The Death Knell

Chapter 1624? Rules of the Eagle Academy

The students were taken away by the prefects. Hermione turned her head in the crowd and looked at someone with an expression that wanted to complain.

However, she was not a complaining character to begin with. Even if she wanted to change, she could not change so quickly. In the end, she could only follow her seniors helplessly.

The internal structure of Hogwarts Castle is changing all the time. This is the magic spell that Ms. Ravenclaw placed on the castle to ensure that outsiders will get lost after invading.

Of course, for Ravenclaw students, they have a secret set of building activity schedules that allow them to know which stairs to take at all times.

Hermione was carried forward by a senior student. This senior student introduced herself as second-year Qiu Zhang, whose Chinese name is Zhang Qiu. She is a very gentle person, and she has a unique Asian subtlety when she smiles.

While climbing the stairs, she kindly introduced the internal structure of the castle to Hermione and several other freshmen.

On the contrary, the fifth-year prefect of Ravenclaw walked at the front of the team. She was stunningly beautiful, but she only led the way silently, occasionally reminding everyone to pay attention to their steps, and apart from that, she rarely spoke.

The main building of Hogwarts Castle is divided into eight floors and five towers.

The first is the basement, which contains the main kitchen, Hufflepuff lounge, Slytherin lounge, Potions classroom, Snape's office, and various warehouses.

However, one of the two college lounges is next to the kitchen, and the other is under the Black Lake, which are completely different directions.

On the first floor of the castle, the main rooms are the auditorium, the professors' temporary rest room, and Filch's duty room, a terrible place filled with shiny torture instruments.

The second floor contains Professor McGonagall's office, Muggle Studies classroom, Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, History of Magic classroom, the school hospital, and a haunted women's bathroom.

Speaking of this, Zhang Qiu felt helpless, because Myrtle was once a Ravenclaw, but she died in an unknown manner and spent most of the time crying there. As one of the ghosts of Ravenclaw, she had just... I didn’t even attend the sorting ceremony.

The senior sister suggested that Hermione should not go to the second floor to use the bathroom in the future, and it was best to hold back and go to the third floor, because it would be a nightmare to have a ghost cry about her death experience.

Smart little Hermione took things as she was told, but she was not mentally prepared to go to the toilet with a ghost.

Next is the third floor. After walking to each floor, Qiu Zhang began to explain the main facilities on the current floor. She was very organized and logical.

This floor is mainly the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's office, which changes hands every academic year. At the same time, the entrance directly to the principal's office on the eighth floor is also here. As long as you tell the stone beast next to the stairs the correct password for today, it will jump aside and let out of the secret passage behind it.

The fourth floor is mainly a classroom for Charms. In addition, the corridors that Dumbledore requested not to enter are also on this floor.

There is also a trophy display room with a statue of the one-eyed witch at the door.

The fifth floor is the library, which has the legendary forbidden book area. To read those books, you not only need to be in a sufficient grade, but also need a signature from the professor.

The entire sixth floor is a large bathhouse, which is magnificent and luxurious. Not only does it have areas with different water temperatures for bathing, it also has dry and wet steaming, magic massage and a series of house elf services.

It can only be used by prefects of each house. Zhang Qiu suggested that Hermione should not come here even if she becomes a prefect in the future, because Myrtle often comes here to spy on others taking baths.

Each Hogwarts house selects a boy and a girl in the fifth year of the year to serve as male and female prefects, and continue to hold this position in the sixth and seventh years. Two in fifth grade, two in sixth grade, and two in seventh grade.

When the seventh graders graduate, two more are selected from the fifth grade, and so on. In other words, each college will have 6 prefects at the same time, and there will be a total of 24 prefects in the school.

Myrtle looks at both men and women.

Hermione wanted to complain about this again, why is this Ravenclaw ghost either in the toilet or in the bathhouse? ! Isn't this too weird? ! Go somewhere serious!

At the very beginning, I met an unorthodox physical education teacher, wore an unorthodox hat, and entered an unorthodox branch...

Give me back my dream magic academy life!

However, these were just inner activities. On the surface, the little girl nodded meekly and agreed to the senior sister's suggestion.

At this time, the stairs moved and sent everyone directly to the eighth floor. There are entrances to each tower on this floor. At the same time, Professor Flitwick's office is also on the southwest side of this floor, close to Ravenclaw. The entrance to the tower.

The five towers of the castle are Ravenclaw Tower in the southwest, Gryffindor Tower in the northeast, Divination Classroom in the North Tower, Owlery in the West Tower, and Astronomy Classroom in the South Tower.

"Why isn't there a seventh floor?" Hermione asked Zhang Qiu.

Unfortunately, Zhang Qiu was only in her second year, and she couldn't answer this question. At this time, Prefect Penelo Crevat, who had been silent in the front, turned around and answered Hermione.

"Ms. Ravenclaw believed that the universe was related to the number seven, so when building the castle, she skipped this number and just built a half-story that had no practical meaning, which represented using wisdom to jump out of the universe."

Hermione lowered her head. Penello was so beautiful, with smooth blond hair, an angelic face, and the light of wisdom shining in his eyes.

The little girl felt like an ugly duckling compared to her elder sister. She almost wanted to hide her face, but she couldn't help but peek at the fifth-grade prefect. Her beauty could transcend gender and make anyone fall in love with her. .

It just sounds like the founder of the academy is a little abnormal. How could the universe be related to Qi?

Hermione couldn't complain anymore. If she really wanted to jump out, why does Hogwarts have seven grades? ? Wait, why does it have to be seven...

However, Penello had already looked away. She stood in front of the common room door, waiting for the students to arrive.

"Ravenclaw is the best, we have the best dormitories and the Head of House. You can eat and joke in Professor Flitwick's classes. He never calls names or checks homework. He is banned every year. The students rated him as the 'most popular professor' and his teaching style is very interesting."

When Zhang Qiu saw that the prefect had finished speaking, she took the opportunity to summarize and said this to Hermione. It was obvious that her Ravenclaw status made her feel very proud.

Little Hermione raised her head and bit her lip. She hesitated for a moment: "Senior sister, what do you think of the new professor?"

"Professor Flitwick has taught us not to guess others based on first impressions. That is not what a wise man does, but if you insist on me..." Zhang Qiu lowered his voice and revealed the little girl's gossip. His expression: "Professor Quirrell is smelly and dirty, I don't like it. But Professor Wilson is quite handsome and seems to be a good person, hehe."

"Haha, yes." Hermione laughed dryly.

"Please be quiet." Penello put the wand on her throat, and the 'loud voice' magic allowed her to speak easily and be heard by everyone at the same time.

If it were from other colleges, it might not be the turn of the fifth-year prefects to speak at this time, but the other Ravenclaw prefects were standing not far away, each taking out their own scrolls from their robes and busy writing. , or take out a thick book to read. They are all obsessed with their own research and are too lazy to care about other things.

The female prefect pointed to the statue on the door of the common room. It was a brass raven or eagle head with a small round door knocker hanging from its mouth:

"Ravenclaw has no access control. As long as you can answer the questions about the eagle ring, you can come and go freely at any time. If you can't answer the question, I'm afraid you will have to wait for others to take you in. However, our college has a small number of people. We rely on There are not many opportunities for others, and I suggest freshmen to enrich their knowledge base as soon as possible. There are many books to read in the lounge.”

‘Answer the question? ’ Little Hermione was very confident that she could memorize all the common knowledge about the wizarding world in a few days, and she was eager to try it.

Penello turned to the eagle ring and looked into the bird's eyes. Her long golden hair drew a beautiful trajectory in the air with a fragrant breeze: "I will give you a demonstration, and you can try it yourself in the future."

After speaking, she reached out and tapped the bird's head with her wand: "Please open the door."

The metal sculpture came to life, and it began to ask questions in a pleasant and clear voice: "Please answer the following question: Is butterbeer considered wine? Why?"

Hermione almost dropped the snack in her hand. What's the problem? ! Does the statue drink too?

But Penello breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, this time it was a common sense question instead of a philosophy question. This kind of question is the simplest. She answered immediately with confidence:

"It is not considered wine, because the preparation process requires boiling the beer in a crucible and then adding butter. However, if the preparation is strict, the alcohol will evaporate before the water boils. A non-alcoholic beverage is not considered wine, even if it is called beer. .”

"I agree, welcome back, Ravenclaw."

Eagle Ring recognized her answer and opened the door to everyone, showing the magnificent scenery in front of everyone.

It turned out that it was not wine. Hermione looked at her shortcomings and decided to make up for it on her own. Next time she went to the professor's place, maybe she could try something that was clearly called beer but was not wine.

Penello turned around and signaled that everyone could go in, and at the same time explained:

"It sometimes asks ambiguous questions, such as which came first, the chicken or the egg. There is no fixed answer to this kind of question. You just need to convince it with your own point of view. It represents Ms. Ravenclaw. It’s the thought process, not the result.”

Hermione had already slipped into the lounge while she was talking. She immediately noticed the large bookcases running along the wall, as well as the dozens of beautiful blue sofas in the extremely spacious lounge. It's very soft and comfortable.

In addition to the stairs leading to the rest area upstairs, there is also a large experimental area in the lounge, with many various test benches and experimental materials. Almost all the seniors rushed there as soon as they came back, with scientific eyes in their eyes. A sickly light like a madman.

Almost instantly, there were only five freshmen and Penello left next to the sofa in the rest area. Even Zhang Qiu said goodbye to Hermione, and she was going to look up documents in the corner.

She likes owls and wants to study how to use magic to breed better species.

Penello also seemed a little anxious. She looked at her test bench area and quickly said to the new students:

"That's it. You can take all the books and experimental materials here as long as they are currently unused, but they are not allowed to be loaned out or sold to people from other colleges. At the same time, you can also conduct various research without sleeping. You can even skip class at will, but before doing so, please write down the reasons for your leave on the blackboard behind the door of the lounge, so that your friends can cover you with the same voice."

‘Not only do students encourage students to skip classes like bad boys, they even think about how to deal with professors...’

Hermione felt a little confused. Did she really come to the right academy?

Penello looked at the blank eyes of the freshmen, thought for a moment and said:

"Of course, if you plan to travel throughout Hogwarts at night, you can apply to me now. I will lend you the 'Ravenclaw Map Crystal', which is a highly intelligent three-dimensional map with navigation functions. As long as you tell it your destination, it will automatically choose the best route for you and avoid all professors, school workers, ghosts, and wild animals. It will also protect you from being detected by other detection magic. Mask your scent to hide yourself from Filch's cat."

Hearing this, Hermione smiled numbly. She had already guessed that the school rules had no binding force on Ravenclaw at all. They had already made various preparations and various tools to bypass the school rules.

But she was silent. She was an excellent student herself, and children with good grades were always loved by teachers, even in Muggle schools.

Penello saw a few boys who were somewhat moved, and added some serious topics:

"More than twenty years ago, several Gryffindors made a deal with our ancestors and used parchment and magic ink to imitate our map crystal. However, according to our internal intelligence records, their Marauder's Map It's just a showpiece. Therefore, those who borrow the map crystal are not allowed to lend it to people in other houses without the approval of the Prefects Council. This is a valuable property of the Ravenclaw ancestors. Please pay attention to the value of knowledge. Otherwise you’ll be left out by everyone.”

Little Hermione no longer plans to participate in any night tours in Hogwarts. She has no interest at all. Her curiosity when she first entered the school has been replaced by numbness. Ravenclaw is really a place where answers can be given directly.

She just wanted to go back to her dormitory, hug Crookshanks and have a good sleep...

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