The Death Knell

Chapter 1700 Top Ten?

After breakfast, the students gathered in front of the magic bulletin board next to the hourglass and began to study the rules of the new competition.

At this time, many students realized that the so-called three famous schools were only in Europe. There are a total of eleven famous schools registered with the Federation worldwide!

One of them cannot be contacted, and the remaining ten will all participate in this competition. Their students will arrive at Hogwarts at the end of October for a semester-long exchange study and competition activities.

‘...Each school sent a hundred people, and after arriving at Hogwarts, 10 people were selected as contestants. The ten schools totaled a hundred people to compete for the three positions of champion and runner-up. ’

‘…The first place will be rewarded with 100,000 gold galleons, the runner-up with 50,000 gold galleons, the third runner-up with 10,000 gold galleons, and the top fifty will all receive a participation award of 100 gold galleons. ’

Seeing this, many students' breathing became heavy. One hundred thousand gold galleons, I'm afraid it's not a golden mountain?

Quickly read on.

'...Students' participation standards need to be judged by the 'Wilson Cup' and are not divided by age and grade. The specific registration conditions are difficult to explain, but in theory everyone can register... '

"What are you doing!"

Standing in the crowd, Hermione covered her head. When she saw the so-called 'Wilson Cup', she knew who had done it. Could it be that after a busy year last year, she couldn't rest this year?

What’s the point of ‘not explaining the specific registration conditions’? He obviously wanted to arrange it for her! Have all the fools seen it? !

No, I have to talk to the professor. I want to be a salty fish this year.

But she couldn't get away at all, the girls surrounded her in the center, and every friend was holding her arm or her robe.

"I want to participate." Zhang Qiu said, holding Hermione's little hand. The senior looked a little excited: "Even if I get third place, it's still 10,000 yuan."

Hannah on the other side bit her finger and said modestly: "I just plan to get a participation award."

"Seventh graders will also participate, right? The competition is very fierce." Luna touched her carrot earrings and said calmly: "Except Hermione, none of us know what the level of students from other schools is, but I also want to Participate, I want to make money to buy dad a new magic printing press.”

Susan pushed up her glasses on the bridge of her nose and expressed a very practical point of view: "Each school only has ten places. We can sign up, but can we be selected?"

The girls calmed down and ran out of ideas.

Luna, who was the smartest, came up with a solution, which was to ask Hermione to find a physical education professor.

After all, such large-scale events should be considered sports activities, right? Then the person in charge of Hogwarts must be Professor Wilson. If he has an existing relationship, wouldn't he be a fool to not use it?

The correct tactic is to send the little spy Miss Granger to spy on intelligence.

Hermione was about to cry. She didn't want to participate in this competition at all, but everyone wanted her to inquire about the selection criteria. What was this?


"Selection criteria?" The physical education professor who was fishing under the shade of a tree by the Black Lake smiled with a smile on his face, as if he had read through his apprentice's mind: "This is simple, but let me tell you, you can't tell anyone... ..The trophies will be given to the ten most charismatic individuals from each school.”

"...Isn't this just a beauty pageant?!"

Hermione was speechless for a while, then threw herself on the grass next to her, with a look of helplessness on her face.

In this case, if you don't get selected, doesn't it mean that you will be judged as an ugly girl? How can I tell my friends about this?

"Being attractive and being beautiful and ugly are two different things." Su Ming shook his head and shook his fishing rod slightly: "Some people look like Japanese comedians, but they also have charming personalities. At least they can make people happy, right?"

Hermione nodded and said this: "But it's clear that the Quidditch World Cup is in big trouble, so why does the Ministry of Magic still agree to host such a large-scale event?"

"The more times like this, the more they want to prove that the British wizarding world is the best in the world. If they don't take special measures, when will the face they lost in front of the whole world during the summer vacation be recovered?" The professor leaned against the tree trunk and settled comfortably. Lifting a cigarette: "Besides, Hogwarts is a magic castle, and the defense here cannot be compared to the tent campsites outside the stadium."

In fact, this is not entirely the case. The Ministry of Magic refused at first, but I can only say that if you have money, you can do whatever you want.

"Tsk, it's really..."

Hermione had no idea how to evaluate the Ministry of Magic's suicide attempt. Unlike other young wizards, she knew that Voldemort was still alive.

Moreover, during the first half of the summer vacation, she also heard that the rats in Azkaban had escaped from prison. She suspected that the Death Eater must have found Voldemort and told him what happened in the past.

This is what happened at the Quidditch World Cup.

Now that Hogwarts is going to hold such a large-scale event again, there will definitely be Death Eaters sneaking in to cause trouble. Is there still going to be a war?

"Anyway, you and Harry Potter have already reserved two places, do you understand what I mean? But don't worry, today is only September 2nd. Students from other schools have come to ask for October 30th. You can let your Friends, get ready."

Su Ming winked at her and signaled her to relax, this was planned.

Miss Granger did understand, but just because she understood made her even more stressed. She understood that she was using Mr. Potter as bait and was just waiting for Voldemort to take the bait.

Is this really good? Isn't it too dark to use students as bait?

Can I see the professor again? He had closed his eyes and slept. Although he still held the fishing rod in his hand, he obviously didn't want to say more.

Hermione understood again that this was something that had been decided from above and there was no need to talk about it.

"Okay, I'll go back and make them look nice. This is a show for the world to see. What you choose is not athletes but actors. What you want is to be pleasing to the eye." She stood up and patted the stains behind her. Grass clippings.

"Isn't that what it is? The student competition is destined to not be as high as the adult wizard competition. How can anyone come here to see the magic spells? It's just a visual effect to see the little flowers and fresh meat. You can see the essence through the phenomenon. You Well done.”

The professor opened his eyes. He pulled Hermione to sit down again, put the fishing rod into her hand, and continued:

"What you have to do now is the most important thing for a hunter, to wait patiently. Look across the lake, isn't Mr. Potter also very patient?"

"Harry Potter?"

Hermione looked up, and sure enough, on the other side of the Black Lake, near the castle, there was a boy with glasses sitting on a tree stump, playing with something in his hand, looking down in thought.

Behind him, there was obviously another boy with blond hair, approaching him quietly...

"Oh? It's Draco Malfoy. I remember that the relationship between the two of them is not very good. Is he planning to push Mr. Potter into the water to feed the fish-men?"

The little girl blinked her eyes. Although she was holding the fishing rod handed over by the professor, she kept her eyes on the other side of the lake.

Su Ming leaned against the tree and smoked a cigarette, and waved her hands reassuringly: "No, the bad relationship is actually caused by love and hatred. Before the first grade started, Draco wanted to make friends with Harry, but it turned out that he was friends with Harry at that time. There was a quarrel, and Harry had to choose one of the two to play with, and Draco lost out."

"Huh, boring."

Hermione didn't know why she sensed a bloody love triangle from the stories about the three boys, and her eyes turned into dead fish shapes again.

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