The Death Knell

Chapter 1698: Easier than a magic wand

Harry couldn't see clearly the faces of those people under their hoods. He could only see that they were setting fires everywhere as they advanced, and at the same time firing some curses at those who had no time to escape.

The Boy-Who-Lived felt his heart beat faster. He was surrounded by fellow Gryffindors and had wands in their hands.

He hid behind a round table that was turned sideways, waiting for the Death Eaters to approach, preparing to use magic such as a disarming spell or a petrification spell on them.

There's no way around it. The most powerful 'evil curse' he has now is the 'leg hula la', a prank that can make people tap dance involuntarily.

Although curses or spells that control others are generally called jinxes and are classified as black magic, their destructive power is obviously very different. Harry, who had just finished his third year of school, had only read about "Unforgiven" in some books. There are only a few words about the curse, but I have never seen it in reality.

Ron next to him looked pale. His situation was similar to Harry's. The only curse he knew was the 'vomiting slug', which was a magic that made people vomit bugs. Obviously, he also knew that this had no combat effectiveness.

"If I am unfortunately killed in the battle, I will leave my Sweeping Five Stars and Wizard Chess to you." Ron gasped violently and said to Harry, his pupils narrowed to only a little: "But you have to take care of me. In the future, I will have elderly parents, an ugly sister, and, promise me, my funeral will also have a professional team from Ghana..."

Compared to the broomsticks and toys as inheritance, Ron's requests were endless. He kept nagging in Harry's ears, and he might even enter the Guinness Book of Records for the 'World's Longest Last Words'.

This forced Harry to interrupt him quickly, telling him and himself something to relieve the tension:

"No matter what magic spell it is, when you want to attack a small moving target, it is completely inaccurate if it exceeds fifty meters. Even if it is magic bombing, the range will not exceed two hundred meters. This is what I read in the book. Yes. Just now I saw the professor distributing Muggle automatic rifles to the African students. The maximum range of those things can generally reach about 400 meters. As long as they launch an attack first and prevent the Death Eaters from approaching, they can delay the time greatly until Dumbledore’s powerful wizards came back to support.”

Ron shut up. He tilted his head and thought about it, but still felt uneasy: "Then if you die, can you keep the Firebolt that Sirius bought for you for me?"

Harry rolled his eyes and blew out two puffs of air from his nostrils: "Give it to you, give it all to you, and I will leave you the position of Gryffindor Seeker after I die. Do you know why I dare to say this? Because none of us will die today!”

Just like what he said, although there were many tents blocking the view, when the Death Eater troops appeared in view, hundreds of meters away, Hermione immediately ordered to fire.

Not guns, but tanks firing.

Although these tanks were painted in the green color of the US military, and some even had white stars painted on them, they looked like American equipment, but it was normal for Harry not to recognize their specific models.

Because these things do not exist in normal history at all. They are the 'iron wall' tanks developed by the gourmets of Wilson Enterprise during World War II.

After Marvel's timeline entered the 1970s, the tanks during World War II were also eliminated by the military, and Gin bought them back at scrap metal prices.

It is said that they will be dismantled and the steel will be recycled to make other new equipment, but in fact these iron bastards have been stored. What if another world needs it?

Now is the time to use it. When Hermione went to Russia for exchange and school, because the woolly bear wizard was still a woolly bear, Su Ming asked her to use arms and vodka as a breakthrough point, and with the 'Kodos Doriz' Students build relationships.

It was very successful, and Hermione learned how to do business there.

The tank was provided by the professor, and most of the gold coins sold went to the professor. Hermione got a commission, but she had already earned enough to replace the air conditioner at home.

Although the Iron Wall Tank is a modification of a large tractor, a battleship armor plate, and a 155mm naval gun, it also had many advantages at the time, such as extremely thick armor and a huge gun caliber.

The disadvantage is that it is slower than a donkey cart.

Basically, it cannot participate in coordinated infantry-tank assaults and can only be used to demolish bunkers and city buildings. Its positioning is somewhat like the "Assault Tiger" in Germany.

But this shortcoming is nothing to a wizard. The traceless stretching spell can transform a suitcase into a laboratory or zoo of thousands of square meters. It is naturally not a problem to use it as a garage.

The furry bear students were gradually led by Hermione to a path they had never imagined, which was to develop the theory of 'magical machinery', take away Muggle tanks, and then carry out various magical transformations to restore them to glory.

For example, adding a layer of lead plate to resist the spell on top of the bulletproof steel armor; dismantling the coaxial machine gun and replacing it with a wand's shooting port; applying a cooling spell to the engine to optimize heat dissipation; adding some magic to the warhead, or painting it Use itching powder or something like that.

The students in one dormitory just formed a car group, and the furry bear children in each dormitory were engaged in a transformation competition, just like Japanese students playing with four-wheel drive vehicles, except that the furry bears' toys were bigger.

Steel and fuel, artillery fire and sweat, the Bear students soon realized that compared with tanks, riding a tree to play Quidditch was too girly, and it was not as good as driving their own cars and playing Quidditch with their friends. Passionate cumshots are so refreshing!

To add fuel to the fire, the non-staff professor Mr. Slade also spent some money to hold a competition called the 'Hermione Double Diamond' Cup to encourage the furry bear students to compete in an environment exactly like actual combat.

Compete for victory by occupying "oil", "ammunition", "victory points", and "defeating enemy vehicles" in the game map.

Of course, when I play, I also use paint cannonballs like a prank. By default, it is broken if it is hit twenty times.

The situation is different now, so I just switched to live ammunition.

As the command came from the walkie-talkie, the tanks that formed the backbone of the defense system opened fire almost simultaneously. Their daily training made them very good, and the first round of salvo accurately hit the Death Eater's gun. Team.

In fact, it is quite difficult to miss them. The opponent is lined up in a dense formation and holds a torch. At night, it is almost like a living target.

As for the fact that we are all children, have you considered the psychological development of killing people?

Sorry, there really is no such problem with Mao Xiong. They are not as pretentious as British and American students at all.

Everyone's mutual friend Miss Granger said that those masked men were enemies, so killing them would be enough. Was the vodka you drank before getting in the car in vain?

Small mushroom clouds exploded among the Death Eaters.

Not that there were no Death Eaters trying to defend themselves.

However, 155-caliber high-explosive artillery shells and bullets are completely different concepts. It is almost impossible to use a disarming spell to hit a shell with extremely high muzzle velocity. And even if the iron armor spell blocks the flying shrapnel, the airflow and sound waves when the shell explodes are also The Death Eaters flew high into the sky like airplanes.

The people in the sky quickly performed something under the influence of gravity and dumped the dumplings into the pot. The people who fell down were even bleeding from their orifices and were shocked to the point of deafness.

After three rounds of rapid fire from more than a dozen tanks, very few of the Death Eaters who had originally attacked with such force were left standing. The place beneath their feet was covered with layers of craters.

Dust and smoke filled the battlefield, and the torches that luckily did not go out rolled slowly on the ground.

Hermione took out a night vision binoculars and looked over there, and was slightly relieved to see that no one was killed.

Originally, she was worried that killing a large number of Death Eaters would attract too much attention from the Ministry of Magic. But the professor said that wizards would not die so easily unless anti-magic metal was used as warheads, so she could command with confidence.

Sure enough, the professor would never lie to her.

Little Hermione happily put away the telescope, took out the shotgun from her pocket, raised it in her hand and waved it forward: "The Death Eaters have been defeated. Friends, follow me and rush forward to capture the prisoners!"

Then the African boy soldiers and the Japanese death squads rushed in front of her, and the weapons in their hands were also hungry.

Seeing those people rushing forward with red eyes, Harry, who had been hiding behind the round table and had no place at all, slumped his shoulders. He looked at his good brother next to him who also had ringing ears, and said loudly with a helpless expression:

"Look! Ron, I told you, this thing is much better than a wand!"

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