The Death Knell

Chapter 1614? On the road

Of course, driving to pick someone up is a method used in Muggle society, but after the three of them chatted and finished breakfast, the professor who drove out of the city stopped the car in a deserted place.

"We're going to London next, so the car won't be needed, so we'll fly there."

Standing on the roadside, Su Ming looked around to see if anyone was passing by. After all, he still didn't want those people from the Ministry of Magic who could cleanse his memory to wipe his ass. Now he still needed to keep a low profile.

Mr. Granger rubbed his hands. As a middle-class white man, going to Manchester's most luxurious Radisson Hotel for breakfast was not a big deal for him, but when it came to using magic to fly, this middle-aged man still He showed the same yearning expression as a boy.

Yes, who hasn’t dreamed of becoming a magician? Able to fly to the sky and escape from the earth, recite spells and fight dragons and so on.

It is a pity that in most ordinary people's lives, these dreams will only gradually dissipate as they grow older, and they will soon be busy with the reality of life.

The Granger family are dentists and their living conditions are pretty good, so they are qualified to dream. If their family were from the bottom of the poor, they would probably only have to worry about what to eat for their next meal every day.

"Flying? I mean, flying without relying on an airplane?" He looked at Su Ming expectantly, wanting to see what the mysterious wizard would do.

In fact, the answer is very simple. Su Ming can fly himself, but it doesn't look good to let Strangler carry these people flying, so in the end, the magic floating cloak has to do this job.

Having said that, every time I arrive in a new world, the only ones I have with me are Strangler and Cloak...

He reached out and took off the tie hanging around his neck. In the surprised eyes of the Granger family, the tie floated in the air and instantly seemed to absorb energy from the air. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a three-square-meter piece. flying carpet.

It also lowered some height, and the corners were raised, as if to signal everyone to come up.

"That's amazing. Is this magic?"

Little Hermione's mouth opened wide, and she couldn't help but raise her hands to cover it like a little lady, but she couldn't stop the exclamation.

The little girl got to know the professor within a short period of time during breakfast, and now she looks like a child, much more lively.

Su Ming smiled and jumped on the flying carpet first and sat down: "Have you seen Aladdin's Magic Lamp? Flying carpets are more popular in the Middle East. Flying broomsticks are popular in the UK. Unfortunately, that thing can't be used except by the driver." Carrying people.”

Hermione climbed onto the flying carpet turned into a cloak, curled up into a small ball, and reached out to touch the gorgeous silk thread: "Riding a broom? Like the bad witch in the fairy tale book?"

"Almost." Su Ming watched as Granger and his wife also sat up. He reached out and patted the magic floating cloak to let it take off.

The cloak is actually very confusing. It is a magical artifact in the high-magic universe, but here it has to be disguised as some sort of flying carpet. The cloak is completely lost. Even the Ancient One can only enshrine it in the Holy Saint. How could anyone use it like the death knell in this place?

But following the death knell, there are good things to eat, and you can even travel to different worlds to eat. For the sake of food, you can only endure it.

The cloak had a lot of enchantment effects. At this time, the magic circle could be used to resist the strong wind caused by flying, and Hermione carefully climbed to the edge of it and looked down.

In the gap between the clouds, she saw the buildings and roads below flashing quickly like phantoms. The height made her even more timid, and she immediately retracted her little head.

She felt much better when she felt the wide flying carpet beneath her.

Just thinking about riding on a broomstick made of a stick and a pile of straw made her decide that she would never play with a flying broomstick in the future.

"It's better to fly on a carpet," she whispered.

After hearing this, the cloak raised a corner and rubbed against her, as if to praise her for her knowledge, but Hermione didn't know what it meant, so she just laughed ticklishly.

The Grangers looked at each other and smiled happily, as long as their daughter was happy.

In order to take care of the physique of ordinary people, the magic floating cloak greatly controlled its speed, but even so, it only took five minutes to fly from Manchester to the suburbs of London.

This was obviously beyond the expectations of Mr. and Mrs. Granger. It can be noticed that both of their hands were shaking after getting off the flying carpet. Only Hermione reluctantly watched the flying carpet turn back into a tie and fly back to the professor's house. around the neck, automatically retiing.

"Okay, next we need to go to Diagon Alley to exchange Hermione for some gold galleons used in the wizarding world, and buy all the items on this list." Su Ming took out the note from Lao Deng from his pocket. , handed it directly to Mr. Granger: "But there are too many people in big cities, so it's not a good idea to show magic. Let's take a taxi."

After all, parents have to send their children to school, and it is also their pleasure to buy things for their children. Of course, Su Ming could buy all these for him, but Hermione was not an orphan Harry.

Mr. Granger took the list with a smile, looked at the crucibles and scrolls and other miscellaneous items on it, raised his eyebrows slightly, and then politely agreed to the professor's proposal.

While a group of people were waiting for a rental car on a remote roadside, he still asked:

"Professor Wilson, I found that you are different from the wizards introduced in Professor McGonagall's letter. You seem to be very familiar with our society and life."

Su Ming thought how long he could endure it. Sure enough, even the father of a genius girl couldn't compare to Batman?

"Of course I know very well that there are generally two types of magicians. One of them is pure-blood wizards. They are often members of large families living in a closed magic world. They are proud of their bloodline and strength. For ordinary people, they are the so-called Muggles are not interested in anything, they don’t understand today’s technology, and they don’t care about British policies. They are people who live completely in an ivory tower.”

He took out his cigarette case, lit one, and gave way to Mr. Granger, but the dentist did not smoke in order to protect his teeth, so the mercenary continued:

"There is another kind, that is, we wizards who are descendants of ordinary people have more or less understanding of Muggle things, but the degree is different. By the way, sometimes the pure-bloods will call us 'Mudbloods' ', this is a discriminatory name, Hermione, if someone calls you that at school, please report it to me immediately, you know? Anyway, in my opinion, bloodline only provides part of the talent, and a person's achievements are still It depends on vision and wisdom.”

The little girl still didn't understand, so she just nodded and stared at his tie.

"You are right." Mr. Granger praised him. As a British person, constitutional monarchy is the implementation of this point of view.

It is said that the blood of the Queen's family is so noble that their blood is blue, but in fact the royal family's privileges are not as good as before. Now is the democratic era where the prime minister governs and parliamentary elections are held.

Bloodline can provide a high starting point, but if you don’t have enough ability to master it, you will eventually have to give it to others.

Su Ming saw a taxi approaching in the distance, raising a cloud of dust on the loess road in the suburbs. He stretched out his hand to wave:

"Just like ordinary people, if you have no family background and no money, then you can only master advanced skills through study, and strive for rewards and social status through examinations. This is the ultimate fairness of human society. Knowledge changes destiny, and the same is true in the magical world. reason."

Mrs. Granger touched her daughter's head. Her education level was not low, so she naturally understood what it meant. She held her daughter in her arms and sat on the front seat of the taxi, and said to her: "Baby, what do you hear?" Did the teacher say that? Knowledge is power, you must study hard in the future."

Su Ming and Mr. Granger got into the back seat of the taxi. He smiled and handed a large banknote to the front: "Mr. Driver, please take us to Charing Cross Road, Westminster District."

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