The Death Knell

Chapter 1695 Worrying Disease

A few days later, Sirius came to see Harry excitedly. The stairs of the Leaky Cauldron always made a creaking sound, and the door almost fell off the door frame when he pushed it open.

"Are you ready? It's time for us to leave to watch the game. We need to find the portkey first."

He didn't notice that something was wrong with Harry's expression. He seemed to be a little lost and had two deep dark circles under his eyes.

"Godfather, look, are these my parents?"

The boy took the photo out of the closet and wanted to get confirmation from Sirius.

Sirius was happy when he took the photo, with a nostalgic smile on his face: "Yes, these are James and Lily, your parents. Look how happy they are? Where did you find these?"

After receiving the confirmation, Harry just smiled reluctantly, took back the photo and threw it into the cabinet: "Nowhere, just a photo studio in Diagon Alley... Godfather, did you often bully Snape when you were young? "

Sirius's smile stiffened for a moment, then he was silent for a moment, and finally nodded:

"I shouldn't tell you about the past, but your father and I did like to play pranks in the past, such as setting traps in the corridors to see who would fall in. Now that I think about it, I was a bastard when I was young... ....You ask this, is he taking revenge on you? I will go to him to settle the score!"

"No he doesn't, he's just as good as any other professor."

Harry pulled Sirius, he lowered his head and took a deep breath, his voice became very low:

"I became my father in the dream, watching my own hands casting various curses on the young Snape, watching him in pain... I thought it was funny at first, because Snape Nap always deducted points from Gryffindor, and it was nice to see him unlucky in the dream. But these dreams repeated themselves again and again, and I started to get scared. I realized that these were not dreams, but memories of what had happened in the past, regardless of the object. No one should be tortured like this..."

Sirius immediately pulled out his wand, walked quickly to the cabinet, took out the photo, and cast several spells to check.

But there was nothing wrong with the photo. The two moving people in it waved their hands at Sirius in disgust, as if to tell him to get out of the way and not block the photo.

"Listen, Harry." Sirius thrust the photo into Harry's hand again: "I don't know what this photo is about. You should probably go check with Dumbledore. But I can tell you. Yes, we 'predators' were indeed not good people when we were in school, but we grew up and changed. James loves you, there is no doubt about it, and he will do anything for you."

The boy nodded. These words did not make him happy. He only felt a little irritated and spoke faster:

"At any cost...I understand. I also want to ask, have you ever apologized to Professor Snape when you grew up?"

"Why should we apologize to the former Death Eater? Facts have proved that what we did in the past was right. He indeed joined the Death Eaters after graduation, even though he later rebelled..." Sirius spread his hands, like It was completely impossible to understand Harry's brain circuit: "The complexity of the matter is not as simple as you think. Lupine and I don't believe him today, but Dumbledore thinks he is credible."

The boy sniffed. He felt his nose was a little itchy: "Did all the people you bullied become Death Eaters?"

"No, Slytherins are not all bad people. At that time, we just dealt with whoever we felt was a Death Eater reserve. We probably guessed two or three of them correctly out of ten people." Sirius was quite satisfied with the success rate.

The Boy Who Lived suddenly felt speechless. In this regard, Harry actually had more similar views to Dumbledore.

Didn't the principal know there were Death Eater reserves in the school back then? He must know.

So why doesn't he expel these students?

It is because Dumbledore believes that things like friendship can change a person. Not everyone is Voldemort, and loving people can be transformed into good people.

School is a place to teach and educate people. The main purpose is to bring people with good nature back to the right path. It is not a place for students to divide themselves into factions and start wars!

Maybe some people would not have become Death Eaters, but were bullied by the Marauders because they "liked to study dark magic" during school, and so on. They developed hatred in their hearts, and then they joined forces with people who also only had hatred in their hearts.

But among the Marauders, there was Peter Pettigrew, who loved to use black magic. The Godfather and the others turned a blind eye at the time...

Harry saw more things in his dream than what he told his godfather, because there were some things that he just couldn't talk about. He felt the lightning scar on his forehead hurting, and he tried not to scream.

He just reluctantly put away the photo and changed the subject:

"Thank you for telling me the truth, Godfather, but we have to leave now. Ron and his family are still waiting for us."

"Yes! Hurry up, we are running out of time and have to rent a tent!" Sirius rubbed Harry's head fiercely. Seeing that Harry was fine, he seemed to have figured it out, so he walked out of the door with a smile: " I'm going to buy you some food and bring it with you, and some more chocolate frogs, you don't look good."


Harry looked at Sirius's back disappearing at the top of the stairs, his expression was tangled for a while, and he let out a sigh that was inappropriate for his age.


This year's World Cup was held in Devon, and the British Ministry of Magic had made great efforts to do so. They also built a new Dartmoor Quidditch pitch. Harry even felt that the railings in front of him still smelled like paint.

Before the game started, he saw Dumbledore and Minister of Magic Fudge going to the minister's box. Mr. Weasley said that the principal and the others were going to receive the Speaker of the Magical Congress of the United States, the Minister of Magic of France, and many international people. .

Miss Granger also went up. As the friendship ambassador of the Federation, she chatted and laughed with the big guys from all walks of life. She was now more than ten floors above Harry's head. The status gap in the wizarding world was clearly revealed at this time.

In addition, Harry also saw other people. Along with the ministers were Draco's family of three.

Because Narcissa Malfoy's maiden name was Black and she was Sirius's cousin, their family even came over to chat for a while.

Sirius disliked his cousin's family very much, but he couldn't have an attack in public, so he could only blush and look to the other side of the venue.

Lucius, as always, took on Arthur Weasley, mocking him for having to sell his house to afford the ticket to this position.

The adults said what the adults said, Slytherin's enthusiastic classmate Draco also came over, first looked at Harry and Ron with a sly look on his face, and then looked at Ginny who was hiding behind his mother:

"Oh, isn't this the famous Mr. Potter? Why don't any fans come to ask for your autograph? Oh, I forgot, because you got together with the red-haired family, everyone thought you had a stinky feces infection, quack. ....."

Ron was so angry that if he hadn't been held back by his brothers, he might have had to fight Draco again.

His brothers were also angry, but unfortunately there was nothing they could do. Their family relied on their father's salary. It would be easy to beat the Malfoy family, but the Minister of Magic and foreign guests were watching not far away. This might cause his father to lose his job.

Harry just looked listless and gave Draco a wry smile. He was in no mood to argue with him.

This made Draco feel as if he had seen a ghost. He followed his parents in confusion and looked back at Harry from time to time, thinking that he had taken the wrong medicine.

The game started not long after, first with the mascots of the two teams, and then with their respective players. The entire competition was full of gunpowder from the beginning, and the competition between the top teams was extremely cruel.

However, Harry, who was originally looking forward to the Quidditch World Cup, was still worried. Even though Ron next to him told him jokes about "taking away the joy" from him, he didn't laugh much.

In the crowd of tens of thousands of wizards, while everyone stood up and cheered for the players, Harry's 'ocean' seemed to have collapsed. He sat where he was, with a lot of thoughts.

Harry asked himself whether he could be as generous as Snape, who could not retaliate against his revengeful son, and even teach him seriously.

I am not the same person as my father. If my godfather and the others don't apologize, then I can do it myself. No wonder Snape doesn't look at me every time. Is he trying to control the anger in his heart?

Of course, the premise is to find Dumbledore and confirm that these photos are not cursed.

But there is basically no problem with this. The person who gave him the photo was an employee of Professor Wilson's shop, and he was purely kind-hearted.

According to the more ancient rules of the wizarding world, the physical education professor is Hermione's master. The principal and professors all speak highly of them. Even Sirius said that he is a great benefactor.

Maybe this is his special ability? Seeing scenes from the past in your dreams?

Harry was a little hesitant, but in fact he had had many strange dreams in the past.

For example, I dreamed that I was in a dark and narrow place and turned into a snake. Or dreaming that you are a soul and seeing a big snake playing puzzle circles or something...

But there’s no way this skill can be used to make a living after graduation, right?

Sure enough, employment is also a big problem, it’s so annoying! This summer vacation is so boring!

If he had known that there was so much trouble, he should have been carried out by black men along with Regulus a few days ago!

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