The Death Knell

Chapter 1622? All your wishes come true

The people who were called before Hermione were basically all Lao Deng's connections. The more people he felt he owed something to, the sooner their children's names would be called.

The person who went to put on the hat after Hannah and Susan was Terry Boot, needless to say, a member of the Boot family.

This branch is the British Bute family. Their ancestor is Webb Butt who came back from the United States and was the founder of the Ocelot Academy in Ilvermorny School. Webb's adoptive mother is Aesop Searle. The real family has a great business and the entire The American wizarding community will support the Bute family.

With such a family background, Terry is truly a well-connected family.


shouted the Sorting Hat before it even touched his head.

As expected, Su Ming smiled slightly. The child's future performance in the original work was obviously full of thoughts about being reckless and overcoming everything.

He is suitable to enter the ocelot academy, which emphasizes 'courage', or a similar lion academy.

However, Lao Deng made a fortune here, and the children of the Bute family were directly assigned to Ravenclaw, which had better conditions.

Dumbledore still knows how to play. The Sorting Hat cannot lie, but as long as Professor McGonagall holds the tip of the hat and does not let go, and the Sorting Hat does not touch the child's head, then you can call whatever the principal arranged before...

It just suddenly wanted to shout Ms. Ravenclaw's name. You took this as the result of the sorting. It's not the Sorting Hat's fault.

Guangming, the White Devil is so bright. He dares to do things in front of so many professors and students. This kind of shame is really admirable.

Su Ming looked around and saw that Snape's mouth was pursed tightly and he was still staring at Potter expressionlessly.

Professor Flitwick on the other side obviously noticed Dumbledore's operation. He was a little embarrassed, so he pretended to cover his face with a cup.

Next came a lot of Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors, until a dozen or so people later, a girl named Mandy Bloch also joined Ravenclaw.

To be honest, this is the girl in the whole world that Su Ming cannot figure out the most.

She looked ordinary and had no qualifications to become a magician, but the Sorting Hat still assigned her to the Eagle Academy, which required high IQ.

Amanda Broghe is her name in the Harry Potter movies. Amanda means "lovely" in English, and the surname Blodg is the surname of a female teacher in the famous book "Jane Eyre".

What kind of parent would name their child ‘cute female teacher’?

The more critical point is that the 'cute female teacher' only took one Quidditch flying lesson at Hogwarts, and then she disappeared as if she had evaporated from the world.

But no one remembers this person, as if she never existed in this world.

Su Ming had a guess because the author of "Harry Potter", Ms. J.K. Rowling, had been an English teacher at the University of Exeter, the University of Manchester, and Incote School for many years, so...

This girl may be the author's temporary vest, a higher-dimensional existence.

But it's not a big problem, just be careful and she will disappear automatically tomorrow if nothing happens.

The stories of "Harry Potter" were just interesting when I was a child in my previous life, but when I read them as an adult, there are so many dark realities and metaphors in them.

Seeing Mandy walking towards the Ravenclaw table, sitting down and playing with her braids with her head down, the professor also looked away and sighed inwardly.

Then several more Hufflepuffs, Gryffindors, and finally, Professor McGonagall called Hermione's name.

The little girl walked up to the stool with her head held high, and it took some effort to climb up, mainly because her arms were not strong enough.

But she still looked back at Su Ming, who gave her an affirmative look.

Professor McGonagall placed the sorting hat on her head, and then the hall fell silent. Everyone stared at Hermione as if they were waiting for the lottery results.

Time passed by, but there was still no sound.

Sorting Hat: "..."

"..." Hermione didn't know why the Sorting Hat was stuck.

"Who taught Occlumency to children? Are they crazy?!" the Sorting Hat complained in Hermione's mind. It couldn't see anything in it, only a blank space. If it didn't have that function, it would want it. Swearing: "...Little girl, hiding your thoughts means you have a big plan, or else I will sort you into Slytherin?"

"No, I'm going to Ravenclaw." Hermione replied in her mind, and then she had some images in her mind.

"Well, it's not impossible. As a Muggle, you can master magic like Occlumency before entering school. You are indeed very smart..." The crooked mouth on the hat curled up, as if thinking. : "But Principal Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall both want you to go to Gryffindor and be with the Boy-Who-Lived."

"But Professor McGonagall also said that the Sorting Hat is fair."

Hermione remembered Professor Wilson's words on the train. This hat belonged to Godric Gryffindor, the founder of Gryffindor.

"You're right, this is my mission. To sort the children into different houses according to their different characteristics, and the students' own wishes are also an important basis for reference, so...Ravenclaw !”

The first half of the conversation unfolded in the little girl's mind, but the word announcing the outcome was shouted out loud.

Amidst the applause, Hermione happily put down her hat and walked to the second table on the left.

Professor McGonagall glanced at Dumbledore covertly, but the old mage just drank the hot chocolate from the golden cup, as if he didn't see what she meant.

The old man acquiesced to this outcome, and the chess piece Deathstroke wanted should be given to him. This was also part of the agreement.

The seniors of Ravenclaw all welcomed Hermione with a less than enthusiastic attitude. This was their style, calm and rational.

Moreover, their number is too small, there are only a few in the seven grades combined, and there are only eight or nine girls, so they cannot make the welcoming noise of Gryffindor.

It's just that in less lively environments, some behaviors become more conspicuous.

For example, Amanda Bloch, who was also a freshman next to Hermione, was stunned. Her mouth was wide open. She immediately looked at Dumbledore on the teacher's bench, and then looked at the pair of Hermione in the crowd who were completely stunned. Like a stranger, Harry Potter cares more about his own destiny at this time.

She fell into a daze, as if thinking about some philosophical question.

who I am? where am I? what happened?

However, at this time, she found a strange man on the teacher's bench looking at her and smiling, his eyes seemed to see through everything.

She couldn't help but feel nervous, as if her life was not guaranteed.

Fortunately, the cheers of Harry Potter's entry into Gryffindor almost lifted the ceiling, which made her break away from the delusion-like emotions. When she looked at the strange professor again, it was as if he had never looked at her before. He just lowered his head and looked at the plate in front of him, as if he was waiting for the meal to start.

"We have Potter! We have Potter again!"

The Gryffindor students kept cheering, as if they got everything.

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