The Death Knell

Chapter 1682 One year is worth seven years

The professor did not explain the origin of the two injections. He simply explained their advantages and disadvantages and let Hermione choose.

The thing called SSS serum can make people transcend ordinary people and become extremely strong, smart, and tall, but it can also amplify paranoid emotions, making good people better and bad people worse.

The Miracle Serum can develop the brain, bring about self-healing ability of rapid regeneration, and allow the physical fitness to reach the limit of human beings. However, the disadvantage is that after being seriously injured, it will cause the person to lose his mind and go crazy, killing the enemy and eating completely without reason.

Both of these potions could solve the problem of insufficient physical strength and resist aging to a certain extent, but she only hesitated for a while before choosing the latter.

The main reason is that being tall and strong has a completely negative effect on her. How should she explain to her friends if a little girl turns into a muscular woman?

Su Ming shrugged, assuming that she could learn from Mr. Malfoy and just say it was a fitness effect.

Such words earned the little girl a blank stare.

However, her choice of miracle serum was more in line with Su Ming's wishes. On the one hand, this kind of thing was much easier to inject than the SSS serum. There was no need to prepare an iron coffin or consume electricity.

Just find a bottle, fix her somewhere, and slowly pour the medicine in like a drip.

The serum was separated from his own blood by going back to Marvel to find Dr. Erskine, and it was easier than preparing the SSS serum from Steve's blood.

The self-healing ability it brings is obvious to all, and the life-saving ability is better. People always have to live first before they can think about anything else.

The transformation process was a little painful, but in order to keep it secret, he took Hermione to the weapon shop, tied her up with a magic floating cloak and injected her with diaphragms like a mummy.

Even so, she screamed when the blue potion blended into her veins and began to transform her body.

Fortunately, it is only difficult at the beginning. Once the brain is developed to a certain extent, most pain can be completely shielded by willpower. Batman does this through yoga meditation, while Deathstroke relies on psychological suggestions to himself to improve. Tolerance.

Maybe pain can really stimulate people's potential. Hermione, who was screaming hoarsely, quickly mastered the method of blocking the pain. She gradually became quieter. Apart from crying and having a lot of mucus flowing out of her nose, there was nothing. Adverse reactions.

A few hours later late at night, Hermione's transformation was completed, with no change in her appearance except for an unhappy look on her face.

"You never said it hurt this much!"

"Everything has a price. How many people want to have the ability you have now?" Su Ming pulled out an ordinary sword from his pocket and motioned to Hermione to cut a small incision on his arm to try.

The little girl took a few quick breaths, as if she was angry, but she still took the weapon. She also wanted to try the so-called self-healing ability.

Relatively large trauma takes about five or six minutes. The effect is stronger than the original version, but far less than the self-healing brought by the symbiote.

Even so, it was enough to surprise Hermione. Although injuries would make them hungry, and they would go crazy after a certain amount of injuries, who didn't want their life to be guaranteed?

"Let's go, I'll take you back to school, you have a good rest. Tomorrow morning we will go to the magic school 'Magic Corner' on the island of Okinawa, Japan. Their specialty is underwater projects, and their wands also have a transformation function. "



Next, Hermione entered a painful life, attending seven schools at the same time. Even if she was transformed into a super soldier, she would not be able to avoid mental fatigue.

When she came into contact with time-related changes for the first time, she sometimes couldn't figure out which timeline she was on and where to go next.

Fortunately, with the guidance of the professor, she gradually adapted. One day in the past is now seven days to her. After eliminating some repetitive courses, her understanding of all aspects of the magic world has increased rapidly.

At the same time, her foreign language proficiency has also improved. It will not be long before she will become a woman who can master all the languages ​​​​in the world.

Of course, this is just the entry threshold for the Supreme Mage. According to the professor, if you don't know Demonic and hundreds of alien languages, you will be embarrassed to say hello to others when you go out.

Japanese magic schools are very interesting. The students there are very high school students. Although the magic wand does not have a transformation effect, those people seem to have a switch or something in their heads. After taking out the magic wand, they always make some strange appearance, which is said to be inexplicable. speech, and at the same time gave magic some weird Japanese names.

For example, the Iron Armor Protective Curse is called the 'Su Enemy's Curse of the Present Life' here.

Hermione was confused at the time. Don't you want to randomly change the name of magic? !

But after a few days here, she gradually fell in love with the two-dimensional culture and found it very interesting.

In addition, she is white. Although she is not as admired as her Japanese father, the Americans, white students studying in the British Empire are also superior people. Japanese students already worship strong people, let alone strong white people?

It didn't take long for those students to spontaneously form the Granger Guards, which were more fanatical than Voldemort's Death Eaters and vowed to defend Miss Granger's smile with their lives!

how to say? Hermione thought they were sick, quite sick.

But the professor said that this was just the introductory stage. He knew a place called Arkham, and the people there were talented people and they spoke nicely.

Well, because the 'Magic Corner' is on an isolated island and surrounded by the sea, they have a lot of underwater magic spells. It's really fun to dive and walk on the bottom of the sea.

The next more interesting thing is the 'Wagadu Magic School' in Uganda, Africa. The specialty subject there is Animagus. Students can often turn into creatures like lions or elephants in the second and third grades. There, wizards who cannot shapeshift are considered half-squibs.

At the same time, this floating castle on the Moon Mountain is also a specialty of 'Dream Walkers', a unique African wizard profession. These people can enter other people's dreams to communicate, and even deliver items through dreams, so that reality can be changed in this way.

No wands are used in any of the courses in this school. It is popular in the entire African magic world to use fingers to cast spells. Therefore, what students learn here is cold weapon combat. Whether it is swords and shields, bows and arrows, or throwing spears, the students use them in an exemplary manner. Yes.

And they really have a physical education class. Although it's not called that, the content is similar. The lower grades are about hunting and survival in the wild, while the upper grades are about transforming themselves to fight wild beasts.

Hermione was initially discriminated against here because she was not an Animagus, but things changed after she pulled out a shotgun during gym class.

Times have changed, how can cold weapons compare to the combination of firearms and magic wands?

How long does it take for you to transform into a lion and kill an elephant? And all I had to do was move my fingers.

As a result, Hermione became a respected strong person again, not to mention that she also had various advanced spell-casting skills that were not developed in Africa.

In this way the days passed day by day.

She learned a lot of curse spells in Brazil's 'Casbroshe' and saw all kinds of dangerous and poisonous magical creatures. I also saw what "bigger is beautiful, more is stronger" in Russia's "Kodosdoriz". 'Durmstrang' saw vampires and werewolves, as well as a more complete mastery of the dark arts.

At the same time, she did not pull down the main courses of Hogwarts, and still led Ravenclaw to be far ahead in the Academy Cup.

Even Principal Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall were curious, how could her small body be able to sustain such exertion? Taking classes at seven colleges at the same time is a legend in itself.

In this regard, the little girl always smiles appropriately. She knows that this is all the credit of her professor, but it is also a secret that she will not tell. This is why Occlumency exists.

The time turner is really magical. I thought I would be seven years older, but in fact my age is calculated based on the progress of the main time stream in the world. It's like I have extra time in vain.

But just when she was summing up how strong she had become in all aspects and secretly thanking her professor, she was blocked outside the Ravenclaw common room at the end of the semester.

"Little Hermione, the exams are over. Do you feel that this year is very boring? How about I take you to a good place for excitement?"

The professor still suddenly walked out of the darkness under the torch, as if he himself came from the darkness.

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