The Death Knell

Chapter 1652 Withdrawal Symptoms

However, until the winter vacation passed, Hermione still didn't know what happened between the two professors. She just noticed that the physical education professor would go to the Potions office to see Snape from time to time, and Snape seemed unable to refuse.

They are definitely planning something, and it is led by their own professors.

But Snape wasn't unhappy, at least he didn't take his anger out on her. He even had a much better attitude. When he met him in the corridor, he would nod in response when he said hello, which was something that had never happened before.

On the first day of school in the second half of the semester, the principal added points to Hermione for killing the basilisk. Of course, in name, it was because she had found Slytherin's legacy.

As for what the legacy is and where it is, this is not what students should know. They only need to know that the sand in Ravenclaw's hourglass is higher than the other houses combined.

Daily campus life went on just like that.

Gradually, everyone else, including Harry and Draco, basically despaired. They knew that they would not be able to win the Academy Cup this year.

Even if she could win the Quidditch game, the points added would not be enough for Miss Granger to earn a fraction of the points.

So Draco broke the rules even more, causing trouble for Harry almost every day in the new semester. His new goal was to make Gryffindor the last one. Doesn't this also prove that he has won?

Harry originally wanted to be more tolerant, but Ron's temper was as volatile as his hair.

And every time he wanted to hit Draco or cast a spell on him, Filch or Snape would always jump out of nowhere and catch Mr. Weasley and Mr. Potter.

"I'm in despair, I'm in despair about the hopeless campus life!"

This was an older brother of the red-haired boy who treated his younger brother's words as a joke to everyone, just because Ron couldn't help but utter this famous saying after being locked up in Filch's office for a night. .

As the brother talked, he also imitated Ron's numb expression at that time, making everyone laugh.

At this time, Miss Granger, who was both good in character and academic, and powerful, was just passing by casually and had no interest in the rumors in the school.

The Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher for the new semester was the famous Sir Gilderoy Lockhart, but after one class Hermione discovered that he was just a showman, far worse than her professor, and only Susan would be attracted to him. Charmed, as starstruck as a middle-aged witch.

Hermione herself was still living a three-point, one-line life, going to class, making up for extra classes, working on a small stove, and going back to her dormitory to sleep.

She actively answered questions in class and took the time to study by herself after class. This diligent performance reminded Professor McGonagall of her young self in the past, while Professor Flitwick felt that Hermione was becoming more and more like Ms. Ravenclaw.

The portrait had always been in the common room, but Hermione didn't feel that she had any resemblance to her. The lady's eyes were very cold and lonely, and she was not that kind of person.

Maybe the facial features do have her shadow, but the heart is completely different, so even though some people still call her 'descendant of Ravenclaw', she is not happy about it.

She just wanted to study hard and become a strong person, at least to learn all the skills from her professor.

However, the idea was good. After the weather warmed up, the professor gave swimming lessons again and asked her to practice diving while fighting fish-men in the black lake.

Hermione was at a disadvantage in this regard. Those ugly fish-men were extremely powerful in the water. If the professor hadn't intervened to save them, she would have almost been drowned by the fish-men.

So he began to teach her melee fighting techniques and some martial arts routines in extracurricular time. He boasted that he knew almost 7,000 kinds of martial arts. Hermione felt that if this was really the case, he would be at least a thousand years old. That's right......

He also said that after her height and strength increased in the second grade, he would start teaching her how to use melee weapons. He also said that the classic tactics of a mage are "illumination, charge, cleave, and whirlwind." ’

She didn't know what it meant, but she didn't think those skills were like those of a mage.

Not learn! snort!

But after the professor showed how to use his fingers to hold hundreds of bullets fired by machine guns, use a sword to split rockets in mid-air, and use a flying knife to knock down a flying dragon...

Hermione said she wanted to learn too.

So she felt more and more that she didn't have enough time. Not only did she have to study the magic courses at Hogwarts, but she also had to attend cram school with the physical education teacher. She was almost exhausted every day.

But she persevered. In terms of learning, she has a resilience that is unmatched by ordinary people.

When she finished all the exams, watched the principal turn all the banners in the great hall into Ravenclaw blue, and boarded the Hogwarts Express carrying her small bag.

Only then did she realize that time passed so quickly.

I couldn't help but lie on the window of the carriage and look out, over the roof of the station, towards the beautiful castle standing by the lake.

Although she only went to school here for a year, after experiencing so many things, she found that she had a deep connection with this place.

It's just that yesterday the bad professor said, 'You will be itchy all over during the summer vacation.' Hermione still doesn't understand what it means. She stuffed the chocolate frog into her mouth, thinking that she was so clean that she wouldn't be itchy.

After thinking about it, she looked down at the cat in her arms. Could it be that the professor had foreseen a flea epidemic this year? Could Crookshanks give me fleas?

Forget it, just shave it off when you get home, just to be prepared.


In fact, after half a month of vacation, she fully understood what it meant to feel itchy all over her body.

It was really boring. There was no summer homework at Hogwarts, and little wizards were not allowed to use wands when they got home. My parents were very busy at work, and the dental clinic had to work every day.

Although she has a second magic wand, she doesn't have anyone to cast spells on at home, so she can only watch TV alone at home every day.

TV programs that I thought were interesting before are now very dull and boring to watch for half a month.

If she hadn't used the professor's method to exercise for a while every night, I'm afraid she would have gone crazy.

Finally, she couldn't bear it anymore and took the Knight Bus to Diagon Alley. She wanted to ask the professor why she felt like a piece of her life was missing.

But the professor was not in his shop. According to the slave workers, he and Snape went to the United States, saying they were going to Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for exchanges.

Fortunately, the underground shooting range of the automatic wand shop is still there, and the professor also left a message that she can use it as she pleases.

And when she took a deep breath and pulled the trigger on the metal duck again, she felt comfortable and no longer itchy at all.

She understood why she felt that every day was incomplete. Not only was she missing the opportunity to use magic, but she was also missing the important project of target practice.

For a whole year, after the last class every afternoon, she and her professor would go to the shooting range to shoot hundreds of bullets and practice weird skills.

Without professors, nothing would be the same.

She decided not to travel during the entire holiday, but took the car to Diagon Alley every day to practice shooting, and then looked forward to the start of school.

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