The Death Knell

Chapter 1578? Wrong time

When the three monitor brothers appeared, the Justice Society was very alert. They had never dealt with any cosmic-level existence in this era, but the energy of these three people could be clearly sensed.

You don't need any super powers of perception, you just need to be human. When you get close to these three people, the hairs on your body will automatically stand up.

The brain may not be aware of the reason for this, but the instinct engraved in human genes is still full of fear for Perpetua and her three sons.

While they were stunned, Su Ming seduced Barry away and captured the black Green Lantern at the same time.

As suddenly as they came, the group of people slipped into the black crawling hole again, and with a 'pop' sound, the portal disappeared in mid-air.

"Why do I feel like I'm missing something?"

Jay was the first to react, but when he saw that Barry and the others not only did not resist, but were also talking and laughing with their friends who came to pick them up, he did not take any action.

He nodded when Barry waved goodbye to him, but after they left, he felt a sense of loss in his heart. This was the first time he saw other speedsters.

"Mistakes are compounded, and I can't control it. The timeline and fate have become a mess, and strange forces have intervened in order."

The Doctor of Destiny sighed, his voice echoing in the golden helmet as if coming from a well.

Jay waved his hand, he hugged his chest and came behind the piece of glass that Barry wiped out, and looked out through the palm-shaped area:

"Okay, if it is possible that we will meet again in the future, let us continue the mission now and drive the invader named 'Legion of Destruction' out of our world!"


"You will never see those people again. Saying goodbye is worse than saying goodbye forever."

Su Ming, who returned to the underground of the Hall of Justice, watched Hal and John hug and pat their backs, and saw everyone coming over to rub Barry's head. This was his answer when Barry asked if he could help the Justice Society.

Barry frowned. When he saw the people's situation was not good, he naturally had the idea of ​​​​helping them.

This is the conscience of the Justice League, wanting to do good wherever they go.

"Why? I mean, they are good people, and you should have a way to deal with Dr. Ivo and Yamodra, right?"

"Dr. Ivo doesn't have much fighting power. He can fight with anyone. Yamo Zhuo can copy other people's superpowers to enhance himself, but he still has weaknesses. The focus is not on that." Su Ming patted Barry on the shoulder and was speechless: "You It’s The Flash, didn’t you realize that was a wrong timeline?”

" do you say that?"

"Originally, that time stream did not exist. Normal history would have been for the Justice Society and street criminals to fight and fight, until they retired after the establishment of the Justice League. During this period, there was no multi-dimensional invasion, and there was no Amodra army."

As Su Ming spoke, he raised one finger, put the other finger next to it, spread it sharply, and continued:

“But Dr. Ivo returned to a certain point in time and used a new generation of Amozo to change the world, turning the Justice Society into an underground resistance force and turning the city into ruins. The timeline has undergone unprecedented changes. "

Barry understood when he heard this. His face bulged like a bun, and he slowly blew out a breath from his mouth: "You mean, that's a Flashpoint universe."

"Almost, but it should be called Ivo Universe. He does not have the speed force, and there is no possibility of causing a multi-dimensional restart from there." Su Ming handed Barry a bottle of mineral water and told him to calm down: "You know it yourself, go and participate. This kind of thing is like a monkey trying to fish out the moon in a well. What we are pursuing is just an illusion. There is no way I would agree to Zhenglian joining that kind of battle."

The Flash looked a little sad. He wiped his hand on his uniform a few times before taking the water: "But they are willing to help us find the fragments of the total body. They are quite enthusiastic..."

"Barry, their timeline conflicts with our past history. Once the wrong timeline continues to grow indefinitely and replaces our current time flow as the official history of Earth 0, then all of us except you may be wiped out by the law of cause and effect. Lose."

Su Ming himself also took off his mask, looked at Barry very sincerely, and took out a bottle of soda to toast to him.

"Hey, can't they form a new parallel universe, Earth 53 or something..." Barry rubbed his head. Before the Flashpoint event, time can be used to shape a new parallel world.

But the situation is different now. The universe seems to be limited to the number 52, and no new parallel universe will be born.

Su Ming took a sip of soda and watched Diana walking over curiously. She put her arm around Barry's neck and whispered: "Actually, since you and I fought against Barbatos, Earth 0 has moved to another timeline. Think about it. , what would happen to the world if I didn’t exist, or if I didn’t exist in the first place?”

"Hey! Are you implying that the timeline we are in is also another Flashpoint world? Another me will appear in a while, telling me that this is all a mistake?!"

Barry was immediately furious. Only those who often go to sea can understand the horror of the sea. Speedy people understand the danger of time. At least Barry understands it very well.

Su Ming quickly patted his back and answered in the face of Diana's incomprehensible eyes: "Actually, it was like this for a while, but it was different after I got the time stone. It's like a person who can do things with my thoughts. The moving anchor point helps me stabilize the mark of the time flow, making the timeline I am on the 'only' correct one. After connecting to the universe, this is completely established."

Barry squeezed the mineral water bottle a few times, and the plastic made a clicking sound. He bit his lip and thought for a while: "...Sounds very idealistic?"

"Magic is the power of idealism, using thoughts to change the world, isn't it?" Su Ming smiled and patted Barry: "Okay, you two should either take a rest or chat with everyone here. I have to talk to the three great gods. Let’s go get Superman and the others back together.”

"By the way, speaking of this, where did you find the Counter-Monitor?"

Barry finally gave up the idea of ​​helping the Justice Society in the past time stream, because now there is the real Jay Garrick in the incarnation of justice. He comes from Earth 2 and is the "Earth Army" reorganized from the Justice Society of America.

Earth 2 is a miserable world. All their Justice League members were killed, and even Batman and Superman were dead. Facing the invasion of aliens, the retired veterans of the Justice Society could only find ways to rejuvenate and stand up again. Fighting on the front line.

"Ask Diana, I still have to save Arthur and the others. Really, Superman really makes trouble. I'm not Batman and can wipe his ass all day long. He's not polite at all... .”

Although complaining, Su Ming still gestured to Mysterio to prepare for teleportation.

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