The Death Knell

Chapter 1634? So cool

In fact, Hermione didn't hesitate for too long. When the troll swung toward her with a stick, she switched the weapon to automatic mode and pulled the trigger toward the troll's head.

This was an instinct gained from long-term training with weapons. When she felt she was in danger, her mind went blank and she could only rely on her body's memory, remembering only to raise the gun and fire.

As huge warheads flew out of the muzzle, the smoke and gunfire flashed, the monster's head exploded like a watermelon, and then its knees weakened and fell to the ground, making a sound like the earth was shaking. movement.

Hermione squeezed the trigger and didn't let go until the drum was empty, leaving a large black hole in the corner of the bathroom. She was still in a daze, and her eyes were all red.

It was the color of trolls and blood mixed with brain matter, and the whole world seemed to have changed.

It wasn't until a big hand landed on her head and gently smoothed her hair that she gradually recovered from the roar of the gun.

"Well done, you saved your classmates and yourself."


Hermione threw away the gun, turned around, hugged the professor's leg and cried. She had never even killed a rabbit, but the professor forced her to kill a troll.

She felt so wronged and didn't know why, she just wanted to cry.

"Here you go, chocolate frog, and don't wipe your nose with my pants." The professor bent down and put away the gun, then pinched Hermione's little nose and placed a box of chocolates in front of her.

"No! I want it! Big bad guy!" Hermione twisted around to avoid it, and deliberately wiped her nose with the bad professor's pants, her eyes were red.

Su Ming patted her on the back and pushed her to the center of the messy bathroom: "Go and see your classmates. Your reaction just now was just for generals. Go and make sure you didn't accidentally beat your classmates to death."

Hermione then remembered that she and the professor were not the only ones in the room, but also Neville!

When she came to her senses, she turned away from looking at the troll's headless body and ran around the road to Neville. While wiping her tears, she squatted down to check the little fat man's physical condition.

"Longbottom, are you okay?"

What could happen to Neville? In addition to his twisted leg, he was also splattered with blood and brains. Fortunately, he kept raising his hands to protect his face, so his 'handsome' appearance was preserved.

Hearing Hermione's voice from close range, he opened his eyes and lowered his hand.

"Granger, did you save me? Did you kill the troll?!"

Of course he also saw the giant monster's body, which was still spitting out blood. But as a boy from the Lion House, he didn't have any fear about it. Instead, he looked excited.

As a child of a pure-blood family, he had read too many stories about dragon-slaying warriors. Even if he forgot 99% of them, some of them would still be remembered.

When he saw Hermione, he suddenly felt that the little girl's thin body had become taller! Even her back is glowing!

"Well...actually I..."

Seeing his grateful expression, Hermione tilted her head guiltily. If the professor hadn't mentioned her parents and friends, she might not have had the courage to shoot him.

She wanted to explain something, but before she could finish her words, Neville grabbed her hand and shook her up and down.

"Thank you! You are simply a hero in a storybook. You saved my life. I swear I will never forget your kindness to me. I will engrave your name on my body with permanent magic!"

Neville did as he was told. He struggled to get up and jumped on one foot to the ruins of the collapsed compartment. He had dropped his wand a long time ago, and now he had to find it quickly before he forgot it.

However, the little fat man's behavior was stopped by the professor present, and he handed Neville a chocolate frog similar to Hermione's.

"What you need is an explanation, Mr. Longbottom, why are you alone in the bathroom on the third floor while everyone is having dinner in the Great Hall?"

As he asked, he went to dig through the broken boards to help Neville find his wand.

When he saw the physical education teacher, Neville was not as scared as other children, because he wrote to his grandma about what happened since the beginning of the school year. His grandma wrote back and said that Professor Wilson was doing it for his own good and just asked him to obey.

"I forgot."

Neville scratched his head in embarrassment, one leg still raised in the air. Yes, he had forgotten why he was alone in the bathroom.

Su Ming rolled his eyes. Well, he originally wanted to take the opportunity to deduct some points from Gryffindor, but the person involved didn't remember anything. It felt a bit too unethical for you to deduct points from others.

The frequency of amnesia is more serious than that of my little cousin. It's so pitiful. Let's forget it. After all, Deathstroke is not a devil.

Thinking about these things, Su Ming found Neville's memory ball from the rubble, and then directly threw it back to him.

"Then don't lose it again."


As soon as the transparent crystal bead fell into Xiaopang's hand, a large amount of red floc suddenly appeared in it, and it was dazzlingly bright.

It seems like Neville has forgotten a lot of things...

Then the professor relied on his sense of smell to find Neville's wand again. After returning it to the original owner, he was going to take the little fat man to the infirmary first.

However, at this moment, two sneaky figures appeared at the door, and they wanted to shrink back after seeing the professor.

As a result, Su Ming blocked the person in the corridor with just one move.

"Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley?" He showed a smile. Isn't this the point-giving king group? "I remember the principal asked the students to go back to the lounge. Tell me, why are you here?"

Harry blushed. He saw the tragic scene in the bathroom and the corpse of the troll, and knew that he was late.

Fortunately, Neville is okay.

What else is there to say? The two of them violated the principal's order and were caught by the professor. They just bowed their heads and admitted their mistakes.

"We came to rescue Neville. When we returned to the dormitory, we suddenly found that Neville was not there, so we went out and asked a few ghosts. After learning that Neville was here, we came over. We were worried that he would encounter a troll."

Ron was much more heartless. He bluntly stated the purpose of the two people's trip. He also peered past the professor to look at the battlefield in the room, completely unaware of the malicious smile on the professor's face.

"Wow, Harry, look, the troll's head is gone. It's so cool!"

He was still feeling emotional.

"Haha...there's something even cooler."

Su Ming hugged his arms and looked at Ron with interest.

"Huh? Where?"

When Ron saw that the professor didn't deduct points from them, he became bolder again. While talking, he even went around the professor to look at the corpse of the troll.

"Behind you."

Su Ming just grabbed his shoulders and turned his body back. Ron's whole body became stiff.

I saw Principal Dumbledore, Dean McGonagall, Snape, Flitwick and other professors, all standing behind Ron and Potter with expressionless faces.

"Uh, that's cool...I want to go back to sleep now, is it too late?"

Ron swallowed, grunted, and looked at the PE teacher with pleading eyes.

He still doesn't understand that physical education teachers are the most ruthless. In order to prevent his apprentices from becoming stupid after them, he is even more ruthless than the dean.

Therefore, he could only watch in despair as Professor Wilson raised a hand and made a gesture of invitation to Professor McGonagall.

This means that the right to speak is given to her. If someone from the Lion Academy violates school rules, naturally the dean has the most power to deal with them.

Professor McGonagall took a deep breath, her hands were shaking with anger, and her glasses almost fell off her nose:

"Harry~~~Potter! How dare you?! And Mr. Weasley, you disappoint me so much! You know that only powerful adult wizards can deal with trolls, but you... actually dare Come to die?!"

Professor Flitwick had no interest in this kind of drama. He went directly to the bathroom to see the corpse. In fact, he had always been curious about the 'Fully Automatic Alchemy Wand', and this was undoubtedly the first time it had shown its effect in actual combat.

There are many wizards who look down on Muggle inventions, but as one of the smart people, Flitwick will not do this. He even knows that Muggles have a big thing called a nuclear bomb, which is a threat to any wizard.

Already short, he was not as tall as the belly of the fallen troll, but he could check the monster's wounds without bending down. At this time, he was using his wand to pick out the tracheal residue at the broken neck.

Snape also looked very angry, and for some reason, Potter thought he was even more angry than Professor McGonagall.

Especially after the two looked at each other, Professor Snape's eyes seemed to want to strangle him to death, which made Potter quickly lower his head in fear.

But this was not the end. Snape narrowed his eyes and approached Dean McGonagall like a poisonous snake, spraying venom in a sinister manner:

"Look at them, they don't understand at all what mistake they have made. I think they should be fired to prevent themselves and others from being killed by bad luck next time."

"Please don't fire us, we are here to save people."

Harry quickly argued that he couldn't imagine how he would face the ridicule of his uncle's family if he returned home to Privet Drive and was expelled from school.

Fortunately, Professor McGonagall just took a few deep breaths and pulled Potter closer to check if he was injured. Her hand was very strong, but her words did not buy Snape's fault:

"I know how to punish the students in my house, so I won't bother you. Because Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasley violated school rules by going out at night and putting themselves in danger, twenty points will be deducted from Gryffindor!"

After saying that, she said, "Are you satisfied now?" ’ looked at Snape with fierce eyes, like a female cat protecting her cubs.

But the Potions Professor turned his head as if he hadn't said anything: "I'm just giving a suggestion. After all, my college doesn't have such brainless idiot students. I have no experience in dealing with this kind of thing."

After saying that, he pushed away Harry and Ron who were blocking the way, and went to check on the troll with Professor Flitwick.

The cause of death was so obvious that there was no need for any examination. Snape just turned around and returned to Su Ming's side, with a strange tone:

"This should be made of your new wands, right? If it weren't for the fact that trolls don't know how to 'iron armor', those toys of yours will definitely be useless."

Su Ming looked like he was watching the fun, watching McGonagall asking about the process and teaching the three students from his college, without saying that Potter and the others came after the fact.

He just took out a cigarette, lit it and replied to Snape casually: "Even Voldemort can't maintain the Iron Armor Curse 24 hours a day. A good assassin always has a good chance. ...Are you right?”


Snape sneered, lifted up his robe and left without even saying hello to Dumbledore.

It’s just that his back with his head lowered seems to be thinking about something...

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