The Death Knell

Chapter 1577? Justice Society

"It hurts, it hurts. Jay, let me go. What's wrong with you?" Barry was pinned to the ground by his arms, twisting like a fish, while trying to explain the current situation: "By the way, here It’s the past timeline, you probably don’t know me yet, after all, we are both The Flash, look at the lightning on my clothes.”

"Let go of my friend!"

A big palm appeared on John's green lantern ring, intending to push Jay away. However, the Speed ​​Force user appeared more than ten meters away in a flash, completely evading the Green Lantern's move.

"Speed ​​Force and Green Magic, who are you?" The first-generation Flash named Jay did not try to attack anymore, but looked at the two of them solemnly.

Green Lantern helped Barry up and turned his big palm into a shield: "His is indeed the Speed ​​Force, but mine is the Green Lantern Ring. This is the power of will and courage, not magic."

"Don't even think about lying to me! Are you some kind of new Amozo robot? Imitate our abilities..." Jay gritted his teeth, as if he was preparing to attack.

"Stop, stop first, I know what's going on." Barry grinned and rubbed his shoulders. The feeling of being knocked down by the speedster was still the same as before: "We came from a certain point in the future. Yes, this is a newly created branch of time, and Dr. Ivo occupies it on behalf of the Legion of Destruction, but we are all living people, not some new machine."

He stood between John and Jay, raised his arms and pressed their chests from a distance, explaining quickly, hoping everyone would calm down.

It's understandable that John doesn't know Jay. After all, he is not a member of the Incarnation of Justice, but just Hal's replacement.

Xiao Shen knew what Jay just meant by 'we', which was the 'Justice Society of America' that existed in the past as the predecessor of the Justice League.

Barry has all the memories before the Flashpoint restart. He knows the Justice Society. They also have a Green Lantern, Alan Scott, a first-generation Green Lantern.

Due to the cultural level at the time, Allen was unable to correctly understand what a light ring and a light furnace were, so he always thought that the green light ring was a magic ring, and the energy of the green light was named green magic.

"Don't move. When my comrades arrive, we have to hold a meeting to study you." Jay was still very wary.

Barry put down his arms and patted the dust on his body: "Man, you will know me in the future, and our relationship is very good. In my past and your future, it is thanks to your encouragement that I can cheer up."

"Bah!" Jay replied simply.

Barry was speechless immediately. If no one else believes what you say, what can they do? Do you still need to prove that you are yourself?

John canceled the shield that appeared on the lamp ring, and moved his chin: "I began to believe that they have something to do with Zhenglian. They are exactly the same in terms of holding meetings when things happen."

Xiao Shen shrugged innocently, this is democracy, it's normal.

After a while, all members of the Justice Society of America arrived, and the two parties had a conversation about the future timeline, acquaintances, and other things.

Here Barry met a generation of Green Lantern, a generation of Doctor Fate, a generation of Time Man, a generation of Atom and others.

There was also the previous generation of Hawkman, and he immediately thought of Hawkgirl's last reincarnation, who should also be a member of the Justice Society.

As a result, when he said Siara's name, he was almost torn apart by Hawkman's hands. It turned out that the previous generation of Hawkgirl was already dead, and died in the hands of Ya Mo Zhuo.

However, in view of the previous connection with the Speed ​​Force, Jay was the first to accept these crazy theories in the end, and then Dr. Destiny remembered to ask the two of them about their purpose.

Barry spoke very fast and had a pretty good mind. Along with drawing pictures in the dust on the wall, Barry quickly explained everything about Perpetua and the Legion of Destruction.

Including why the two came here and what their plan was.

After all, the Justice Society is also a friend of Justice. They are all members of the group, so there should be no problem in talking about plans.

"The timeline has been distorted, maybe many times!" A generation of Doctor Destiny covered Naboo's golden helmet with his hands. He motioned for everyone to keep their distance: "The future order almost completely disappears. Any of us and It is very dangerous for them to interact at close range!”

However, Jay doesn't care about this. He is the only Flash in jeans, and unlike other Flashes, he is the leader of the Justice Society and is very independent.

"Okay, fate, don't spoil my fun. I'm very happy that there will be people wearing the lightning logo in the future." He walked to Barry carelessly, smiled and hooked his shoulders: "Young man, what does the future look like? Are you Is there a lightning speed car?”

Barry scratched his head: "Originally, there was one, but then I crashed with a madman and destroyed it. I bought a new hybrid car, which is more environmentally friendly."

"Environmental protection?" Everyone in the Justice Society looked confused: "Why does nature need to be protected?"

We can't expect people in the 1940s to have any environmental awareness, so Barry could only smile: "Well, there are many reasons. In short, our future may not be as good as you think, but it is definitely not bad. "

"Well, it looks like we were outdone right then and there."

The first-generation Star Man is much more reliable than the hippie Star Man who found Zhenglian. Not only does he not have shawl hair, he can also make wisecracks.

"Ha, you're just talking about that, you old hater. Look at how people in the future dress up." Wildcat smiled, pointing at the green underwear worn by Star Man outside the red jumpsuit: "No one wears underwear outside of it anymore. Alright?"

Barry and John looked at each other and said helplessly: "Actually, there is really..."

The first-generation star man nodded with satisfaction: "I think so. Wearing underwear outside is an eternal trend. You don't have to be serious with Wild Cat. People like him who wear all black have no aesthetic taste."

Xiao Shen always felt that there were flaws everywhere, but he didn't know how to spit it out. At this time, he only felt a little itchy on the back of his head, and he raised his hand to scratch it.

It would be great if Bobo was here, Barry thought. The orangutan could pick up the conversation at any time, it was like a super power.

Barry did not have such superpowers, so he changed the topic: "In short, we need to retrieve the fragments of the totality in this era to save the future. Can you help us?"

"Although our current situation is not good..." Jay nodded and agreed generously: "But your existence shows that we still have a future, so the Justice Society can help you, the Justice League, what should we do? Looking for fragments?”

However, before Barry could answer, a black spot that seemed to be composed of black tentacles appeared out of thin air not far away, twisting and growing in size in the dilapidated room.

It seemed to be tearing apart the invisible space, opening a passage full of wriggling tentacles and darkness. Just looking into it, you could feel a coldness pouring down from head to toe.

There is something very scary, deep in the darkness, something that humans instinctively fear, seems to be rising.

Both sides became alert.

"No need to look for fragments. Hello, everyone. Barry and the others just went to the wrong place. Now we are here to take him home."

The group of people was spit out by the tentacle gate, and the three monitor brothers took the lead. After seeing that it was not a chaotic battlefield, the figure of Deathstroke walked out from behind them, waving to Barry with a smile.

"Huh? Can't you find the fragments?" Barry's back was hunched.

Su Ming said hello to the confused members of the Justice Society, then stretched out his arms to hook Barry's neck, snatched him from Jay's arms, and walked toward the portal:

"What fragments of the total synthesis do you want? Your previous plans really leave me speechless. Okay, say goodbye to your new friends and let's go home."

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