The Death Knell

Chapter 1684 Endless Teaching

Today is another good day for the Order of the Phoenix gathering. The reason why Dumbledore and the others are not at Hogwarts is because of this incident.

After discovering that several professors were missing from the school, Su Ming guessed that there would be another small group gathering today, so he brought Hermione directly to the door.

He didn't want Hermione to join a play-acting group like the Order of the Phoenix or Dumbledore's Army. A legendary union of mages like the Sky Council was a suitable place for her to join, but he wanted to find Slytherin's locket. , there is no way to bypass the old Black residence.

Hermione has now been trained enough to allow her to contact the Order of the Phoenix without worrying about being deceived. It is also time for her to 'discover' the locket.

Sirius still had a constipated expression on his face, and couldn't say anything he wanted to say. In the end, he just coughed, pointed at his feet with his fingers, indicating to the two of them to wait, he turned around, ran across the road, and suddenly disappeared.

"The Loyalty Curse...what exactly is the Order of the Phoenix?"

The little girl was more curious about why this organization that sounded like a club was so sneaky.

"The Wizarding Salon formed by Dumbledore and his followers is just like Voldemort has Death Eaters and Grindelwald has the GG Army. Dumbledore also understands the importance of helpers, so he summoned some like-minded fools Fight Voldemort with him."

Su Ming smoked a cigarette and answered very unseriously.

Hermione put away her wand and looked at the gap between the two buildings over there: "Idiot?"

"At least that's how I see it." Su Ming squatted down on the street and gestured in the air with his cigarette butt: "Back then, the fight against Voldemort was supposed to be a matter for the British Ministry of Magic, not Dumbledore's personal matter, but he took the initiative I led someone to greet him, what kind of government position is Professor of Transfiguration at Hogwarts?"

"Huh?" The girl raised her eyebrows.

"It's just like on the battlefield, the guerrillas rush ahead than the regular army. The regular army has tanks and body armor, but the guerrillas only have machetes and red-tasseled guns... What did they get in exchange? Just a lot of them. Friends died. The Ministry of Magic didn't even bother to give them a medal. They published articles in the Daily Prophet giving all the credit to Harry Potter, and people believed it."

Is this the difference between truth and perception? Hermione pursed her lips. She didn't know what happened that year, so she couldn't tell whether what the professor said was true.

She tended to be true, because while studying abroad this year, she once asked her foreign classmates if they had heard about the Dark Lord.

Students from all over the world expressed their knowledge that Grindelwald, during the Second Muggle World War, also launched the Wizarding War, hoping to take the opportunity to rule the Muggles around the world, but failed in the end.

It's written in magic history books.

Not many of the young student generation have any grudges against Grindelwald, and even now there are still many who are inclined to his ideas.

Because if he had succeeded, history would not record him as the Dark Lord, but a great man in the magical world.

Although that is an unimaginable path, it is still better than the Muggle nuclear weapons hanging above our heads every day.

When Hermione hears these answers, she often needs to express that she is not asking about the first generation Dark Lord, but the second generation.

As a result, foreign students all responded that they didn’t know.

"Second generation? Who is Voldemort? I've never heard of him."

"Oh, you have only killed a few thousand people in the UK, most of them Muggles, and have never set foot outside Great Britain in your life?"

"The record is to almost defeat the Ministry of Magic? And then be defeated by a baby?"

The foreign students all classified this as British humor and thought Hermione was joking with them.

At this level, you can't even be called the Dark Lord. You can't even call him the Black Prince. It would be better to call him the Black Grandson to distinguish him.

Hermione thought for a while, but Sirius had not returned yet, so she asked again: "Then why did Dumbledore do this?"

"He was the one who brought Tom Riddle from the orphanage to Hogwarts. He knew that this descendant of Slytherin was violent and evil, but he was busy dealing with Grindelwald's offensives around the world. Unable to give Tom enough attention." Su Ming spread his hand, rubbed the cigarette butt on the curb stone, and put it away: "So when he found out that Tom had mastered a strong power and turned into Voldemort, he thought it was His sense of responsibility made him want to make up for the mistakes he made, but unfortunately he didn't choose the right way."

"If you and the principal were swapped, what would you do?" The little girl put forward a hypothesis and wanted to see how the professor would deal with it.

Su Ming smiled, took out two more bottles of soda, and squatted on the roadside with Hermione to drink:

"The first choice is to call people. Voldemort really rose to power in the late 1950s. At that time, many foreign wizards who Dumbledore helped during World War II were in power. If he exchanged the favors owed to him during World War II, he could definitely win over An army of hundreds of thousands of wizards came to aid Britain. You must know that at that time, there were more than ten wizards on the same level as Dumbledore in the world."

"Then why didn't he do it?" Hermione became even more curious.

Su Ming shook his head and took a few sips of soda: "First of all, Dumbledore is not me, and his character does not like to take advantage of favors. Secondly, Voldemort also clearly knows that if he becomes the public enemy of the world, he will definitely not be his opponent, so He never set foot outside the UK in his life and gave no excuse to foreigners. Finally, there is the Ministry of Magic. They strongly insist on maintaining the independence and dignity of the British wizarding community. They believe that matters related to Voldemort are the internal affairs of the British wizarding community and do not require outsiders to intervene."

"This is..." Hermione didn't know what to say, but she just felt that the adult world was really complicated.

Su Ming teaches students likes to tell them the reality: "In fact, the Ministry of Magic is still very resistant to Dumbledore until now. The leaders feel that he is too famous and aloof, so they are very unhappy."

"How sad." Miss Granger sighed like an adult.

Su Ming touched her head. The little girl insisted on using the Smooth Magic Shampoo all year round, which made her hair very smooth and feels good: "What would you do if you encountered such a situation? Others are jealous of you, and Constantly trying to find ways to hold you back?”

"I don't know." Hermione raised her head while holding the soda bottle and looked at the dark clouds in the sky: "Maybe I will go abroad? Let the Ministry of Magic do what it wants."

The big hand on top of his head turned over and he hit her with his knuckles. The professor's voice said, "Escape can't solve the problem. Are all the skills and knowledge you have mastered in vain? Find the boss for you." If the troublesome people are solved, won't there be no more trouble..."

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