The Death Knell

Chapter 1635? Determined to become a hero

Harry and Ron were taken away by Professor McGonagall. The stern lady also said that she would tell Mrs. Weasley about this incident, saying that her son wanted to wrestle with the troll.

Ron was frightened when he was dragged away. His eyes were so desperate and his expression was so painful.

Harry's expression was numb. He seemed to be used to it. This feeling of being implicated by Ron had come too often.

Their performance made Su Ming feel happy.

Torturing Ron in different ways is someone's latest holiday leisure project. Whenever you see the red-haired boy's expression changes drastically when he is so satisfied that Gryffindor points are deducted, it always reminds people of happy things.

Potter was often collateral damage because of this, which also made the relationship between Snape and Su Ming appear slightly closer. Maybe he felt that the two of them had the same stance.


In terms of attitude towards Potter, Snape and Dumbledore were not on the same line. Whenever he saw Harry, Snape would think of a certain woman's eyes, which made him extremely painful.

He would never let anything happen to Harry, and he didn't even want to let Harry take any risks.

But Dumbledore still hopes to use Harry to deal with Voldemort, because of the prophecy eleven years ago:

"The one with the power to conquer the Dark Lord approaches... Born into a family that has defeated the Dark Lord three times... Born at the end of the seventh month... The Dark Lord The Head marks him as a powerful enemy, but he possesses powers that the Dark Lord does not understand... One must die at the hands of the other, for both cannot live, only one can survive... "

This was a prophecy made by the divination professor Sybill Trelawney. Legend has it that her prophecy would only come true once a year, and every time it would kill someone.

Voldemort believed this prophecy, and so did Dumbledore.

There were two children who met these conditions at the time.

One of them is Neville Longbottom. As a classmate of Professor McGonagall, his grandmother is very powerful. The Auror family has thwarted Voldemort's plans countless times.

The second one was Harry Potter. At that time, the Potters were the mainstay of the Order of the Phoenix, and they also caused trouble to Voldemort.

Voldemort thought that the child in the prophecy was Harry, so after he tested the feasibility of his plan on Susan Bones and his family, he followed the plan and killed Harry's whole family.

As a result, everyone knew it.

Afterwards, Lao Deng always felt that Voldemort was not completely dead, and Snape also came to a similar judgment through contacts with many former Death Eaters.

At this time, they had a dispute. Dumbledore hoped that Harry could become a weapon, while Snape hoped that Harry would not get involved in the magical world for the rest of his life, and it was best to be an ordinary person.

But in the end it was the principal who convinced Snape, because only by letting Harry learn magic and take control of his own power can he be truly safe.

Today, Snape still struggles with this, and often makes small moves to torment Harry because the name Potter still reminds him of annoying people.

Severus Snape's entire life was tangled, as if he had been cursed by fate itself.


While Professor Wilson was gloating and watching Ron being dragged away, Hermione looked at her hand blankly, as if she couldn't believe that she had just pulled the trigger and killed a humanoid creature.

She had ignored this while checking whether Neville had been accidentally injured, but now that the adrenaline had faded, her whole body felt bad.

She didn't care that this was still the doorway to the bathroom, and hurriedly ate the chocolate frog, which made her body warmer and stopped shivering.

"Dean Flitwick, it was Hermione who killed the troll and saved Neville. I think it's more appropriate for you to give her extra points." At this time, Su Ming called out to the old professor who was still studying the corpse of the troll. Flitwick seemed to have some savant disease and was immersed in his own world.

He came back to his senses after hearing the words of the physical education professor, wiped his wand and walked out of the room. He looked at the little girl and sighed: "I really don't know what you plan to teach her to be, but at least the result is good now." Yes, five points for Ravenclaw!"

Dumbledore didn't say anything more, he just took out a lot of candies and handed them to Hermione, smiled encouragingly at her and left.

As soon as he left, most of the professors also left, leaving only Filch leading the cat to wander in the corridor, as if he didn't know how to repair the bathroom and get rid of the troll's body.

"Use a saw to cut it into small pieces and you can take it out easily." Deathstroke kindly gave Filch an idea.

Squib suddenly realized: "Thank you!"

"You see, it's not just answering questions in class that can earn points." Su Ming smiled politely at Filch, turned around, picked up Hermione, and walked downstairs: "Firearms can also bring people Happy stuff.”

"Have you finally admitted that it was a gun?" Hermione was speechless. She felt her head hurt: "I'm very uncomfortable and want to go back to sleep. Why did you take me downstairs?"

Su Ming smiled and touched her head, seeming to be in a good mood: "To celebrate your first time killing, the teacher decided to take you to Hogsmeade Village. There is the Honeydukes Candy Shop there. It should not be closed at this time. .Buy some of your favorite candy and take you to try that butterbeer you’ve always wanted to drink.”

Hermione was a little silent, and was carried out of the castle gate. When the evening breeze blew, she came back to her senses and shrank her neck into her robe:

"When I was a kid, I saw rats killed by rattraps, but it felt different. I mean, the trolls looked more or less human..."

"Even if you are a human, you can only take action in that situation, right?" Su Ming walked towards the Black Lake. He was already used to walking on the lake every day: "How to deal with other bad wizards and dangerous creatures? This should It’s something you won’t learn until you get to a higher age, but I think you are a little genius, so it’s not impossible to teach you earlier.”

"A bad wizard..."

Hermione's little mouth pursed, looking a little disappointed. The eleven-year-old girl didn't understand anything, at least she was old enough to know that fairy tales were all false.

Thinking of the unknown future, she was a little scared and hugged the professor's neck tightly.

The man stepped onto the lake, and the waves under his feet were licking the soles of his shoes. The vast water surface was like embodied darkness under the night, slowly undulating with a unique frequency.

"The magic world is very dangerous. Just remember what I say. When you grow up, I will teach you to distinguish what is good and what is bad... But before that, let's play first, you Do you want to buy a pile of cockroaches?”

Hermione immediately broke away from her dazed mood, pushed the professor's shoulders away with both hands, and shook her head like a rattle:

"No, definitely not."

"Then be happy. I will take you to slay dragons during the Christmas vacation, and let little Hermione be a dragon-slaying warrior, okay?"

He had floated to the other side of the lake and dropped the girl off outside the dimly lit Hogsmeade village.

This village with almost only one street seemed to come alive today. It was indeed very lively on Halloween night. Everywhere was decorated with moving jack-o-lanterns and skeletons that could wave and greet tourists.

Occasionally, people would set off fireworks on the streets, and a few children would run wildly among the crowd, laughing with pumpkin jars filled with candy in their hands.

Su Ming even discovered that a student sneaked out to have a date in Mrs. Puddifu's teahouse. Through the glass on the street corner, he could see the young couple kissing at the tacky lace round table, their faces flushed and filled with forbidden pleasure. .

Forget it, just let them go during the holidays.

Hermione was pulled towards the candy store, while also thinking about the fact that dragons are evil creatures in European and American culture. This Muggle view has been around for a long time.

She seems to understand something. It turns out that killing evil creatures and producing beneficial results for mankind can make her a hero?

Some people are despised, while others are admired. The difference is just what they killed...

"Then Professor, what are the weaknesses of dragons?"

She cheered up a little and decided to prepare in advance.

At this time, the professor opened the door of the candy shop decorated with brass bells, and a sweet and cloying smell came out. The warm fireplace flame made Hermione's cheeks reddish. Wearing her school uniform, she hid with a guilty conscience. Looking at other guests.

But at the same time, she couldn't help but look at the dazzling candies of various colors around her. She had never seen so many kinds of candies, and many of them had to be kept in glass boxes, otherwise they would fly away. .

At this time, the professor's big hand fell on her back, pushing her into a new world and giving her the answer to the question.

"Head, head."

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