The Death Knell

Chapter 17 Reporter receives award

It took Su Ming and Cindy about five minutes, and then they competed again in the heavy rain.

Today's night seems to be darker than before, and the whole street is filled with an uneasy atmosphere. Many civilians who have just been awakened are hiding behind the curtains at home and dare not turn on the lights to attract attention. They can only look at them in the dark with fearful eyes. Looking at the two blurry figures downstairs through the glass stained by rain.

"I only have one piece of bad news, that is, I found the ninja's footprints on the top floor. There were other shadow dancers who came here before us."

Cindy looked at the water that had reached her knees. Gotham's drainage system was operating at full capacity, but it was still unable to cope with such heavy rainfall.

Su Ming nodded, but he found nothing.

The inside of the building was as clean as if it had been licked. This was absolutely impossible in a low-cost residential area. The people in black must have cleaned it before leaving.

Unwilling to give up, he tried to find witnesses again. He also kicked open the doors of several houses and questioned the residents with knives and guns. Although some of them were so frightened that they became incontinent and stained the sheets, there were still no witnesses. By.

This shows that the man in black moved very quickly and did not even make a sound. But on the other hand, it also shows that neither Gordon nor they fired, so Gordon should not be injured.

He sighed. The only clue left at the moment was the assassin's body. How could he use her to fish to lure the Assassin League to talk?

But that was too passive. Maybe by the time the assassins came to ask for the body, they had already eliminated the men in black, and Gordon would have been cold.

"Let's go back to the car first and take the body with us."

He had no choice but to return to the car with Cindy and watch the river of rain outside the window flowing into the distance. Both of them were thinking about the solution in silence.

"Why do you think the body was dressed like this? There were no gunshot wounds on her body. How was she captured?"

Of course Cindy has her own ideas, but she still plans to listen to Su Ming's opinion. As he said, the two people's knowledge can sometimes complement each other, and having more clues is not a bad thing.

At this time, they were sitting in the cab, Cindy leaning on the steering wheel, and Su Ming leaning on the passenger seat with his hands on the back of his head.

He shook his head and looked out the window at Vico directing Pete around, letting him pat the sky for a while, and letting the water collect for a while:

"There are so many gangsters in Gotham who can do this. Scarecrow's fear gas can be bought on the black market, and it is only sold on supermarket shelves. Killer Croc, Clayface and other mutants are also hired, and gangsters can produce We can afford their commission. But our friends in black act a little impulsively, and Shadow Dancer will never reveal the secret. No matter how he tortures him, it will be in vain, and he will also offend the Shadow Dancer Alliance."

"Sigh, such a powerful gangster could have become my potential client, but it's a pity."

Cindy also lamented that she felt like she had lost 100 million. No matter what gang they are, they were just ordinary people before, but the Assassin's League is composed of countless elite assassins.

Many of these assassins have been trained since childhood. They mastered various cold weapons at the age of four, learned to kill at the age of five, and began to perform tasks for the alliance after the age of eight, assassinating targets around the world.

They have no self-awareness and give up their real names. They are weapons of the alliance. Low-level assassins do not need a sense of honor. What they are best at is attacking groups of targets in the dark.

Maybe this gangster is going to disappear, but before it disappears, the two of them have to fish Gordon out first.

Barbara also knew at this time that their clues were broken. Except that Gordon was still safe for now, but he probably only had three hours to live. The three fell into silence, thinking about the clues.

In a large area of ​​the surrounding streets, surveillance had been destroyed by various gangs, and it was impossible to find him. Su Ming felt like he had returned to the 1980s. How did the police in that era solve crimes?

While they were sitting quietly, Wei Ke hummed a little tune and came back happily with Pete, looking very satisfied with the show he had just captured.

After getting in the car and sitting down, she shook off her raincoat and took it off, and saw Barbara's frowning face.

"Oh? Why is the little girl like this?" she asked Su Ming curiously.

"Because we currently have no clues except a female corpse. Has the TV station called you? Are there any enthusiastic viewers?"

"Haha, even though your remuneration is very high, no one dares to lie to you. Even the liars are scared, so I haven't received a single hotline call over there yet."

Wei Ke took out her cell phone and shook it. The TV station did call just now, but it only confirmed whether she was still alive and asked her to tell Deathstroke that the TV station would cooperate with her request and ask her not to kill them.

"If no one calls, won't they take the initiative to send someone to help me find clues? It seems that the motivation is still not enough. We should go to the TV station to kill a few people first to give them some motivation."

Cindy was a little dissatisfied. In the past, the tasks were not so troublesome. The employer at least had to give a photo of the target and tell them the name and scope of activities, which was not like now.

"Okay! It's best to kill one of the directors of our news channel first. She is the most annoying. She always wants to kill excellent news people like me."

Wei Ke immediately encouraged Cindy to drive and go back to the TV station to kill her. If he could kill her with the help of Deathstroke, wouldn't his future life be much more comfortable?

It has to be said that her thoughts have always been wandering on the edge of madness, as if she has a sense of indifference to life, and she is like a bystander to all events.

Su Ming took off his helmet and looked at her with a half-smile. He knew what Wei Ke should have discovered, and he was asking for reward at this time, like a bounty hunter wiping his saliva.

"Let us kill people now. Have you discovered anything? Because that is the reward we promised to those who provide clues."

Victor smiled proudly and took out a pair of glasses from her pocket. The lenses were wet, as if they had just been fished out of the water. She handed them to Barbara.

"You can't keep your word, because the person who provides clues is me."

She pointed to her nose, and when Barbara confirmed that it was Gordon's glasses, she continued.

"Director Gordon threw away his glasses when he was kidnapped, but he took the opportunity to leave clues on the glasses. I just found them in the water. He hid them under the water and covered them with corpses and stones. If it hadn't been for me With luck, I couldn’t find it at all.”

Su Ming took the glasses from Barbara. At first glance, there was nothing special about them. They were just the kind of glasses that ordinary old people like. The style was very old-fashioned. Maybe Barbara’s bad dressing concept came from Ge. I learned it in school.

But he knew it wouldn't be that simple. Using the lights in the car and looking from another angle, he could see some crooked scratches on the lenses.

"He used gravel to carve words on the lens." Cindy came over to take a look and immediately said: "This is a license plate number, it should be the one that kidnapped him."

"As expected of Gordon, he was able to do this when he was kidnapped. Barbara, I leave it to you. You know how to do it, right?"

Su Ming returned the glasses to her. Of course she knew what to do. She immediately turned on the computer and began to invade the server of the Ministry of Transportation, trying to find videos of other urban areas or vehicle registration information.

However, the program gave her feedback that the server did not exist.

"Damn, the Department of Transportation's servers are offline. It's probably because of the storm that they lost power there."

Barbara patted the armrest of her wheelchair and cursed in anger. She just wanted to save her father. Why was God so uncooperative?

Su Ming comforted her and said it didn't matter. Now that she knew the license plate number, there must be another place where their information must be.

"I know a place that has all the information about Gotham, but whether you can get it or not depends on you."

"I...I can do it!" Barbara nodded seriously: "It doesn't matter even if I go to jail, I want to save him."

Su Ming just smiled and looked at Cindy. Cindy already understood what he was talking about. She didn't care, but she still pointed to the car behind her.

"Then you'd better cover their eyes and remove the phone sim card. You can't let them write down the route in a place like that."

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