The Death Knell

Chapter 1653 The New Yorker

At the same time, Snape's face was ashen as he stepped off the plane. The Muggle transport made him want to vomit along the way, especially the violent turbulence when encountering the airflow, which was more violent than any Portkey he had ever seen.

"Relax, Severus, isn't this a fun experience?"

Su Ming wore a colorful short-sleeved shirt and walked beside Snape. He looked like he was from Hawaii, not England.

Snape was also wearing a suit, which he rarely wore, but his hair still looked greasy. He squeezed out a few words through his teeth:


"Are you asking why taking a plane instead of taking a boat?" Su Ming raised an eyebrow and looked at him as if he were a fool: "Of course it's because the floo networks in the United States and Britain are not connected, and taking a plane is better than taking a boat. It’s fast. I don’t want to float in the Atlantic Ocean for so many days and risk hitting an iceberg on the northern route.”

Snape looked around in the chaotic crowd and lowered his voice: "I know you have a flying carpet. I'm asking you why don't we sit on that one?"

"You." Su Ming sighed, because neither of them had any luggage, and quickly left the crowd: "If you don't even understand how Muggles live, how can you make Muggles fall in love with you?"

Snape's face looked even more ugly. Many wrinkles appeared around his aquiline nose, and his face was squeezed together, standing still.

"You promised me you wouldn't bring it up again."

"Yes, yes, this is the condition we negotiated, but I think you have to get up wherever you fall." Deathstroke came back and hooked his shoulder, dragging him outside the JFK Airport terminal. : "Next, we have to go to the Magical Congress of the United States of America to apply for entry, and then go to Mount Greylock, Massachusetts. This time, let's let you choose the mode of transportation, okay?"

Snape was silent for a moment, until the moonlight outside shone on his face, and then he slowly spoke.

"Taxi, I want to try a Muggle taxi."

"In the United States, it's called No-Maj. Let's do as the Romans do when you're here."


The address of the Magical Congress of the United States of America (macusa) used to change constantly. Often, wherever the current Speaker was, the headquarters would be moved to his hometown, so that the Speaker could "go home and live while working."

Compared with the Ministry of Magic in the United Kingdom, the Magical Congress of the United States has a unicameral system, and the speaker has more power than his counterpart across the Atlantic.

However, in 1892, the Bigfoot Rebellion broke out in the United States, and a rebel army composed of Bigfoot launched a guerrilla war against Congress.

The blame for the Bigfoot Rebellion was placed on Eileen Niedander, the leader of the Organization for the Protection of Humanoid Magical Species, who abused her position by attacking Bigfoots who were judged to have "behaved inappropriately," an act that led to their decision to revolt. , and made an impact on the Magical Congress and No-Maj society.

This incident resulted in the wizards having to use a large number of forgetting spells afterwards, and the headquarters also spent considerable manpower on repairs.

At this time, the American wizards felt that the always-moving headquarters was unreliable and lacked effective protection and safety measures. What they needed was a permanent fortification.

Therefore, in the next few years, the wizards infiltrated the construction team of a new building in New York and helped Mr. Walworth, the famous fat rich man at the time, to build the Walworth Building, the tallest building in the world at the time, and in 1913 Got it done and checked in successfully.

The building is 241 meters high and has a total of 57 floors. The Gothic spire is very beautiful. Its sealed elevator shaft design is very unique. Its unique ultra-fast elevator is also very famous today. It only takes 30 seconds to go from the first floor to the top floor. The heart of the first-timer is racing.

Of course, that is only the part that ordinary people can see. After the building is completed, it becomes a building shared by No-Majs and wizards. There is a guarded small door next to the main entrance. If you enter from there, you will enter for wizards. The space used is very convenient.

In the more conservative Britain, this technology was only used on Platform Nine and Three-Quarters, because successive Ministers of Magic did not agree to 'share' the wizards' London underground headquarters with Muggles.

Until now in 1992, the building is still in use. Although it has been damaged several times, it has been restored.

The application of the Traceless Extension Spell has allowed it to expand to hundreds of floors of useable space, as well as hundreds of underground structures. This majestic magical wonder also represents the magical ruling organization with the largest number of employees in the world.

Sitting in the taxi, Snape kept looking through the window at the skyscrapers in Manhattan. These tall buildings were still lit up at night, making them beautiful.

Although he didn't say anything, it could still be seen that he was frightened by Muggles' construction abilities.

The taxi driver chatted with Su Ming because of his New York accent. It wasn't until he arrived at the destination that he hesitated and said that although he didn't know why the customer wanted to go to Broadway so late, the economic crisis caused by inflation has not passed. , night is always not a good time to go out.

There are too many amusement rides and floating people here. The streets are full of drunks in strange clothes. Bankrupt people are hiding in backlit alleys, maybe with weapons in their hands.

Su Ming smiled and handed him the fare, asking him not to give change, and told him that he liked unfortunate people, and transvestites often spoke nicely.

Then, with the driver looking like a madman, the mercenary pulled Snape out of the car. The asphalt pavement under his feet was wet, perhaps from the moisture brought by the Manhattan park not far away.

"How do you feel? Severus." Su Ming watched the yellow taxi leave the field of vision, and the surrounding neon lights seemed to surround the two of them.


The professor, who was dressed in all black, as if he was going to attend a funeral, frowned, giving the impression of a country bumpkin going to town, but not wanting others to notice that he was hiding something from his knowledge.

"Let's go. In fact, most of the surrounding areas are theaters. A few are talk show clubs with bar functions. There is nothing interesting here." Su Ming took out a cigarette, lowered his head and lit it: "When the business is done, I will take the When you go to Las Vegas for a few days, do you know how to play blackjack?"

Snape followed him, but did not answer the question because he did not even understand what blackjack was.

At this moment, a man suddenly rushed out of the dark alley under the neon lights on the street. Even in summer, he was wearing a black hat and a dirty beard that made it difficult to see his face clearly.

"Hand over the money!"

Maybe they were both dressed too well and looked very rich, so they were robbed as expected.

The other party held an old 1911 pistol, and the muzzle was trembling violently.

Su Ming stopped Snape's hand that was about to take the wand and said with a smile: "This is why I like this place. It's great to be able to enjoy gunfights every day."

"Hmph." Snape put his hands behind his back and made a short sound from his nostrils.

Deathstroke turned his eyes to the interceptor again, shook his head with some regret, stretched out a finger and tapped the muzzle of the gun: "I hate you armed robbers the most, you have no technical skills at all... Just shoot. , I bet there are no bullets in your gun, the question is, do you still dare to bet?"

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