The Death Knell

Chapter 1625? Curriculum

Early the next morning, Hermione woke up from the blue velvet mattress, let go of the orange cat she was holding, rubbed her eyes, and stretched out energetically.

The independent bedroom was a creation of space magic, and the sound insulation was very good. Fortunately, Crookshanks licked her awake in advance.

There is no need for Ravenclaw students to go to the public bathroom. Each bedroom has an attached bathroom. This was not available when the school was first established. However, there were always students doing experiments in the Ravenclaw common room, which led to various problems. This accident caused other students to be blocked in the public restroom...

Later, the dean changed the layout to make life more convenient for students.

The private bathroom in the dormitory has large and small faucets blessed with the permanent "clear water like spring" spell, as well as various magic props needed to facilitate life.

Although there was only a shower, Hermione was thinking about Professor Wilson while taking a shower. At least he was not lying when he said that Ravenclaw's accommodation was the best.

After the bedroom curtains are opened, you can directly see the Forbidden Forest and the Black Lake, including the villages in the distance and the green mountains on the horizon. Everything is as beautiful as an oil painting.

After waking up in such a bedroom and breathing the fresh air outside the window in the morning light, Hermione's doubts about whether she had entered the wrong college last night were completely dispelled.

At first I didn't think this was a place where I could study well. After all, it supports skipping classes and provides means to violate school rules. It seems like it's only done by bad kids.

But now she just feels - it smells so good, this is the right place.

After humming happily and taking a bath, she dried her body and hair with a towel, first put on her new clothes, and then put on a robe embroidered with the Ravenclaw eagle emblem.

Hermione then sat in front of the dressing table and carefully applied the 'smooth' magic conditioner given by the professor to her hair.

After being amazed by the extraordinary beauty of Prefect Penello yesterday, the little girl who didn't care much about her appearance seemed to have suddenly awakened a woman's instinct and wanted to make herself more beautiful.

The first thing that bore the brunt was her hair, which was always fluffy and messy. Hermione wanted to have long, smooth and shiny golden hair like her prefects, which was beautiful.

After a lot of effort and effort, she finally turned herself into a "long straight brown" while panting, and smiled in the mirror with satisfaction. As a result, she suddenly became dissatisfied with her front teeth because they looked too large and unbalanced.

There was nothing she could do about this, at least right now she couldn't cast a spell on them, so she thought she just had to smile today and don't let others see her teeth.

Pushing the door and leaving the dormitory, she was about to go to the auditorium on the first floor to eat, but she couldn't help but recall Mr. Ollivander's words in her mind, "Can I ask someone else to bring the meal and still thank you?"...

Hermione quickly shook her head. She thought it was bullying and not very good. She might as well go to the first floor to eat by herself.

As a result, she was waiting downstairs and didn't see any freshmen in the same grade. Maybe those children really went out to play last night.

She puffed up her cheeks and left the common room with her small bag as if she was angry. This was mainly because a senior's experimental crucible exploded not far away, and a strange-smelling gas flowed out. She held her breath and fled.

The blackboard behind the lounge door was densely packed, and it seemed that many people were planning not to go to class on the first day of school. Hermione always felt that this was a bit like the legendary learning method of doctoral students. Does it all rely on self-consciousness?

Before going to bed last night, she had memorized the locations of all the stairs and known secret passages in the castle, and soon arrived at the hall on the first floor.

It's also very convenient when eating breakfast. Just say what you want to eat on the plate, and the food will appear on the plate like a phantom. But waste is not allowed, and you have to carry it around even if you can’t eat it.

No one wanted to go to class grabbing a greasy sausage or bacon, so Hermione just ate an omelette, a piece of bread, and drank a glass of milk.

There were only three people on the entire Ravenclaw table, and those two were seniors she didn't know. They were completely different from the crowded Gryffindors on the other side, eating and drinking.

She wiped the corners of her mouth elegantly with a napkin, and took out the notebook in her bag like a lady, intending to look at today's class schedule and preview it before class.



She suddenly closed the notebook with the current semester's course schedule printed on it, and her body started to fall back tactically. She looked helpless as if she had been beaten.

Who arranged the course schedule? ! On the first Monday of the new semester, the first class was surprisingly the first-year Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff PE classes! It’s still a ninety-minute class!

He was going to die. Not to mention that washing Xiangxiang must have been in vain. Even the milk he drank just now would probably be spit out during the intense exercise!

Is it over? Is the wonderful wizard life over before it even begins?

Little Hermione had a strong sense of foreboding. Professor Wilson's class was definitely different from the physical education in Muggle schools. Did it make people run upside down for several kilometers? Or flipping around like a circus monkey?

"Good morning, Miss Granger."

Just as she was sighing, the prefect Penello came and sat down next to her. After saying hello briefly, he called out a few breakfast items and started eating.

"Good morning, prefect."

Hermione answered quickly, looking a little reserved.

Penello just nodded. Her eyes were a little red and swollen, and she looked like she had stayed up late last night, but she was still so beautiful when she ate.

"The weather is nice today. Did you sleep well last night?"

The prefect started the greeting with a classic British opening.

Hermione put away her notebook:

"Yes, the dormitory is very good. Thank you for your concern."

Penello smiled softly. She took out her textbook and placed it next to the dinner plate. She read and ate while chatting with Hermione:

"I saw you looking weird when I came here. I thought some Gryffindor was playing a prank on your breakfast, but it doesn't look like it. Relax, there are only nine girls in our branch, including three prefects. Everyone They are all like sisters.”

"I know." The ceiling was now covered with blue sky and white clouds, and the sun was even warm. Hermione relaxed a little: "I just saw that the first class was physical education, and I was a little surprised."

The female prefect nodded clearly, and then her expression became a little strange: "I have read the curriculum of each grade and learned about each new student. I remember that you had been talking to the person in charge of physical education a few days before you entered school. With Professor Slade, don’t you know what his course is like?”

Hermione lay on the table like a frustrated rubber ball and answered a little aggrievedly:

"He only said that he was a professor at Hogwarts, but he never taught anything. It's really disgusting."

"Haha, don't worry." Perhaps because he thought Hermione was cute, Penello squeezed her little hand and comforted her: "Mrs. Pomfrey in the school infirmary is very skilled. You will be fine. By the way, remember Ask for leave for a few other people at your level, they...well, are lost on the road of life."

Hermione got up and the corners of her mouth twitched: "Can you really ask for leave for this reason?"

Penello winked mischievously and put on another style: "Of course, unless Professor Wilson can give counterexamples to prove that they are not lost, the fact is that anyone will be confused about their future and prospects. This is A stage that a species of wisdom must inevitably go through.”

"He will find out that it was your idea. Maybe he will see my contact with you now." Hermione reluctantly prepared to go to the edge of the Black Lake, which was the meeting point indicated on the magic course schedule: " He is not an Eagle Ring and can be so reasonable. If he finds out, he will torture you in fifth grade physical education class in the future."

"Professor Flitwick will ask for leave for me then." Penello had already thought of a way out and ate cheese pie nonchalantly: "Professor Wilson will at most deduct some of our college points, but Ravenclaw Another good thing is that we don’t have any obsession with the Academy Cup. Points can be deducted at will. In the far east, they call this ‘having no desire to be strong’.”

Hermione shook her head and walked away dejectedly with her small bag. Another bad news. Ravenclaw didn't even participate in the competition, and the collective sense of honor was zero...

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