The Death Knell

Chapter 1699 Expansion of scale

"Damn it! I let them run away and didn't catch any of them!"

Not long after, an angry Hermione came back with a gun in her arms, stomping her feet and complaining to the professor.

Voldemort was not around, and those people didn't have the spirit to fight to the end. When Hermione led the infantry in a countercharge to capture the prisoners, they fled one after another with the portkeys they had prepared.

Apart from picking up a few fallen dead-face masks, there was not even a wand in the loot that could be used to determine the identity of the wizard.

The return on investment is not as good as hunting in Africa. After all, even if you kill a gazelle, you can still eat a few bites of meat.

"Aren't you angry?" Su Ming stroked her head and smoothed her hair, ignoring Sirius and the Weasley couple who had been in a daze since the tank opened fire: "I know a guy with a coquettish mustache. Scientist, in the future I will ask him to make a few miniature neutron bombs for you to play with, and then I will make sure that none of the Death Eaters can escape."

"...You know I know what a neutron bomb is, right?" Hermione rolled her eyes and took the big hand off her head.

"In short, your mission is not over yet." Su Ming changed the topic and pointed to the old, weak, women and children who were being protected: "The staff of the Ministry of Magic and the professors of Hogwarts have gone to arrest Grindelwald, you have to take responsibility. Count the survivors here, then comfort and settle them down, arrange the followers’ next duties, there are a lot of things to do.”

Miss Granger's face also became serious, and she nodded: "I know, but what kind of person is Grindelwald? Is he worthy of so many people pursuing him?"

Su Ming couldn't say, 'That's the old man who taught you black magic', so he touched his beard and pretended to be confused:

"Do you think I'm very old? How could I know about the older generation?"

Hermione didn't think there was anything wrong. Her professor looked like he was in his twenties, so it was normal.

But she still looked at the teacher with contempt:

"Then you always brag that you know everything?"

"What? Can that be called bragging about scholars? Come on, let me teach you how to write the word 'fennel' for fennel beans in Chinese..." The professor's expression was a little flustered, and she mentioned that she had no If you don't understand the words, the air is suddenly filled with a happy atmosphere.

"A little bit!" The little girl stuck out her tongue and ran away with a smile.


Dumbledore and the others still failed to capture Grindelwald in the end, and they didn't even find his shadow. Do they want to capture a veteran master of illusion with dozens of people in the dark forest in the middle of the night?

It's better to go home early and wash up and go to sleep, after all, there is everything in the dream.

Old Deng also felt that the other party would at least come out to see him. He stayed alone in the woods for a long time after everyone turned back, but Grindelwald did not show up to meet him either.

This made the principal a little sad.

After returning to the students and professors early the next morning, he just braced himself up and promised to give Hermione extra points after school started. He comforted Harry a few words, and then went to a meeting with the Ministry of Magic.

In fact, the statistics of casualties in this accident were not completed by the Ministry of Magic until Hogwarts started school.

According to official data from the Daily Prophet, only four Muggle wizards were directly killed by the Death Eaters. The other more than 4,700 casualties were basically trampled or pushed by the crowd in the chaos. Caused.

The top priority is to find out who pushed whom down at that time. For example, someone's mud-like body was stepped on for more than 130 feet. Who stepped on it?

This is related to the issue of liability and compensation.

Therefore, the investigation work of the Ministry of Magic is progressing very slowly. I hope everyone can understand.

It’s definitely not bureaucracy! There was absolutely no use of public funds for travel during the investigation, and no purchase of anything unrelated to the case! The investigation team even shortened their afternoon tea time to half an hour!

Newspaper articles stated that in addition to these casualties, there were thousands of missing persons.

Those who knew that Apparition was blocked but still forced themselves to teleport themselves. Those people may still be trapped in a wall or mountain in a corner of the world at this time. They are missing for the time being, but they will also die soon. .

"The hunt for the Death Eaters is still ongoing, but there is no progress. Minister Fudge calls on everyone to stay calm. The man who cannot be mentioned has long since died, and the remaining Death Eaters are not a concern..."

Miss Granger, who was sitting at the Ravenclaw table, sighed, closed the newspaper in her hand and put it aside, then picked up the milk in front of her and thought. The morning sunshine was like a gentle hand, brushing through the little girl's long brown hair, and her eyelashes trembled cutely.

"I knew it wouldn't be safe that day, in advance."

Luna picked up Hermione's newspaper. When everyone thought she was going to continue reading, she quickly rolled it into a paper tube, picked it up with both hands, and pointed one end towards her mouth and the other towards Hermione's. The ears whisper:

"A month before the game there was a huge influx of swarms of gnats in the south-west of England. I heard them and they would make people unable to think straight. As a large event with more than 100,000 people attending, people there could not stay sane and calm. It’s definitely not a good thing.”

Hermione removed the newspaper roll from her ears and rested her head on Luna's shoulder: "It was a Quidditch match. You can't expect the fans to be calm."

"It doesn't matter, I don't like Quidditch anyway."

Luna's eyes were still unfocused. She seemed to be looking at the milk in Hermione's cup. Just when the girl thought she wanted to drink it, she asked for a glass of carrot juice herself:

"I told my father my theory, and he posted the warning in The Quibbler. People laughed beforehand, but they stopped laughing afterwards. Several groups of people from the Ministry of Magic came to our house and put the warning on our house. There was a mess everywhere because they suspected that my dad knew about the attack beforehand and was an ally of the Death Eaters."

"How could they do this?!" Hermione sat up straight with a look of injustice on her face: "I will visit Susan's aunt and ask the Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement to restrain the behavior of her Aurors. You There is absolutely no problem at home, I can vouch for you.”

Luna still looked calm: "Thank you, do you want the second generation of anti-curse glasses?"

Hermione smiled awkwardly and shook her head: "You don't have to repay me or anything. We are friends. This is what I should do."

"Yeah, chirp."

Luna kissed Hermione on the cheek, then drank carrot juice expressionlessly and read the newspaper.

At this moment, Dumbledore appeared in the restaurant, followed by a group of professors.

He pointed the wand at his throat and cleared his throat to ensure that everyone could hear his voice: "Students, there have been some changes to the 'Triwizard Tournament' announced after the sorting ceremony last night... ..”

Ron's eyes widened at the Gryffindor table, and he said to Harry excitedly: "Sure enough, I knew it would be impossible to hold any large-scale projects after the World Cup happened. Our Quidditch game is coming back." !”

Unexpectedly, the principal's next words broke his fantasy: "As I said last night, this is an event jointly organized by our three closely related schools, but with the trend of international unity, it has obviously fallen behind the times. Okay... With the approval of the International Federation of Wizards, starting from this year, the Triwizard Tournament will be changed to the Ten-Wizard Tournament, which will be jointly participated by ten famous schools around the world. The first venue will be Hogg Woz..."

Ron couldn't hear what the principal said next. He opened his mouth numbly and his ears were buzzing.

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