The Death Knell

Chapter 1671 Did you send it to the wrong person?

Ginny had no suicidal tendencies, she just went back to her dormitory and cried bitterly. Hermione and Luna successfully sneaked into the Gryffindor common room and comforted her for a while.

After all, it is still too dangerous to come into contact with Horcruxes, and if you make a mistake, you are wrong.

Voldemort's soul may possess legilimens or dark magic such as the Imperius Curse. It is always extremely dangerous for people who do not know Occlumency to come into contact with it.

And Hermione felt that Mrs. Weasley would not send a howling letter to her daughter, because from the fragmentary words of the sobbing Ginny, it could be analyzed that Mrs. Weasley would definitely take more care of her daughter's face than the boys at home.

Ginny was comforted by her idol, and she managed to calm down. Perhaps she was very tired from crying after being frightened, so she slept well at night.

In the dream, she became friends with senior Hermione, as well as Luna and many unknown people, and everyone was playing Quidditch happily.

At breakfast the next day, the students all ate breakfast in the warm sunshine of the auditorium, and a large group of owls flew from the sky as always, placing the letters and packages each received in front of the little master.

Ginny saw her own owl among the many owls at a glance. It was very conspicuous because Errol was too old. It had lost a lot of feathers and it was wobbly when it flew, as if it had defeated a rooster. Same.

This is not the key. The key is that it holds a red envelope between its slightly faded paws, which is the roaring letter.

She trembled and even wanted to bury her face in the milk in front of her.

Every time it flapped its wings, it came closer, and its cloudy old eyes seemed to be filled with Ginny's reflection.

Sure enough, it stumbled onto the long Gryffindor table, held the roaring letter in its paws in its mouth, threw the letter on Ginny...Ron's plate next to her, and started eating it. His bacon.

"Huh? Is it the wrong one?" Ron pushed the letter in front of his sister and hid on Harry on the other side of the bench: "I heard that you were sued by Professor McGonagall last night. This letter should be Mom gave it to you, Errol is really old and confused.”

Ginny prepared to receive the letter with trembling hands, but the owl took the letter back and threw it on Ron's plate. Her round eyes looked at him very seriously, as if to say, 'This is for you.'

"No, there must be something wrong." Ron closed his eyes and danced his hands in front of him: "Let's figure it out. It was Ginny who made a mistake last night. I saw two Ravenclaws sneaking in. We came to find Ginny in our lounge, and in the morning we heard from Miss India that Professor McGonagall had written a letter to her mother to complain...then this roaring letter belongs to Ginny."

He fished the letter out of the plate and tossed it to Ginny.

But the owl took the letter back and put it on his plate.

Throw, pick up, throw, pick up...

After going back and forth like this for a long time, the time has finally come, and the roaring letter can automatically detonate after being ignored for a period of time.

It made a louder sound than before, even resounding throughout the school.

"Ron Weasley!" The roaring letter flew in front of Ron with sparks, and its long red tongue slapped his face wildly. Molly's voice came at the same time: "I heard Professor McGonagall! You only play with Harry every day and don't take care of your sister at all! You put her in danger and almost fell into the trap of a bad guy! Your behavior of not taking care of your family brings shame to our family tradition! If you can't do it What a brother should do! Then give me a break from school and come home!"

Ron sat blankly on the bench, his expression as if he had eaten shit disguised as chocolate, his confusion was filled with pain, and his pain was filled with despair.

Amid his mother's roar, his mouth opened subconsciously, not knowing why it was him again?

Harry next to him had already covered his face. He was also a little ashamed. Although he was only mentioned as an 'accomplice', if he didn't play so many games with Ron, maybe he would have time to care about his sister, right?

After scolding Ron, the shouting letter turned in another direction in the air and scolded George, Fred and Percy all over again. The meaning was still the same, but the wording was different, and it was much gentler for the oldest Percy.

But this also made the sixth-year Gryffindor prefect's face dull. Percy's face turned red, he grabbed his tie hard, and ran away without even eating.

In the end, the roaring letter comforted her daughter with a calm tone, asking her to supervise Ron and the others, and to tell Professor McGonagall if she still didn't take care of her sister.

Molly also lets Harry go to the Burrow for Christmas, taking his godfather with him.

"are you OK?"

Harry watched the roaring letter tear him into burning pieces in the air, and then looked down at Ron, who was huddled under the table with only his eyes exposed. He was also picking his ears, which were ringing from the shock just now.

"What did you say?" Ron asked loudly. He pointed to his ears: "I can't hear! I'm deaf!"

"Hahahahaha! Look at how stupid he looks." Draco on the Slytherin table slammed the table, laughing with the followers around him. He also asked Goyle to play Harry Potter and imitated it himself. Looking at Ron, he said softly and pretentiously: "What should I do? Savior, I'm deaf!"

The big follower was also a showman, and he imitated Harry and replied: "Why don't you take off the head and send it to the infirmary? Ron, it's useless for you to have the head anyway."

"Ha! Well said!" Malfoy laughed so hard that he had no idea that what happened yesterday actually had something to do with his family. He wiped his mouth and stood up, leading people to the long table of Gryffindor. Ron provoked: "You really should drop out of school. Why don't you listen to your mother and go to Romania to collect dragon dung like your brother? And you, Mr. Potter, I said last year that you should be able to distinguish what kind of people To be friends, what kind of person is a pure-blooded disgrace.”

Harry glared at him and replied coldly: "I think I can tell the difference, so I don't want to talk to you."

"Hmph, Gryffindor came last in the House Cup last year. I thought you would see the reality clearly this year and become kinder." Draco shook his head regretfully, pointed his finger at the table and said harshly: "You will still be at the bottom this year, just because you have Mr. Weasley next to you in Gryffindor, a real loser. You see, he doesn't even dare to refute when I scold him in person."

Ron's hearing also happened to be restored. He stood up angrily and took out his wand. However, just when he was about to cast a spell on Draco, Snape suddenly appeared out of nowhere and cast a disarming spell. Knocked away Ron's weapon.

"Mr. Weasley tried to attack his classmates and set off a shouting letter in the school. Ten points will be deducted from Gryffindor! Mr. Weasley, you have to go to Mr. Filch tonight, he will treat you well... .”

Snape stared at him and Potter expressionlessly, until both of them lowered their heads in fear, and then left briskly.

Hermione, who had been sitting at the Ravenclaw table with her friends, was a little speechless about this. Professor Snape, like his bad professor, seemed to be used to torturing Gryffindors for fun, and he didn't know where he came from. bad taste.

She had already seen that Snape had actually been hiding outside the door of the Great Hall, and he only rushed in when he saw Ron about to take action. That was really insidious.

However, thinking of Professor McGonagall's praise to her before breakfast, Hermione was secretly happy but also felt that she deserved it, because the diary was not discovered by herself and Luna at all, but seemed to be specially arranged for her by the physical education professor. Same.

why? That person didn't come to have breakfast either. Where is he now?

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