The Death Knell

Chapter 1683 Grimmauld Place

Hermione had no desire to go to some 'nice and exciting place'.

However, one academic year for others was seven years to her, and the professor was teaching her different things on each timeline.

After so many years, her understanding of the professor has increased day by day. That person never understood what rejection meant, and would only continue to use various means to achieve his goals.

He also gave her the status of an 'International Federation of Wizards Friendship Ambassador', who knows what use it is.

Miss Granger sighed. She looked at the principal's office on the other side of the eighth floor, and then looked at Flitwick's office in another direction. Neither of them seemed to be there. It was impossible to expect them to suddenly appear to save her. .

"Okay, where are we going?"

She resigned herself to her fate, because resistance was useless. Going out in the middle of the night was already commonplace for her, and she no longer needed sleep.

"We'll talk on the way."

The professor took off his tie with a smile and led Hermione towards the direction of the Owl Tower, where they used to take off when leaving school.

This is definitely a rare quiet corner of Hogwarts. Except for young lovers who are in love, few people come here secretly. After all, it is impossible to clean up the excrement of hundreds of owls at any time, and the smell here is very pungent. .

But love makes people blind.

The cloak moved very quickly, and it turned into the color of the night sky during the night. Taking advantage of the dark moon and high winds, the cloak safely sent the two back to London.

London at night is still the same as before, with cobblestone roads that are slippery due to moisture and old-fashioned street lamps. The place we arrived is a small square. There is not even a fountain in the square, only a figure on horseback.

Hermione looked around. She had never been here before, but she had seen the train while in the air. Then she compared the map of London in her mind according to the direction of the tracks. She could confirm that this place was only a few kilometers away from King's Cross Station. .

"A residential house?" she asked.

Su Ming breathed the air on the street and walked towards a row of buildings opposite the square: "This is Grimmauld Place. We are here to visit someone."


"Yes, it sounds like it has something to do with you."

The professor stood on the side of the road. He was not aiming at a certain door, but facing the gap in the wall between two houses, as if he was seeing something on another street through a narrow space.

There are some old houses here. The red bricks have turned dark yellow under the sun and rain. The first floor of the door is covered with marble tiles, which is relatively clean.

Hermione secretly took out her wand and hid it in her sleeve: "It's protected by magic, because I didn't see anything."

"It seems that the Order of the Phoenix has moved here in advance..." The professor pinched his chin and did not answer the question directly: "But it doesn't matter, anyway, we are just here to find Sirius. After you rehabilitate him, , Harry Potter’s guardian became him, and he stylishly wrote his phone number on the school registration form, and I called him to inform him that I was here to meet him.”

Sirius was a rebellious boy when he was in school. He was obviously the son of the famous Black family of magic, but he was obsessed with motorcycles and Muggle swimsuit models, not to mention that he was the only Gryffindor in the family.

Many wizards don't know what a telephone is and rely entirely on owls, but Sirius is just so cool.

"It's not my fault that I found out that Scabbers the rat was a bad guy, we all know that."

Hermione looked at the professor with helpless eyes. He obviously did it, but he still took the credit on her.

Su Ming smiled and rubbed her head, then folded her arms and leaned against the lamppost on the side of the road, waiting for someone to come: "This is also a science. I am a simple apprentice. 'Facts' are not for most people." It’s not important. What’s important is what people’s general perception is. In other words, it’s easier to change the views of a group of people than to change one person’s views. This is also an use of herd mentality.”


In the warm breeze of the early summer night, Miss Granger was speechless. Is it really good for you to teach children how to take advantage of human weaknesses?

At this moment, a middle-aged man walked out of the air in front of the two of them. He was wearing a brown striped suit, with wavy long hair and a coquettish mustache.

The man's blue eyes looked a bit melancholy and his aura seemed a bit sinister, but there was no doubt that he was smiling relaxedly now.

"Professor Wilson, I'm sorry to keep you waiting. I've been delayed by something."

Su Ming also smiled and shook hands with him, not patting him on the shoulder like he did during other meetings: "It doesn't matter, it seems that you are in good condition recently."

"It was not like this when I first came out." Sirius laughed at himself, and he focused on Hermione: "When I was first released, I even thought it was a trick of the Death Eaters. Even if I come back Come to this old house, clutch your wand when you sleep...this must be Miss Granger, right?"

Su Ming patted Hermione on the head and pushed her forward a little: "Yes, she is your savior. I hope you don't mind me saying this, but I heard that Azkaban is hell."

Sirius shook his head quickly and bent down to shake hands with Hermione: "That's true, she did save my life. Although I can avoid the dementors' emotional absorption through the Animagus, I can't guarantee that every time All so good luck. Hello, Miss Granger, thank you, if there is anything you want me to do, I can help you."

"That's not necessary. I actually just did what I had to do."

Hermione politely smiled and refused. The other person's words were too full, and she didn't believe this politeness at all.

"Do you like flying broomsticks or flying motorcycles? I can ask someone to customize them for you."

Sirius said playfully with a wink.

He obviously still regarded Hermione as an ordinary child. His previous words were not polite, but he underestimated Hermione's current vision.

Miss Granger once again declined the so-called gift. Even after being injected with the miracle serum, her body's balance and tolerance had improved a lot, but she still didn't like brooms.

After all, compared with my professor's flying carpet, the broom seems very unsafe and not smart at all.

Sirius stood on the street and exchanged some pleasantries before getting down to business: "Look, according to politeness, I should invite you to my hometown, but for some unspeakable reasons, it's not convenient there now. .”

Su Ming handed Sirius a cigarette and lit one himself: "I understand, you joined the Order of the Phoenix and donated your family's ancestral home as a new headquarters, because the secret keeper of the Red Loyalty Curse is Dumbledore. Lido, so you can’t even bring up this topic with others, let alone invite us in. Only the principal has the authority.”

After hearing these words, the man of the Black family became very strange. He seemed to want to say something, but was restricted by his oath and couldn't say anything, not even nodding.

After trying for a long time, he sighed and changed the subject: "Why did you ask me to meet here specifically?"

"I found something, it's related to one of Voldemort's Horcruxes. Can you bring out the house elf at home? Or ask Dumbledore to come out and take us in?" Su Ming flicked the cigarette ashes, the light of the cigarette butt in the evening A flicker in the wind.

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