The Death Knell

Chapter 1694 Conspiracy emerges

It took the simple Harry Potter a long time to come to his senses. He knelt down, picked up the card, and returned it to the old gentleman. He still looked dazed when he stood up.

"How did she do it?"

The old gentleman put away the card, patted Harry gently on the shoulder, and said heartbreaking words:

"I think everyone is different, whether it's talent or destiny, what do you think?"

Sure enough, Harry Potter covered his chest, and his face suddenly became very tired.

Seeing that the young Mr. Potter suffered severe psychological trauma, the old man holding the chocolate frog card in front of him smiled slightly, with an indifferent look in his eyes that looked through the world of mortals.

In fact, the old man knew very well that what happened to Hermione had nothing to do with that, just because Deathstroke proved that if you have money, you can do whatever you want.

I was still wrong back then. If I had known that through economics and behind-the-scenes manipulation, I could achieve an effect similar to that of unifying the magic world, why would I have killed so many people?

Harry immediately felt that the rifle in his arms was no longer good. His peers had become the benchmark in the wizarding world, and he had yet to achieve anything.

Thinking of this, he recalled what the old man said before and asked:

"Old sir, have you known our principal before?"

The old man came back to his senses, with a half-smile on his face. He turned around and helped Harry find matching ammunition:

"He and I have known each other for a long time, but unfortunately we got into trouble later, so when he came here a few days ago, I was too embarrassed to go up and see him."

Harry nodded as if he understood. He didn't feel comfortable saying anything about the relationship between adults, so he asked again:

"What do you think I should do after graduation? I've been thinking these days that I don't seem to have any special skills that I can use to make a living."

"Oh? Do you want to work in this store after graduation?"

The old man turned around and smiled gracefully.

It was hard to explain why an old man had such a contradictory temperament that was both refined and intimate. When Harry saw him, he felt like he wanted to vomit out everything on his mind.

"No, no, I didn't." Harry shook his head quickly. He saw Professor McGonagall training the Gryffindor seniors like dead dogs a few days ago. He didn't want to be seen working here in the future: " I just want to ask, now that I’m about to enter fourth grade, is it still too late to develop a specialty?”

"It's too late to train, but maybe you have advantages in yourself, but you just didn't realize it." The old hand handed over a few magazines, and his warm eyes were like looking at his grandson: "Who can answer this question? The people who know you best are often your enemies, and obviously, I am not.”


Harry thought thoughtfully. As for asking Voldemort what his merits were, it was impossible. Everyone said he was dead.

So what other enemies do you have? It seems that it has disappeared. Although Professor Snape always picked on him, that was basically limited to school.

When they met outside the school, the old bat treated him as if he were nothing and didn't even want to look at him. If they accidentally met his eyes, Snape would avoid him as if he had been electrocuted.

Ron usually always speaks ill of Snape, but Neville, who was scolded the most by the Potions professor, firmly believed that although Snape was scary, he was still a good teacher.

Harry felt that Snape could be regarded as Gryffindor's enemy, but not his.

It seems that the only one who can answer my question is Draco...

"I understand, thank you."

"By the way, you play first, and I'll get you something good."

The old man left with a smile. His slightly swaying figure took a few steps back and disappeared into the air in an instant.

"No need...sigh."

Harry didn't know why, as an employee here, the old man had to cast such a clever Disguise spell to become invisible while walking, but maybe it was just a personal hobby?

He shrugged, picked up the rifle, and began to enjoy the joy of pulling the bolt.


Harry climbed into bed with difficulty when he returned to the guest room of the Leaky Cauldron at night. Because he had overplayed today, his shoulders were bruised and his arms were as soft as noodles, but he was in pain and happy.

Originally, he wanted to refuse other people's gifts. After all, after playing in the store for so long, it was still not good to take other people's things.

However, when he saw the so-called gift, he couldn't refuse it at all.

There were pictures, pictures of Lily and James, Harry's parents.

He didn't even recognize who the two people were at first, but the old man told him.

It is said that these photos were taken on a date between the two in seventh grade. They hang in the photo studio in Diagon Alley and are now back to their original owners.

Harry was too young when they died and only had vague memories. He had heard that Dumbledore had a magic mirror and originally wanted to borrow it to see what his parents looked like.

But in the first year, Hermione defeated Quirrell so quickly that Harry didn't even have the chance to borrow the mirror, but he later heard that it had been destroyed in the battle.

Now that he got these photos, Harry's wish was fulfilled. He was so moved that he hugged the old man and kissed him several times, making him laugh.

But now, lying on the bed, leaning against the pillow, I see my parents smiling so happily when they were young. Their blond hair is shining, it smells like sunshine.

Harry was inevitably moved by inexplicable emotions, and he also laughed. He carefully pressed the photo under the pillow, and then the black hair fell into a sea of ​​soft feathers.

He felt at ease and fell asleep quickly.


At this time, in the wand shop, Grindelwald had already removed a lot of magic from his body and transformed back into a middle-aged man with an evil smile.

In normal times, he maintains the Illusion Curse most of the time, which is the state of invisibility, and is only seen by the people he wants to see.

Grindelwald is the world's best master of illusion. Even Su Ming's thermal imaging goggles are ineffective against him after activating invisibility. Whenever the shop is closed at night, if it is a holiday, the old man always likes to eat, drink and chat with Deathstroke. .

"Where did you find the photos of Mr. and Mrs. Potter? This plan is limitless."

While eating hotpot with mutton rolls that Su Ming brought from another world and listening to the violin music on the record player, Grindelwald was still complaining about him.

This means that in the era when he was causing trouble, the rule was that everyone would fight and fight, but the plan would not specifically target the enemy's family members.

How is it like now? Everyone likes to take advantage of other people’s families.

"There is a tea restaurant in Hogsmeade Village, remember?" Su Ming used chopsticks to fish out the beef balls in the hot pot, and rolled them in the dipping sauce in front of him: "That is the dating mecca for Hogwarts students. There will be The ugly goblin dressed up as Cupid played music and took photos for the couples. I stole photos of the Potters from there who used to go there often."

Grindelwald also uses chopsticks very well, and the speed of catching crab sticks is not slow at all: "It makes me a little doubtful now. Is Harry really their biological child?"

"James Potter originally had black hair, there is no doubt about it." Su Ming replied with a smile, and the next plan revolved around the photo: "But when he was in school, he used potions to treat himself very coquettishly. All his hair turned golden, shiny, the kind that specially attracts others’ attention, because blonde hair can represent pure blood better than black hair, which can make him more popular at the time.”

Grindelwald showed a funny expression, and he stuck out his tongue because of the heat: "Another idiot who believes in pure blood theory."

"James, Lupin, Sirius, and Peter Pettigrew, none of these four were good people when they were students. Their biggest hobbies were making pranks, bullying classmates, and picking up girls." Su Ming handed the old man a bottle of soda and continued: "But after graduating and starting to work, the first three became more serious. Only the one who could turn into a mouse went to follow Voldemort."

People change, and even though Sirius tried to murder Snape, he still hasn't apologized.

He tricked Snape into the Shrieking Shack and locked him up with Lupine, who was in his transformation state on a full moon night. The werewolf almost tore Snape alive.

James didn't want to cause trouble, so he cast a spell to trap Lupine and let Snape go. He claimed that he had saved him and told Lily the same thing.

Of course Snape knew that the truth was the trick of this small group of four "Marauders". From then on, he only had pure hatred for James and the others.

But Lily didn't know the truth. She only felt that James saved Snape, but Snape spoke harshly to his benefactor, which was too bad.

In addition, the quartet once cornered Snape on campus, used magic to hang him upside down, and amused themselves by commenting to the onlookers about how long it had been since his underwear had been washed.

At this time, Lily came to save him, but Snape, who was ashamed and angry, felt that he was embarrassed in front of the person he liked, so he shouted to her: "You don't have to worry about it!"

James's plan succeeded, and Lily fell out with Snape and became James' girlfriend.

From Su Ming's point of view, there is nothing good about this kind of woman. She has low IQ and EQ, a white lotus personality, and she is also blind.

Why do you say that?

Although there is a slight difference in the appearance of the actors in real life and in the movie, they are basically the same. When the actor of Professor Snape was young, he was ranked 36th in the list of the hottest male stars of the 20th century in the world by Empire, a well-known magazine in the film industry.

What level is that? The famous Tom Cruise only ranked 47th.

With such beauty, what kind of girlfriend could Snape not find as long as he washed his hair?

No way, people just like Lily, and because they can give everything, this is probably love, it is illogical at all...

"Rat, tsk." Sitting across from him, the old man who was considered by Deathstroke to be a human being smacked his lips and took a sip of soda: "Rat has always been a symbol of traitors and traitors. Animagus can reflect a person. There are certain inner qualities that make people whose image is that of a rat absolutely unreliable.”

Su Ming nodded, took a sip from the wine bottle at hand, and picked up some food to eat:

"James' Animagus is a stag, which represents his aggressiveness; Sirius's Animagus is a dog, which means he is loyal; Professor McGonagall is a cat, which represents her difficult thoughts. Elusive. You are right, the mouse is indeed a traitor, but I can also understand the reason for Pettigrew's betrayal."

"Oh?" The first-generation Dark Lord still maintained his elegant demeanor even when he was eating hot pot.

"Wormtail's position in the group of four is that of a follower. The other three will use him to practice when they can't find someone to tease them. But he can't resist yet, so he can only apologize. He is the bad boy behind him in order not to be bullied. People who surrender early.”

Deathstroke chewed something and gave the answer, not forgetting to feed Strangler something to eat:

"There are only several types of murders in the world. The most typical one is vendetta. The hatred accumulated over decades will not disappear, but will only ferment."

Grindelwald showed a smile. He sighed, as if thinking of his own situation, and looked at the lamp on the side: "You will reap what you sow. Maybe it can be considered fair."

"I don't care about other people's fairness, but the one we have a deal with now is Snape, so I have to ensure that he gets the fairness that belongs to him." Su Ming stood up, wiped his mouth, and changed into a black "criminal suspect" Human Vest: "I have to get Pettigrew out of Azkaban. I hope he's not crazy yet and can take Voldemort to where we want him to go in the future."

Grindelwald shrugged and quickly stuffed food into his mouth:

"Don't worry, I'll go to the Leaky Cauldron later and do some tricks in Harry's dreams. Alas, he's actually quite stupid. If he doesn't have strong abilities, why would he accept something from a strange wizard? ? Look, you’ve been tricked, haven’t you..."

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