The Death Knell

Chapter 1615? The Leaky Cauldron

The Leaky Cauldron is protected by a Muggle Expelling Charm and a Loyalty Charm. Muggles cannot see it. Even if they approach it unintentionally, they will suddenly leave because they think of something going on at home.

But these were of no use to Su Ming. Just like when he first entered the Sanctuary of New York in the 40K universe, he just pushed the Muggle couple forward a few steps and directly entered the dilapidated tavern.

At least it looked small from the outside. It was located on a quaint street, sandwiched between a record store and a large bookstore, and to the Grangers, it seemed as if it had suddenly grown out of the space between the two buildings. The same.

It wasn't there just now, but when I got closer, it was there. It seemed like there was only half a door squeezed into the mottled red bricks. Its size would probably make it difficult for a fatter person to enter.

"This is the Leaky Cauldron. You wouldn't even be able to see it without the wizard leading the way."

Su Ming opened the store door and let a few people behind him in. The inside and outside of the door seemed to be two different worlds.

A hot, warm feeling spreads along with the noisy atmosphere.

Wizards and witches crowded around the round tables and the bar, drinking different drinks from wooden cups and making all kinds of weird noises. Most of them had red faces, and some even fell asleep and were beaten by their pet cats. Ate the hat.

Of course, some people also noticed the few new people who came in, such as the bar owner, Little Tom.

He looked to be at least sixty, but everyone called him Little Tom for who knows why. The Leaky Cauldron is the face of Diagon Alley, and Su Ming is one of the owners of the store in Diagon Alley, so naturally he has dealt with it a lot in the past two months.

Tom smiled and wrinkled his rosacea, as if he accidentally soaked it with the tip of his nose when he was making wine. It was a big red lump on his face that looked a little cramped and weird.

"Welcome, Mr. Wilson, would you like a bottle of golden malt whiskey today?"

"No, little Tom, Hogwarts is about to start school. I'm bringing students and parents here today. It's not a good time to drink." Su Ming replied gently, as polite as a noble. .

The bar owner suddenly understood. He raised his glass towards Su Ming from a distance: "I almost forgot, you are still a professor at Hogwarts. By the way, have you seen the Boy-Who-Lived?"

Hearing this call, many people in the bar pricked up their ears, and the noisy voice suddenly subsided a lot. Some people even continued to make noise, and the people around them picked up the bottles and knocked down the drunk people, just for the sake of Hear from Harry Potter.

Bars are such a place where news flows very fast. Many people come here not to drink, but simply to inquire about something.

"I wonder why your business is so good today." Su Ming smiled and shook his head, leading the Granger family straight to the patio outside the back door of the pub: "It is Hagrid's task to take Harry Potter to school. Sorry, I've never seen any Boy-Who-Lived."

There was a faint sound of disappointment in the tavern, and soon it became noisy again. Some people didn't know who Hagrid was, and some people told them that he was the caretaker of Hogwarts, and he had been in school until the fourth grade. He was expelled for allegedly murdering a classmate, and he has been a bad seed since he was a child.

Some people even began to vividly describe in a whisper how bad Hagrid was, the news they heard from their unknown relatives, and how the half-giant deceived Dumbledore and stayed in Hogwarts to continue doing bad things. .

Just like Su Ming said, there is a lot of information in the bar, but how to determine whether the information is true or false is the time to test the basic skills of mercenaries.

After meeting the 'real' wizards, the expressions of the Grangers were no longer surprised. These people were similar to the images in their imaginations, but they were far different from Professor Wilson in terms of demeanor and demeanor.

It's hard to describe that feeling, but they felt that maybe Professor Wilson was also a great figure in the wizarding world, but these people in the bar were just like the drunkards in the Muggle bar, unable to get on the stage.

By the time the couple came to their senses, the professor had already pulled out a shining golden wand from his belt, counted three bricks upward and two bricks horizontally above the garbage bin in the backyard, and tapped the wand on the wall. Three taps.

In fact, it is not necessary to use the magic wand transformed by the God Killer. It is not difficult to directly use the Night Sword to break through the wall. It is nothing more than a mechanism that needs to detect the energy output.

The God Killer is also an artifact after all. It is not only charged with electricity but also with light. It has plenty of energy.

The bricks shook and gradually sunk into a small hole. The brick wall around the small hole slowly rolled away like a blanket and turned into an archway, showing everyone the bustling scene of Diagon Alley.

Countless wizards were rubbing shoulders in the not-so-wide alley, and the densely packed pointed hats of various colors were as numerous as the pointed roofs on both sides of the road.

The hawking and noise was comparable to that of a mortal vegetable market, and this was still a place just entering Diagon Alley.

"Diagon Alley is a long cobblestone street where you can find all kinds of weird and exciting shops and restaurants. Most young wizards will go here to buy school supplies before entering Hogwarts. It is also the British wizarding community The most prosperous commercial street, the land space here is increasingly insufficient, land prices are increasing day by day, and there are many brand flagship stores here.”

Su Ming put away his weapon and introduced the three people behind him with a smile. However, all the family members had mouths at this time, so they were probably too surprised to hear anything.

"Ahem." He coughed loudly and politely, waking up the three of them as if they had entered a dream world: "Now let's go to Gringotts to exchange pounds."


The shopping list for new students at Hogwarts is very long, including robes, wands, cauldrons and other things, but with the help of local cunning Su Ming to lead the way and even jump in line, everything is quickly bought.

During this period, the group also met Professor Snape who was shopping for something with his godson, but Black Bat just greeted him coldly, and then walked away with his chin raised.

"I feel like that professor doesn't like me." Hermione said to Su Ming with some fear. She was still holding the crucible she just bought in her hand, which contained several books.

Su Ming smiled and shook his head. He took his family, who were already tired from shopping, to the dining area outside Florin Ice Cream Shop and sat down. After ordering four color-changing sundaes, he answered the little girl's question:

"Hermione, as your professor, the first lesson I want to teach you is not to judge a book by its cover. Professor Snape is a very good person. Although his style is a bit strict, there are serious teachers in every school, right?"

"Really?" Hermione couldn't figure it out. If he didn't hate himself, why didn't he smile like Professor Wilson?

Mr. Granger looked down at the menu, as if calculating how much sugar there would be in the ice cream. He touched his daughter's head: "Listen to your teacher, since he said that the professor is a good person, he is right. It may be that the person has some facial disease that prevents him from smiling."

As an adult, he knows that what the professor in front of him said is absolutely correct. Teaching children not to judge books by their appearance is a truth that applies everywhere.

"I understand, Professor, thank you." Hermione was very obedient. Since both the teacher and her father said so, it must be true.

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