you to think, I want me to think! The plan that half of Star Man's brain came up with is stinky. Shit, what we need to do now is to rescue people from the timeline to stop the loss in time. In this way, we are not here to say anything, let’s vote.”

"I agree with Deathstroke."

Mela responded immediately, and she paused on the ground with the Poseidon Halberd. The pentadent made a buzzing sound like a tuning fork.

Just because she hadn't spoken before didn't mean that she wasn't listening carefully, it just meant that the Queen of Atlantis was planning to bear the death knell without thinking. She knew that her brains were not as good as those of Batman and Deathstroke, and she was even far worse than Ron.

Then we have to recognize the reality and just support the smartest people.

Besides, Deathstroke is much more 'stable' than Batman. He is not a patient like a bat, or even if he is a patient, his condition is not as serious as a bat.

Whether it's the Bat or Deathstroke, he's a good guy if he can save Arthur.

She has already acquiesced that Star Man's plan is doomed to fail, because the guy's reaction after seeing the problem with the portal was really unbelievable...

"I agree, Founder. This is not against you, but because the Justice League should not lose like this." Hal wanted to be the first to express his opinion, but taking his legs off the table delayed the action of raising his hand. , Meila took the lead.

Oliver and Diana expressed their opinions one after another, and they both supported Deathstroke without any doubt.

Megan, who has been sitting here but acting as a member of the crowd, is still immersed in the analysis that she did not realize before the death knell. She knows that she has no say at all here and is just here to make up the numbers.

So she also supported Deathstroke's decision, but she still asked: "Then how do we determine which time period they are lost in?"

"Don't worry about this issue now."

Su Ming pushed a piece of chocolate towards her. She liked chocolate biscuits as much as Ron. This may be determined by the Martian physique. Then he faced the two brothers:

"We still have to listen to the views of the monitors and counter-monitors. After all, we have to rely on these two to really take action. These two great gods, we humans are too small and too fragile. We can only follow the superpowers of the universe like you. Just hang out and barely maintain this kind of life."

"Hmph, you have a very clear positioning of yourself. Indeed, humans are not of much use, so just hide behind me and admire the glory of God." The anti-monitor climbed up smoothly, with a look in his eyes. Youdi expressed his approval of Deathstroke: "I agree with your plan, let's start by getting Superman back, so that you can know that my useless brothers and I are completely different."

The monitor has more contact with humans. At this time, he just rolled his eyes and didn't take it seriously at all. But he agreed with Deathstroke's words. Of course humans are not as good as gods like them. This is where their strength lies.

"I agree with you. Let me save the Flash and my brother save Superman to see who is the loser."

The World Forger wanted to run away again, and he felt very uncomfortable when the two brothers started arguing again. He liked to see everyone working together in harmony, rather than insisting on distinguishing between superior and inferior.

However, he still held back. His palm went to touch the hammer, but he retracted it:

"Okay, then let's abort our previous plan and let's bring our friends back."

Diana nodded with satisfaction. She looked at Su Ming, who was sitting next to her: "Okay, everyone has reached a consensus. Now can you tell us how to determine their position on the timeline?"

"Actually, this is the least of the problems." Su Ming smiled and raised his hands, letting Strangler take off his armor and swallow the flesh and blood on his hands, revealing two shining silver metal bone claws: "I have Metal, there is a piece behind Barry's head, and there is a piece behind Cyborg's head, which were left to them before. I only need to make the X metal collide to form a resonance, and I can lock the time stream they are in through the time stone. And check it to the point in time.”

Hal looked like he didn't understand: "What is the time stone?"

"Don't pay attention to those details, it's just a magic prop." Su Ming did not elaborate on what opened up the two universes, but changed the topic: "After locking the time point, we used magic to open the wormhole and Now that DC's magic authority is on our side, the Legion of Destruction can't intervene to stop the transmission of magic."

"Magic? That's a good idea." Mela hugged her arms: "I know a lot of magic, but they are all related to water, and I don't know space and time spells."

"No need, I always prepare my own mage."

Su Ming smiled and took out a small wooden stick engraved with a spider from his pocket. He stood on the table and put the metal claw on it.

The spider's pattern lit up, and it seemed to come alive, emitting a bright blue light. He leaned closer to the stick, as if speaking into a microphone:

"Liana, come here."

As soon as he finished speaking, a black hole filled with various tentacles appeared next to him, and a figure pushed out from it.

The white soul sword, the golden waist-length hair, and the beautiful face, but now the expression looks a little aggrieved: "Teacher, I'm here, I'm so bored waiting, are we finally going to start?"

Su Ming stood up and touched her head, seeing that she closed her eyes like a kitten:

"Okay, I didn't bring you into the DC universe just for a vacation. Things have developed to this point just as I expected..."

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