The Death Knell

Chapter 1696 Chaos after the game

The game showed signs of getting out of control from the start, with a fight between the two teams' mascots and the Bulgarian team's mascot even being ejected.

Harry took this as a bad omen.

The result was similar. Although the Bulgarian team's star Seeker Krum caught the Golden Snitch, the Irish team won, leading their opponents by 10 points.

The game lasted just over an hour, which is rare in the history of finals. It was too fast.

Harry kept thinking about something, and then the game ended in a daze. He was hugged by his friends and left the stadium with the crowd in a daze.

Ron was still excited and felt that the magic telescope he had borrowed from Harry before the game was really useful. His brothers were also talking about the wonderful scene just now with great interest.

Sirius touched Harry's head. He thought that Harry's lack of energy might be because he was sleepy.

Thinking about it, if you have been having strange dreams at night a few days ago, it would be really uncomfortable.

"We'll go back to the tent and get you some midnight snack, and then you can go to sleep."

"Thank you, Godfather, I do feel a little dizzy."

Harry didn't refuse the offer, even though he knew he was just tired.

As they walked along the lawn path illuminated by lanterns, they heard raucous singing everywhere, and laughing Irish leprechauns flew around above their heads.

However, no one was sleepy when they arrived at the big tent, because people kept making loud noises outside, and Mr. Weasley had to agree to allow the children to drink another cup of cocoa and continue chatting for a while before going to bed.

Finally, because Ginny was sleepy and leaned over the small table and knocked over a cup of hot cocoa, Mr. Weasley announced that the discussion was over and everyone had to go to bed.

Ginny and her mother walked to another tent, so Harry and his godfather took their leave and went to the place they rented.

But even after lying down, they could still hear drunken slapstick and banging sounds from far away.

Harry didn't know whether he fell asleep or not, after all, the scene in his mind changed again, to him flying on the Quidditch pitch, with the president of the International Quidditch Federation calling his name.

"Harry! Harry!"

Maybe the audience was shouting too, and the sound got louder and louder. He felt as if he was floating on the clouds, because he felt something soft trying to hold him up.

Then he woke up and found that it was Sirius who had been calling him, and it was Sirius who was holding his shoulders, trying to lift him up from the bed.

He didn't know what time it was, but the confused Harry heard screams outside the tent, not because of the revelry after victory, but the kind of fearful death scream.

"What's wrong?"

"Come with me quickly, take your wand and coat!" Sirius was very serious at this time. His wand was in his hand, and his eyes glanced at the tent door from time to time, as if he was ready to cast a spell at any time.

Harry, who didn't know why, still chose to obey. He grabbed a coat and rushed out of the tent with his godfather.

At this time, the Weasley family was also outside their tent, and more disheveled people were running up and down the path between the tents, screaming and running around like headless flies.

It was still a bit cold in the night, so Ginny shivered in her mother's arms. Harry gave her his coat.

"what happened?!"

Sirius used magic to push away the crowd that was rushing toward everyone. He asked Mr. Weasley urgently, but the other person's expression clearly showed that he knew nothing.

"I'm not on duty today, so I can only confirm that someone is setting the fire, and they want to cause chaos!"

"Damn@#@%!" Sirius breathed out. He flipped up his long hair and looked around: "We have to find the principal or someone from the Ministry of Magic, come..."

However, before he could finish his sentence, everyone's faces were as green as the grass by the sudden strong light.

In the western sky, a huge glowing skull symbol suddenly rose. The green light was even more dazzling and weird than fireworks.

The skeleton's mouth moved and spit out a snake. Then the snake, as if it was heartless, tied its body into two knots, forming the shape of the Arabic numeral '8'.

The children didn't know why, but the adults all had pale faces. This was the symbol of the Dark Devil, which meant that Voldemort's Death Eaters were back.

"Harry, listen to me." Sirius panted violently. He bent down and hugged Harry's shoulders, pointing to the forest to the east: "Take your friends and leave in that direction. The nearby Apparition should be It's blocked, you need to find a door key, you can go anywhere, go to the shack and wait for us."

"What about you, Godfather?"

Harry was pushed and staggered, turning to look at Sirius who was obviously heading towards the sign in the sky.

"This is our adults' business. Don't worry about it. No matter who fired the Dark Mark, I will teach him a lesson!"

Harry then noticed that the Weasleys were doing something similar. They told the eldest child to take care of their younger siblings, and then they also took out their wands and followed Sirius.

Unfortunately, things did not unfold as smoothly as expected. Just when the adults thought it was safe in the eastern woods, there was a loud noise and another bright white emblem rose above the woods.

They were figures that looked like wings or two ears, surrounding a circle within a triangle, with a vertical line running through their axis.

Sirius quickly turned back and grabbed Harry and the others who were still trying to go into the woods. He sighed: "No, the woods are not safe. That is the symbol of the Deathly Hallows. Grindelwald is also here. We have to hide." stand up."

The audience who had passed by everyone just now and fled towards the woods like swarms of swarms also turned back at this time, as if they were being chased by ghosts.

"Who is Grindelwald?"

Harry, who was being dragged away by his godfather, asked loudly. The surrounding environment was too noisy. He could only hear the sounds of people fighting and screaming. Firelight and thick smoke filled the crowd. He could only feel Ron's hook behind him. Holding his own neck.

"That's the real Dark Lord. Did you take all your History of Magic classes to sleep?"

Sirius didn't mean to blame Harry, he was just eager to find a hiding place, otherwise if the arrival of the first generation Dark Lord was really like what was written in the textbook, none of the people present would survive.

As for whether Grindelwald is really that powerful in combat and whether his behavior is really that cruel...

Sirius didn't know, and he had no place to ask. Anyway, that's what it said in the book. The textbook published by the Ministry of Magic should be correct, right?

At this moment, a new red symbol exploded in the sky to the north of the camp. It was a shield. Although it looked a bit blurry from a distance, Harry could still make out the lion, garland, eagle, snake and four characters on the shield. kind of animal.

"It's the school emblem of Hogwarts! Godfather, when we go over there, it must be Principal Dumbledore!"

In fact, he didn't need to say that the two families who escaped together were all Hogwarts students. Sirius found out earlier than he did and had already led them there.

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