The Death Knell

Chapter 1623? Physical Education Professor

The sorting was carried out in an orderly manner, and soon the freshmen had their own seats and were welcomed by the seniors.

Of course, Slytherin seemed to already know who would enter the sorting house, and it was just a reunion after the holidays.

Dumbledore stood up and said a few words, and then asked the house elves to start serving food. While the students were eating, he was also concentrating on the potato soup in front of him, without even looking at Su Ming.

Snape obviously had no appetite. He just scraped the broccoli puree on the plate with his bread, ate a few hasty bites, then leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms, staring at Professor Slade beside him.

His hair was so oily that it shone under the candlelight that filled the sky, and looked like a single piece of black steel helmet.

If ordinary people were stared at by Snape's sinister eyes, they probably wouldn't be able to eat anything, but Su Ming was not an ordinary person. Not only did he happily eat the chicken legs with both hands, he also took out a bottle of wine from his pocket. Shared with Professor Flitwick on the other side.

The short Charms professor was asking him about Hermione. It seemed that Flitwick had learned something from Lao Deng, maybe it was the content of the transaction, and he knew that Hermione was Professor Wilson's promising apprentice.

Before the establishment of Hogwarts, the inheritance of magicians was similar to that of craftsmen. A master would lead several apprentices, practicing and teaching at the same time.

Later, even in the Hogwarts era, some old-school professors still liked to select talented children from their students and teach them skills privately like their direct disciples. In short, they were just starting a small business.

This kind of behavior is not only not prohibited, but is even encouraged. A professor who does not give students a small talk is often regarded as an incompetent person because he is hollowed out in the classroom.

Of course, this private relationship is more traditional and close. Under the influence of years of experience, apprentices often become people very similar to their masters.

"She is an undoubted genius." Su Ming threw the finished chicken leg bones on the plate, lifted up the napkin and wiped her mouth: "Even if she does not enroll in Hogwarts, I will take her back to the United States to study in person. teach."

Professor Flitwick's special chair has longer legs than other chairs, but he is still a head shorter than Su Ming when he sits on it. He is a very gentle man, and he seems to be in a good mood at this time.

Maybe because Ravenclaw hired five people this year? Five were selected out of more than 80 freshmen. This ratio increased by a quarter compared with previous years, which is simply a historic leap.

It's a pity that he didn't know that a student would disappear from the world in a few days.

"To be able to enter Ravenclaw, there is no doubt about your talent." The dwarf mage nodded with a smile, and then toasted with Su Ming: "But compared to the ability to cast spells, I value the way students think more. I will do my best. Teach her, if you have any subjects that you are good at, we can stagger each other in terms of teaching.”

"It seems that the principal has not told you, professor, that the course I am responsible for is physical education, so I will not give too much advice on spells." Su Ming still knows how much he weighs, Professor Flitwick The number of spells he knows is obviously more and more comprehensive.

The word physical education still confused the old professor. He had heard Dumbledore mention it before, but he still didn't understand what kind of course it was.

Maybe something unique to the American wizarding world?

"It's a Muggle course that teaches students to exercise physical fitness." At this time, Snape interjected. He respected Flitwick very much and just answered simply.

Flitwick smiled and nodded towards Snape: "Is that so? Physical fitness is indeed a very important aspect, just like trolls can resist 'fainting to the ground' with their bodies but humans cannot. , I have always felt that there is some connection between physical fitness and magic resistance, but I just can't prove it."

"You are right." Dean Slytherin turned away and stopped talking.

Su Ming wiped his hands with a napkin, concentrated on drinking, and said to Flitwick: "Casting a spell with a wand also requires strength and skill. Only by matching the shaking of the wrist with the spell can the spell be released perfectly. And if you have sufficient physical strength, then It can guarantee that the hundredth magic you release within a day will be as standardized as the first magic without any errors."

"Oh, I see. It is indeed an amazing subject."

Flitwick suddenly felt that physical education classes were necessary. As a former wizard duel champion, he knew that the timing of casting spells and the speed of the shot were both important. In complex environments, the ability to cast spells stably was even more valuable.

Speed, strength, endurance, resistance to blows, etc., are all subject to the physical fitness of the students. If there is a way to strengthen children's abilities in this area, that would be great.

After all, becoming a wizard means always fighting with others, and the old professor hopes that it will not be his students who fall.

The two exchanged cups, and the more they chatted, the happier they became. Deathstroke and Dean Ravenclaw had very similar thoughts, and they were very compatible.

The meal ended quickly, and the mountains of food on the table disappeared in an instant. Dumbledore stood up and said, "Is everyone full? There are a few things I want to explain to you next. First of all, the new year. Professor Quirrell is in charge of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class."

Quirrell stood up timidly and waved to the children, but he was wearing a strange and dirty hat and his smile was very forced, so the children only clapped politely.

He didn't care, he just sat down quickly and said nothing.

Dumbledore then looked at Su Ming: "This year Hogwarts will offer a new required course, led by Professor Wilson from the United States. This course is called physical education."


The juice that Hermione drank into her mouth was spit back into the cup. Her big eyes lost their luster, and she stared at the hot blue man on the teacher's desk as if she had been deceived.

No wonder he never said what course he was responsible for. It turned out to be physical education! I hated physical education class the most when I was in elementary school!

Also coughing were Harry Potter and other Muggle-born wizards. They never expected that even if they entered the magical world, they would still be unable to escape the clutches of the physical education teacher.

Ron immediately curiously asked Harry what physical education class was, and Mr. Potter immediately whispered to him common sense such as 'running will spit out your liver', 'exhaustion of physical strength is worse than death', etc.

Harry has been malnourished since he was a child, and physical education classes in elementary school were a torture for him.

After hearing this, red-haired Ron's face suddenly turned bitter: "I'm so miserable, I'm most afraid of running."

And Su Ming stood up and smiled and waved to the future test subjects. He was also a little unsure at this time. Why did the promised elective course suddenly become compulsory? What did Dumbledore want to do?

However, Lao Deng did not stop at this issue. He continued his topic:

"There are also some reminders. The administrator, Mr. Filch, asks everyone not to wander around the school after lights out. In addition, all students are prohibited from entering the Forbidden Forest and the right corridor on the fourth floor. I repeat, those areas are very dangerous and may It will cost you your life. Okay, finally, let’s sing the school song together.”

The auditorium was suddenly filled with all kinds of weird tunes, and the chaos made it impossible for anyone to think.

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