The Death Knell

Chapter 1670: Completely destroyed

"Did you find anything?"

Professor Flitwick not only couldn't understand the question, but also couldn't figure out what the Horcrux's answer meant. He rubbed his bald head in confusion.

"I saw the weakness of Voldemort's character." Su Ming gestured to Hermione to close the diary, and talked to himself: "Even the fragment of Voldemort's soul in his youth, the diary interacts with the outside world based on his own personality. . Faced with a problem that he did not understand, Voldemort's first reaction was to be 'anxious and angry'. He did not want to delve into the essence of the problem, was too emotional, and did not understand too much common sense. Such obvious weaknesses made him destined to fail. .”

"Well, even so, he almost ruled the British wizarding world and caused the 'Darkest Eleven Years'. You think we are useless when you say that." The headmaster of Ravenclaw leaned on the chair, and the two of them I kicked my short legs to use more force: "And I just want to know the correct answer to the question, instead of being hit by your words."

Deathstroke shrugged, took out a bottle of soda, and at the same time satisfied Flitwick's thirst for knowledge:

"First of all, the question did not say that the wizard had any protective means, which means that he simply flew upwards. There is a common sense that all Muggles know, that is, the higher the altitude, the thinner the air, and the oxygen content decreases accordingly. . Most people will suffer from severe hypoxia at an altitude of 6,000 meters. At 8,000 meters, the brain can work for up to 4 minutes. At 10,000 meters, the time to stay conscious will not exceed 1 minute. At 14,000 meters, it will only last 10 seconds... At the same time, the temperature at this altitude is minus 70 degrees, which is enough to freeze an ordinary wizard to death."

"So this is an essay question, and there is no definite answer. It only takes a little over twenty minutes for this wizard to reach an altitude of 14,000 meters. However, the specific time depends on physical fitness, so the answer is that before he goes to the toilet for the first time Will he die?"

As the Head of Ravenclaw, Flitwick was naturally very good at brain teasers, and he suddenly realized it.

This question is similar to the question asked by the Eagle Ring. It is normal for Slytherin not to be able to answer it, not to mention Muggle knowledge, which is definitely the weak link of the purebloods.

He seemed to understand something.

'Sure enough, physical fitness is still very useful, then it is even more necessary to dance and exercise...' the short wizard thought.

Su Ming smiled at him and nodded: "Since you also think that this black wizard is Nick Fury, I guess you are right."

"Isn't he?" Flitwick looked away from McGonagall, and the corner of his mouth twitched a few times.

"I never said so." Su Ming opened the soda and took a sip, then took out a newly replenished hot pot from his pocket to unpack: "You're pretty good. You even did the trial on Voldemort's soul fragment." Otherwise, carelessness will definitely kill someone."

Professor McGonagall stopped everyone from chatting about this, and as she temporarily acted as the principal, she lightly knocked on the table:

"The matter is already very clear. This Horcrux should be handled by Professor Wilson. Because of the performance of Hermione and Luna, Ravenclaw will get another hundred points. I will inform the whole school about this at breakfast tomorrow."

Neither Hermione nor Luna had any reaction. One was completely disinterested in scores, while the other was still immersed in counting galleons.

Then Minerva turned her eyes to Ginny again, and gently touched the girl's red hair:

"This time because you are also a victim, and luckily there were no serious consequences, I won't deduct points from Gryffindor...but I will write to inform Molly of what happened, and your mother should I told you not to touch items with self-awareness other than the Sorting Hat, right? She was much more obedient than you when she was in school, except that she was obsessed with food magic as a Gryffindor."

"No, please don't write and tell my mother!"

Ginny wailed, like a character in the famous painting "The Scream", squeezing her face into a weird shape with her hands.

"Now go out to dinner, this is non-negotiable."

Professor McGonagall frowned. She, who had just hugged and comforted Ginny like a grandmother, suddenly turned into a cold-blooded judge and sentenced Ginny to death.

Last year when Molly wrote a howling letter to Ron, Ginny was gloating and doing somersaults on the sofa at home, but now...

I'm afraid Fred and George will have to do somersaults tomorrow.

"Goodbye!" Ginny bowed with despair and ran out crying.

"Go and watch her, don't give her the chance to jump off the building or commit suicide."

Su Ming put the heating pack into a plastic box, poured some mineral water in and covered it, and at the same time told Hermione next to him.

Hermione rolled her eyes. Who would commit suicide because their mother lectured them? Although it’s a bit embarrassing to receive a howl letter.

She pouted and slid off the high chair, walking out and saying:

"I went to look at her, but I haven't eaten yet..."

"What have I taught you before? You have to be prepared for anything. Now you should think about how to stop her if she really wants to jump off the building or take poison."

As he spoke, Su Ming took out the God Killer from his pocket. It was still in the form of a golden wand, but after whispering a word to it, it turned into a golden meat grinder and was fixed on the dining table by the professor. on the edge.

"Is there no spell transformation? It's very clever. I can't even see any traces of spell casting." Flitwick adjusted the small glasses on the bridge of his nose and looked closely at the golden meat grinder, but his nose was hit by the electric current on it. After a moment: "Hey, what kind of wand is this?"

Su Ming smiled and stuffed Voldemort's Horcrux into the meat grinder and explained to Flitwick: "This is the artifact I captured from the God of War during my adventure. It was built by the God of Fire in the heart of the volcano, using the God of Fire. The metal is made of metal, and it is also enchanted by the gods..."

Hearing this, Hermione pulled Luna and walked out together, but the blond girl still held the money bag with great interest:

"I want to hear it."

"He is crazy again. Don't listen to his nonsense. God does not exist."

Hermione covered Luna's ears and dragged her away because Hermione felt she was crazy enough and didn't need the professor's crazier ideas.

Luna shook her head and forced Hermione back by spinning the carrot hanging from her ear:

"I find it interesting."

Hermione sighed. She took Luna's little hand and dragged it out. The effect of her training was now apparent. At least she was much stronger than the other girl who was one year younger:

"He also has a black giant sword. He told me that it was made of alien metal by Vulcan, and the outer layer was plated with silver, the original metal of the world. Who are you kidding? I am a child of a Muggle family, and I am a science fiction writer. He doesn’t watch as many movies as he does.”

"More fun."

Luna blinked her eyes and acted coquettishly, wanting to stay and listen, but it was of no use. She was dragged away by 'Weird Hermione' with a look of reluctance.

McGonagall and Flitwick just thought Su Ming was telling a joke, while Snape was the only one who was thoughtful.

After the students left, the other three people in the room watched Deathstroke swing the arm of the meat grinder and quickly grind the diary into pieces.

A scream came out of the machine, like someone shouting to a jar buried underground, and then a stream of black smoke spurted out from the filling port, but quickly dissipated in the air.

"Is it over?" Flitwick was a little unsure: "But it is indeed more convenient to destroy the notebook directly."

"Severus, hit him with the Fire Charm."

Su Ming did not relax, but gathered the shredded papers on the table and gathered them into a pile on the ground with his feet.

Snape pulled out his wand expressionlessly and pointed at the pile of paper on the ground. During his trip to the United States, he occasionally received some pointers from Grindelwald. Now the Fire Curse can be cast silently.

The flames burned brightly, showing a faint blue color, and the burning embers rolled as the air moved, illuminating each professor's face.

At this time, a translucent figure emerged from the burning pile of paper. It was Voldemort's appearance when he was young. He seemed to be cursing something, but could not make a sound.

He was burned to ashes with a painful look on his face, and disappeared completely along with the last remains of the diary.

There was nothing left on the spot. After Snape used a counter-curse to cancel the Fire Curse, there was only a small black shadow on the ground. The house elf who was rushed over wiped it with a mop and it was gone.

"Ha, are you playing with me and pretending to be dead? You're still young." Su Ming was satisfied and turned the God Killer back into a wand and took it back. At this time, the instant hot pot also made a popping sound of boiling water. He opened the lid and took a breath. , pushing it to the middle of the table: "Everyone, let's eat together. Another Horcrux is missing. It looks like this year will be very safe."

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